Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and seventy-four, declaration of war

After a long three-hour journey, the train finally arrived in Tokyo.

Since they didn't need to work today, Yoshida and Mayu Xiangra chose to go home directly, while the others decided to go to the studio together.

The two parties said goodbye at the station, each stopped a taxi and left.

Kato Yusuke and the others took the car for about twenty minutes and finally got off at an intersection near the studio.

The lightly dressed girls walked side by side in front.

Kato Yusuke, who was in charge of carrying the luggage, fell behind.

The group of people just walked towards the studio.

Suddenly returning to the city from the beautiful nature, everyone's mood seems to have not been able to change.

Although it was only about three days apart, the air here has become a bit strange.

Everyone's pace became slower than usual, silently looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar streets.

"Always felt--"

Yinglili was the first to speak: "I have walked this street countless times, but now it feels very strange..."

Shiyu nodded gently and agreed.

"It's true. It feels like the beginning of school after summer vacation, right?"

After hearing their conversation, Serizawa Yu also happily echoed:

"That's right! Just like Kasumigaoka-san said, does it feel like time passes too fast? No, should I say too slow? Huh? How should I say this situation more accurately?"

Shinjoka said: "To put it simply, it means that the time you feel in your body is longer than the actual time that has passed, right?"

"That's it--!"

Hasumi Kanoko looked back at Kato Yusuke, who was full of luggage, and then turned his attention to the girls beside him, with a steady smile on his face.

She said: "That's great. It seems that everyone has had a fulfilling three days."

"That... although it is true..."

Hui, who had been listening silently since just now, couldn't help complaining: "But... no matter what you say, it's too much, right?"

Until now, she still can't accept that she was unanimously targeted, and she doesn't think she is a traitor.

The three women among the Four Heavenly Kings looked at each other, with a hint of joy in sharing the same hatred in their eyes, and smiled without saying a word.

Shinjoka and Serizawa Yuu followed them and found it very interesting.

I feel that after staying together, the distance between everyone has shortened a lot.

Kato Yusuke was at the end, looking at the harmonious group of people, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

‘Fortunately, Kano-chan organized this staycation. ’

He couldn't help but think so, sincerely hoping that such days could last longer.

At this moment, the voice of Eirili, who was running at the front, came from afar.

"Eh? You're not...? Why are you here-!?"

Then came Asami's shout.

"Ah ho~ It's Sawamura girl, good afternoon~! There's also Kato girl, Kasumigaoka girl, Hasumi-san, Xiaoyu and Xiaoxiang. Good afternoon everyone, welcome back~~!"

Everyone responded to Asami's greetings.

Shinjoka: "Good afternoon, Miss Asami."

Serizawa Yu: "Thank you for helping us take care of Muzi, Asami, I brought you a souvenir~!"

As the first volunteer to join the association, everyone is familiar with Mami's existence. The two parties have met several times, and nothing unusual has happened up to this point.

The strange thing is what happened next——

Hasumi Kanoko: "...Huh? You are not the one in the service area last time..."

Megumi: "Good afternoon, Miss Asami. this your friend?"

Shiyu: "What are you making such a fuss about? Who is that girl?"

Looking at everyone who had stopped in place for some reason, Kato Yusuke quickened his pace and walked up, while following their gaze and looking ahead.

"What happened? What are you all looking at--well!"

He stopped abruptly mid-sentence and froze in place, unaware of Asami's warm greeting to him.

He just stared at the figure next to Asami.

——That is a girl whom I feel pity for.

She was wearing a clean and tidy winter uniform, with a red plaid scarf tied around her neck. Her slender legs stretched out from under the gray plaid skirt, slender and white.

Bright brown long hair, big round amber pupils, delicate willow eyebrows, and glossy cherry lips, everything looks delicate and sweet.

The slanting sun shines through the thin clouds and casts golden specks, falling on her hair blown by the breeze, like a silhouette in a movie, profound and timeless.

As if responding to Kato Yusuke's gaze, a hint of complexity flashed across those amber eyes very quickly.

The girl took a shallow breath, raised her lips slightly, and smiled softly.

Ignoring the looks around him, the other person walked up to him step by step and looked at him with straight eyes.

"...Eh, Yusuke."

The person involved deliberately looked natural, but held the hem of her skirt tightly with both hands, and said lightly: "Long time no see, and...welcome back."

Kato Yusuke's tall body trembled imperceptibly, and he was silent for a long time, "Well... long time no see."

"Swish", everyone's eyes were focused on him.

"Brother Yu?"



""Yusuke? ""


Those voices contained different emotions, including questions, inquiries, anxiety, and confusion, but they all pointed to the same purpose - waiting for him to explain the situation.

Asami scratched the back of her head and walked up, her eyes wandering between Kato Yusuke and Sayu, raising her eyebrows strangely.

"What's going on? So Katozai, you and Sayu-chan know each other? Then you don't need me to introduce you, right~~ Having said that, I'll just talk about it for now."

She put a hand on Sayu's shoulder frivolously and grinned.

"In short, this is the new volunteer of our association. Her name is Sayu Ogiwara, and she is from Hokkaido. Let's all fall in love with each other~~!"

When Sayu heard what she said, she finally looked away from Kato Yusuke, then folded her hands demurely in front of her and bowed to everyone.

"...Hello everyone, my name is Sayu. Sayu is composed of the "sha" of Bishamonten and the kanji for "excellent". Please give me some advice. "

Luoluo's generous attitude failed to elicit a response. Everyone just glanced at her and then turned their attention to Kato Yusuke.

Yinglili, who couldn't hold her breath, was the first to speak.

"I mean Yusuke! You should say something! What's going on with this girl? Isn't she the one who caused trouble for us in Chiba Prefecture last time! Why does she appear here -!?"

Hearing this, Sayu, who had just straightened up, bent down and bowed sincerely, even lowering his head deeply.

"That! I'm really sorry about what happened last time. It's all my fault. I'm really sorry for causing trouble to everyone. I hereby apologize to everyone. I'm sorry."


The too solemn apology left Yinglili speechless for a moment.

Shiyu on the side immediately filled in her blanks and asked directly: "Then, what do you want to do with my boyfriend?"

"Boy friend……"

Sayu murmured this word, pursed her lips slightly, and then looked at Kato Yusuke quietly.


As if there was only one person in her eyes, the girl made up her mind and took a deep breath.

Even though she was surrounded by unkind eyes, she still smiled and stretched out a hand, with a smile that looked like she was about to cry.

"...I'm sorry for making you wait for so long...As promised...I'm here to find you. Are you willing to date me -?"

Her blooming smile has a broken beauty, like silk and satin, shining with luster and reflecting the color of the sun, just like the four-foot jade blooming in the sky on a midsummer night.


Everyone was startled by this sudden confession. They seemed to want to say something, but they clenched their fists and tried to hold back. They looked at Kato Yusuke in astonishment.

"...Hey, Yusuke, I've remembered everything."

Ignoring people's reactions, Sayu's eyes remained unwavering. He just kept raising his hands and continued speaking.

"So... you are willing to stay with me again, eat the bento I made, drink the miso soup I cooked, give me delicious dried fish, always bully me and take care of me... but you also pamper me Is it lawless...?"

The girl stopped for a moment when she said this, and transparent and clear tears appeared in her eyes, as if it was raining.

She said in a breathy voice:

"——I'm sorry, it took me so long to reply to you. I'm sorry...I forgot that you are really sorry, but...please...don't leave me alone."

Kato Yusuke staggered.

The person she is looking for is him, but it is not him.

He opened his lips and took a deep breath, his expression distant and unfamiliar.

"...I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're talking about. I've never done those things. We've only met a few times, haven't we?"

Hearing this, Sayu's smile cast a shadow of sadness, biting her lip and lowering her hands.

"...You are still insisting on this statement."

"I'm just stating the facts. If you don't have anything else to do, Ms. Ogiwara, I'd like to excuse you -"

"--You are lying!"

Sayu shouted in an instant.

"If what you said is true, then... why did you deposit 27 million into my account! Is this something a stranger... would do...?"

As she spoke, she took out a passbook from her coat pocket and asked in a trembling voice:

"...On September 18th, you personally deposited this money to me. My family has already done an investigation. Even so...are you still unwilling to admit it?"

As soon as the words fell, silence spread.

"27 million..."

Yinglili said to herself.

"September 18th..."

Hui, Shiyu, and Ren saw Kanoko murmuring.

Everyone looked at each other thoughtfully, thinking of the same thing, and then their expressions changed at the same time.

Serizawa Yu and Asami looked stunned and a little at a loss.

Shinjoka's eyes flashed with shock, and she quietly took a step back behind the crowd.

Facing the weird atmosphere at the moment, Kato Yusuke clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth. He wanted to say something, but he really couldn't argue.

Sayu took a deep breath, looked at him with red eyes, and continued to ask stubbornly:

"...Can't you tell me? You've obviously done so many things for me silently, and you've obviously always had me in your heart...why--don't you want to admit it?"

The girls couldn't bear it anymore after hearing this, and they all called Kato Yusuke's name.


""Yusuke...? ""

"Yu-chan, is what she said true...?"

Kato Yusuke suddenly woke up, lowered his head heavily, and his chest heaved up and down.

When he raised his head again, his eyes had turned dark and deep, and he stared at Sayu with great indifference and said something.

"——Those things are in the past."

The dark pupils pierced Sayu's whole body, causing him to shiver. He bit his lips involuntarily and became depressed.

But soon, the amber pupils ignited with the unyielding flame.

She looked straight into his eyes and said categorically with an attitude as if she was swearing:

"——The past doesn't mean there is no future. If you don't want to look back...then let's create new memories and experience all kinds of new things together."

"Listen to me. Including you, no one or anything in this world can force me to give up on you. I will never, ever give up!"

The momentum that burst out in an instant made everyone lose their voices.

Before anyone could react, Sayu suddenly stepped forward and hugged the boy in front of him tightly, pressing his cheek against his master's chest.

Kato Yusuke failed to push her away immediately. When he slowed down and wanted to take action, the girl suddenly raised her head and looked at him.

What caught his eye was a small face full of tears.

Sayu raised her hand to wipe the hot tears that overflowed from the corner of her eyes. Her white and tender hands stretched out from the sweater that was slightly longer than the sleeves of her coat, looking soft and frail.


She cried and laughed and asked, "If you don't have me in your heart, why is your heart beating so fast?"

The person being asked was somewhat silent.

The little painted face in front of him was both familiar and unfamiliar, just like the ones he had seen before, but with a little more perseverance and determination.

Times have changed.

It seems that nothing has changed, and it seems that everything has changed.

Kato Yusuke still had no unnecessary expression on his face. He pushed her away firmly and said word by word:

"——We have no relationship now. Don't come again. I don't want to see you again."


The girl was stunned for a moment, the excitement in her eyes was frozen, without a trace of emotion and look, and tears fell from her eyes uncontrollably.

Once again, she was rejected by him.

The other party did not deny that past as before, but rejected her outright.

A feeling of suffocation suddenly surged in her chest, so uncomfortable...

Ignoring Sayu's gaze and everyone's expressions, Kato Yusuke walked directly to the studio.

He is indeed a scumbag, but he doesn't reject anyone who comes.

Kindness can be given to anyone, but liking and love cannot.

She is not his Sayu, and he is not his Iwanami classmate. They cannot be each other's substitutes.

Instead of torturing each other together, it's better to let go freely.

Just think that you once picked up a beam of light and returned it to the sun at sunset.

We care about each other and forget each other in the rivers and lakes.

At this moment, a big, calloused hand suddenly touched his left shoulder, forcing him to stay where he was.

The next moment, a thick male voice full of displeasure sounded.

"——I'm sorry, little brother, until my lady finishes what she said, you just stay here honestly."

After finishing speaking, the five fingers on the shoulders were locked tightly like eagle talons, with a threat that seemed to make him suffer at any time.

The pain on his shoulder made Kato Yusuke frown and look back.

——A sturdy man about 190 centimeters tall was looking down at him.

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