Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and seventy-two, sneak away

After that, everyone continued to play for a while.

Not only the king game, they also played the ghost draw card.

During this period, Yinglili also began to secretly pay attention to everyone.

Based on the news she heard from Shiyu, she focused her attention on a few objects. As a result, her wooden fish brain really discovered some things that she had ignored in the past.

For example, Shinjoka is always paying attention to Kato Yusuke's every move, and will quietly let go when drawing ghost cards, actively catering to the latter.

There was nothing unusual about Kanoko Hasumi on the surface, but when Yoshida later joined the game and sat down next to her, her first reaction was to lean towards Yusuke Kato, including her sitting posture.

Although some reasons can be found to explain it, that kind of subconscious behavior is still too suspicious!

Hui's reaction was the same as usual, she was still treating everyone equally, as if nothing could attract her attention.

But occasionally——!

When she met Kato Yusuke's eyes, she would rarely show a faint smile and playfulness.

And the other party seemed to care about Hui very much. Although he hid it well, he obviously paid more attention to Hui than others.

Especially the silent eye contact between the two always reveals an ambiguous tacit understanding, which makes people feel endlessly annoyed.

All in all, Yinglili finally discovered the clues that Shiyu said.

Looking back, many things actually had signs from a long time ago.

For example, Shinjoka always appears next to Kato Yusuke for no apparent reason.

For example, Hui’s weird expression when he listened to her talk about her troubles,

For example, the esoteric and difficult conversation between Hasumi Kanoko and Megumi...

These things that seemed normal before, once you think about it deeply, everything seems to be wrong!

All signs indicate that all the things Shiyu said are true!

Yinglili didn't want to believe this, but with so many clues, she couldn't tolerate disbelief.

Everyone... are so cunning...!

Whether it’s because I found Yusuke... or something else... I was the one who came first——!

The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she felt. She bit her lip involuntarily, and her twin ponytails drooped along with her drooped little head, looking a little listless.

But immediately, she thought of Shiyu again.

As arrogant as Shiyu is, what kind of mood does she have to accept other people...?

Although they often quarrel and dislike each other, Yinglili actually agrees with Shiyu in her heart, and at the same time she also admires each other's courage to love and hate.

...If I could be as brave as her.

——She had had this thought more than once.

Then, she suddenly remembered the afternoon when the other party cried alone in the corridor of the student union.

Yinglili's heart tightened and she quickly shook her head.

In order to stop herself from thinking about it, she randomly picked up a piece of Scottish chocolate, tore off the tinfoil package, threw it into her mouth, and started eating.

At this time, Shiyu and Sagara Mayu spoke.

"Hey, Sawamura, give me that chocolate too."

"Ah, then I want it too, I want it too~!"


Yinglili was startled by the two people talking to each other without warning, but then she immediately reacted.

"Oh, oh...Here you go, I brought a lot. Let the others eat too."

As she said this, she generously distributed chocolates to everyone.

In the end, except for Kato Yusuke, Yoshida, Hasumi Kanoko and Megumi who took the initiative to decline, everyone else got a lot of chocolate.

Mayu Sagara: "Thank you~! This chocolate looks so high-end."

Serizawa Yu: "Hmm~~ It's so sweet and delicious!"

Shiyu: "Oh? This chocolate sandwich has a unique taste. It feels pretty good~"

The room was filled with the sounds of feasting.

Shinjoka also ate a piece of chocolate, but after taking a bite, the special taste made her frown slightly.

She calmly raised her eyes and looked around, saying nothing, but did not eat the second piece.

Everyone was eating, drinking and playing cards, laughing non-stop, and the room was filled with joy.

After the card game was over, everyone who had packed up the trash left.

Kato Yusuke and Yoshida went to take a bath together, and he walked out of the bathhouse first.

He originally planned to go back to his room, but he received a phone call that made him change his mind.

"...Hey, Yu-chan, come to our room right now. Sawamura and I have something to tell you."

"Huh? What do you mean?"


Before he could ask the reason in detail, the call was unilaterally interrupted.

Kato Yusuke stared at the phone screen, hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to check out the situation.

Because Shiyu also mentioned Yinglili on the phone, he was not wary and just assumed that the two of them had work matters to talk to him about.



"Haha, be prepared, Yuu-chan~~~"

——When Kato Yusuke knocked on the door without warning and entered the room, and was pinned to the ground with his hands behind his back and his wrists tied with a belt, he was completely confused.

In contrast, two girls, one black and one gold, were riding on his back one behind the other with evil smiles on their faces.


A series of question marks appeared on Kato Yusuke's head.

In fact, with his physical strength of 8 points, if he insists on resisting, no one can suppress him.

It was just because the people who attacked him were Yinglili and Shiyu, and in order to prevent them from being accidentally injured, he did not fight back.

At this time, he turned his face and met the eyes of the third person shivering in the corner.


" stopped it...?"

Hui Dan said with fear and glanced in a certain direction.

Kato Yusuke also followed her line of sight, and what caught his eye was a pile of chocolate wrappers scattered on the tatami.

"...Well~~Because Yinglili said that her father bought too many British souvenirs, so they ate them all."


Kato Yusuke made a dull voice. He couldn't figure out the connection between the two for a while, so he twisted his neck and looked behind him.

"Anyway, Xiaoshi and Yinglili, can you guys come down first? This is really indecent - hmm!?"

Before he could finish speaking, a piece of chocolate was stuffed deeply into his mouth.

"Yusuke, you idiot, it's too much, wuwu~ It's too much..." Eirili cried, pulling back her wet fingers and wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Okay, you must make it clear today, Yuu-chan."

Shiyu leaned out his upper body from behind the former's shoulder and looked over with drunken eyes, "You have provoked so many women one after another. What are you going to do with us in the future?"

"Is Nimenjie so swollen and fat...?"

Kato Yusuke chewed the chocolate vaguely, and when he was about to say something, a strange spicy feeling suddenly melted in his mouth.

- That's pure Scotch whiskey filling.

He was startled for a moment, then suddenly realized and swallowed the chocolate in one gulp, exclaiming in shock:

"No, wait a minute——! Have you been eating this kind of thing before!??"

Eirili: "Kuwuwu...that's too much, Yusuke, how could you do that to us? You've obviously touched other people's legs, take responsibility, take responsibility! Wuwu~"

"Hey, don't cry yet..."

Shiyu: "Ah~ I always feel dizzy, my body is so hot, and my yukata is in the way, so I better take it off~"

"——Don't take it off!!"

Kato Yusuke wrung his hands and struggled hard, and the belt binding his wrists was easily broken. In order to escape the two drunk cats, he began to crawl on his hands and knees.

"Woo~ Move, move...?"

"Eh~~~? Wait, stop shaking..."

Under his influence, the two girls riding on his back began to stagger, and finally fell down on the quilt with a "pop".

Kato Yusuke was unmoved by this, he struggled to get up, and then turned around.

The next moment, his heart skipped a beat.

"Ugh! It hurts so much..."

"Don't hold me down, Sawamura."

Ying Lili leaned back against Shi Yu, her head resting on her master's surging and soft chest.

Unable to bear the weight, Shiyu put his hands on the ground and half-opened his clothes.

Their bodies were touching each other like falling dominoes.

Under the slightly open yukata, two pairs of youthful legs are seductively exposed to the air, showing a large expanse of white.

The sight in front of him made Kato Yusuke hold his breath, and his eyes subconsciously focused on their legs.

From the beautiful slender feet, to the slender and charming calves, to the moist and well-proportioned thighs, coupled with the white and rosy skin after bathing, they are like a pair of exquisite works of art, which makes people want to Enjoy it carefully.

Kato Yusuke was watching intently, but his vision suddenly went dark, and Megumi's voice sounded from behind him the next second.

"Ah, you can't watch that, Yusuke. It's not okay to take advantage of a girl at this time, right?"

The pale tone was also mixed with vague resentment and blame, which suddenly brought him back to the cold winter from the dream of spring night.

"Tsk... Just a little carelessness and you want to sneak away again. Kato-kun, come here."

"Uh-huh~? Huh-huh!"

Following Shiyu's unhappy questioning, Megumi, who was covering Kato Yusuke's eyes, was also pulled aside.

After regaining his sight, Kato Yusuke took a closer look and saw three girls forming a circle.

Shiyu: "Come on, let's guess the game."

Hui: "Eh...?"

Yinglili: "It's fair, it's fair!"

Hui: "Even Yinglili said that? don't have to worry about me, I won't participate."

Shiyu: "The prize for winning is Yu-chan's body."

Kato Yusuke: "Ah——!?"

"Well... Even if you say so, Kasumigaoka-senpai, getting such a strange prize will only give you a headache."

Megumi glanced at Kato Yusuke as she spoke, while Eiri expressed with resentment:

"Megumi, you are so cunning. I was the one who came first, how could you take Yusuke away from me... Wuwu~"

"Um... let's not talk about the issue of sequence for now. Yinglili, you don't need to press the switch of your inner trauma?"

"--all in all."

Shiyu rolled up her sleeves and said, "Let's show off, Kato-kun."

Ignoring Yu Hui's resistance, the two women just dragged her into the battle.

Kato Yusuke compared the legs of the three people in his mind with a solemn expression, and thought indifferently——

——A woman’s desire to win is really terrifying.

The farce lasted until early morning before it came to an end.

Shiyu and Yinglili couldn't resist the invasion of drunkenness, and both fell asleep.

After the two of them were settled, Kato Yusuke and Kei decided to go for a walk outside.

Knock dong, knock dong~

The crisp clogs knocked on the stone road at midnight.

Kato Yusuke looked at the girl next to him.

"I'm sorry, Megumi, for causing you trouble. I should have discovered the problem with the chocolate earlier."

"Well - there's nothing we can do about it. After all, Yusuke, you didn't eat before, so it's not your fault.

Besides, I was the one who won the guessing game anyway, so it’s great that the situation didn’t get worse~”

"...I don't deny this, but since you already knew the problem, couldn't you think of a solution earlier?"

"Hey~~~~~?" Hui said in a long voice with a conflicted face: "No, you want me to take action in that situation."

"By the way, does the injury on your foot matter?"

"Well~~Thanks to your help Yusuke, it's okay."

"That's it..."

The two of them walked side by side on the quiet outdoor path, and there was a rustling sound from both sides.

Kato Yusuke raised his head and found that the wind was blowing through the lush and dense bamboo forest, causing the leaves to make a scraping sound.

There are countless bamboos here. They grow very tall and are close to each other, forming long tunnels.

The bright moonlight leaks in from the gaps in the bamboo forest, and combined with the lanterns and fences dotted on both sides, the entire path exudes a cool atmosphere.

A cold early spring wind blew past.

Kato Yusuke thought for a while, took off his haori coat and put it on Kei.


"The temperature is a bit low at night, be careful of catching a cold."

"But, I already have one?"

"Then add one more piece, it's safer."

"how about you?"

"I'm fine."

Hui tilted her head and looked at him, with a faint warm smile on her face, and then raised her left hand, "Although this is probably useless, do you want to hold hands?"


Kato Yusuke smiled and nodded, holding the hand decisively.

The two of them continued forward, passing lanterns at equal intervals, and walked towards the deepest part of the bamboo forest.

"When I think about it carefully, I seem to have made a profit."


Kato Yusuke sighed, his breath was like a warm spring night that turned cold, "It's very profitable to exchange a coat for you to take the initiative to hold hands."

Hui's steps couldn't help but hesitate, so she was half a step behind him, but she immediately raised her heels and said in a gentle tone:

"...Only you, Yusuke, can say this."

"Does it sound stupid?"

"It's not like that..."

Hui narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the dark mountains in the distance, and gently held his hand.

"It's just... for an ordinary girl like me, this is the first time someone has said something like this to me."

Kato Yusuke looked at her thoughtfully and said thoughtfully: "...To be honest, I'm actually nothing special."

"Hey, are you Yusuke?"


Hui tilted her head slightly and thought for a while, as if she understood what he meant.

"If you are referring to the time when you first entered school, maybe it is true...but is that because you are relatively low-key, right?"


"Hmm~! But I'm different from you, Yusuke. If I hadn't been lucky enough to meet you, I would probably still be a transparent person in school until now."

"Nothing like that, I think Megumi is special."

"Really? You obviously didn't remember my name at first?"

Kato Yusuke was stunned, and immediately remembered the time when the two first met, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"I'm sorry. I was busy working at that time and didn't care much about the things in the class. I only had two friends, Yamaguchi and Takei, around me. I didn't mean to ignore you. I apologize to you."

"Yeah~ I know."

Hui pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes flashing with memories.

"Speaking of which, I might have to thank Mr. Nakamura for this. If he hadn't asked me to lend you my notebook, Yusuke would never have noticed me, right?"

"No...I will never do that, right? seems like we started by borrowing notebooks."

"Hmm~~I always feel so nostalgic. Taking the opportunity of borrowing the notebook, Yusuke, you noticed my existence, and then you brought me to see more people and things. I'm really happy."

"That's an exaggeration."

"Ah~ But I still like the ordinary Yusuke from back then. Although you are also you now, it was more like the place where we forged our fate."

As if she had opened up her chat box, the girl smiled and said many things she had never said before.

"I always remember the day you helped me block a baseball on the playground, the day you helped me seek justice, the day you invited me to be a recommender, the day you stood on the stage to give a speech... I remember many, many of us thing."

She paused for a moment, then spoke the last sentence like a chant.

"——Then... I will probably never forget it."

As soon as the words fell, silence spread.

Kato Yusuke looked at her beautiful profile and was speechless for a moment.

It was like the door to my heart suddenly opened, and the strong wind poured in endlessly.

"That kind of girl...what do you like about her?" Shiyu's question rang in his ears, but he couldn't give an answer at the time.

But at this moment, he seemed to have finally found what he liked about Hui.

There are many people around him, and everyone has their own reasons for liking him. But more or less, it's all inseparable from the system and what rebirth brings to him.

Without the blessing of painting skills, he would not have the opportunity to connect with Yinglili.

Without the advantages brought by rebirth, he would not have gained the special favor of Senior Shiyu.

Of course, this is just his one-sided idea.

Whether it's Eiri Riri or Shiyu-senpai, neither of them is the type to fall in love with someone for simple reasons.

But it is undeniable that that was indeed an opportunity for them to intersect.

If they lack such an opportunity, they may find other reasons to intersect, or they may still remain as "ordinary classmates" until now.

However, what Hui looks at is always him, nothing else.

Kato Yusuke took a deep breath and felt his heart beating vigorously for the first time in a long time.

At this moment, Hui suddenly dropped his hand and trotted forward.

Knock dong~knock dong~

The clogs play a sweet melody.

"Hey, Yusuke~"

The girl suddenly raised her head, looking up at the clear night sky with twinkling stars, and exhaled a breath mixed with light white mist.

"It would be great if our game could be successfully completed~"

Kato Yusuke nodded slowly and responded in a warm voice: "Yes, it must be possible."

As if to welcome the wind blowing toward tomorrow, Hui gently spreads her arms, and there is a rare trace of enthusiasm in her pure voice.

"Xia COMI, it would be great if I could catch up.

It would be great if our games could be played by many people.

It would be great if everyone can have fun~"

The night wind gradually weakened, and the branches and leaves no longer rustled, as if the entire bamboo forest was pricking up their ears to listen to her voice.

Kato Yusuke's expression became gentler and he said softly: "Yes, that's true."

Hui smiled and turned around, facing away from the rolling mountains, and met his eyes.

There was fantasy in her eyes, which looked extremely shining and beautiful in the dark night.

"Spring~ is coming soon."

"Yeah, it's coming soon."

"Hey, Yusuke, have you heard a sentence?"

"What words?"

Kato Yusuke turned his face in confusion, waiting for an answer.

The twinkling lights in the distance illuminate Baihua Lake, like stars falling on the ground, flowing lazily through the corners of the night.

The tunnel made of bamboo trees exudes white and green light.

The girl stood quietly, with her hands behind her back and her eyes lowered calmly, "That sentence is, spring is autumn in reverse~?"

Kato Yusuke followed her with his eyes, walked up to her on the dead leaves under his feet without saying a word, and stopped in front of her.

Facing the other party's beautiful eyes looking upward, he slowly said the second half of the sentence: "...Well, good night is the continuation of loving you."

He didn't know what his situation was.

But at that moment, Hui's eyes seemed to be filled with stars.

The girl opened her lips slightly and closed them again, with a slight smile on her face. Then she looked down at her toes and nodded her head slightly.

".........Well, that's the right answer."

The hustle and bustle of the bamboo forest, the clear moonlight, and the gurgling lake water in the cracks of the rocks all seemed to have become understandable languages.


Kato Yusuke murmured and hugged her shoulders. He couldn't help but stretched out his right hand to touch her cheek gently. The love in his heart almost overflowed.

"Ah, there's more~"

As if remembering something, Hui suddenly raised her head and took out a piece of chocolate from her pocket, "This, Yusuke, do you want to eat it?"

"...Huh? Isn't that the chocolate that Yinglili brought...?"

"Yeah~ She also gave me a piece, but I didn't eat it."

Kato Yusuke didn't understand what she meant and gave her a questioning look.

"...What about that~ Let me ask you, Yusuke."

Kei looked at him with unclear eyes and said, "Did you have fun playing Pocky with Eiri?"


Kato Yusuke's expression froze, and he was dumbfounded.

He really couldn't understand why Hui always gave him a stick at unexpected times.

His reaction made the girl feel happy, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly. With a little cunning, Hui tore open the packaging of the chocolate in his hand.

"...Since you like the Pocky game so much, do you want to play it again?"


"Let's take half of this chocolate each~"

Kato Yusuke was stunned, "...half for one person?"

"Well, as for the rules...the one who avoids first is the loser, right?"

Megumi said as he put the chocolate into his mouth, bit one end and then raised his chin, closed his eyes and waited.

Kato Yusuke looked at the chocolate, which was no more than two knuckles long, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down involuntarily.

He didn't hesitate, lowered his head, bit the other end, and started eating.

Click, click, click.

The distance between the two gradually shortened, and finally their lips naturally touched each other, but did not separate.

Hui opened her eyes, stared at him from a very close distance, and then stepped back.


She raised her hand to cover her lips, looked at the fence aside with a blushing face, and said in an ordinary tone with a hint of erraticness:

"...Hmm~~The taste of this chocolate is very subtle, no wonder everyone eats it so much..."

Kato Yusuke didn't speak at all, he held her little face illuminated by the moonlight and lights with his hands, and looked at her affectionately.


Hui couldn't bear the look in his eyes, and said with a hint of panic: "That... game is over, right?"



Kato Yusuke lowered his head again, kissed her delicate lips tenderly and affectionately, caught her timidity, moved inward inch by inch, and began to plunder.

The sweetness of chocolate and girl melts in the mouth, and the whiskey sandwich flows on the tip of the tongue, making the brain a little tipsy.

The dark night amplifies each other's senses and makes their love stronger.

The sound of heartbeat, breathing and faint wind were intertwined.

The soft moonlight depicts their outlines.

In the light of the lanterns, their shadows cast a dark shadow on the fence, swaying slightly.

In the quiet bamboo forest where no one visited, the two people's fingers were tightly intertwined, as if they were forgotten in the corner of the world, and they kissed tirelessly.

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