Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and eighty-four, the meeting of four women

Sayu stood up with anticipation. The person who got out of the passenger seat was indeed Kato Yusuke.


She jogged up and prepared to greet him.

The boy saw her, calmly looked away, and reached for the rear door.

Sayu couldn't help feeling a little confused, but she didn't stop and stood happily in front of him, smiling from the bottom of her heart.

"Welcome back, Yusuke..."


Kato Yusuke didn't respond and opened the car door silently.

"...It's really here."

With a "click" sound, a foot wearing black pantyhose and loafers stepped on the ground, attracting Sayu's attention.

Before she could react, Shiyu stepped out of the car and stood next to Kato Yusuke, holding the latter's arm.

"Are you the one who's been harassing Yuu-chan?"

Sayu couldn't help but be stunned by the unabashedly hostile question, and subconsciously observed Shiyu.

The other party was wearing the same school uniform as Kato Yusuke.

She has gorgeous long black hair like a waterfall, eyes as red as fire, a plump and graceful figure that is amazing, and slender legs with graceful lines, showing a unique charm. She is an undisputed beauty.




As the door closed, two more people came over from the other side of the taxi.

Sayu's eyelashes fluttered slightly and she recognized them as Eri Riri and Hasami Kanoko whom she had met in Chiba Prefecture.

The former was wearing a dark green woolen cardigan and black shorts, and her charming legs were wrapped in black knee-high socks, revealing a small section of skin that attracted people's imagination. She was dressed in a British style.

Her appearance is as delicate as a work of art, her slender eyelashes are raised, and her azure eyes are sparkling with agility.

The delicate nose, cherry-like mouth and soft skin combine to form an irreplaceable picture of beauty.

Even though it was not the first time we met, the other person was still unforgettably beautiful.

The latter has slightly mature brown hair, with the tips hanging down from both sides of her face slightly curly. She was wearing an OL-style camel coat. Inside the coat was a combination of a white silk shirt and a black tube skirt.

Her appearance is beautiful and attractive. Although she is not as stunning as the former, she has a dignified and quiet temperament, and her expression exudes a restrained yet elegant style.

At this moment, the three women were standing next to Kato Yusuke, their eyes focused on themselves, their eyes full of exploration and scrutiny.

Sayu couldn't help biting her lower lip. Although she was very confident in her appearance, she couldn't help but feel a little shaken when facing the three of them, feeling as if she was being suppressed.

The taxi drove away unnoticed.

The four women stand distinctly face to face, only a few steps away from each other.

Under the setting sun, their skin shone slightly, but their eyes stared at each other coldly.

The two sides faced off in silence, trying to read each other's thoughts from each other's eyes.

The air was filled with unspeakable tension, as if a heated argument would erupt in the next second.

Sayu's fingers grasped the corners of her clothes tightly, and her body became a little stiff.

Her eyes briefly paused on Shi Yu, who was holding the boy's arm, and she nodded with a forced smile.

"...Hello, Kasumigaoka-san. Good evening, Sawamura-san and Hasumi-san."

Eiri opened her lips, hesitating whether she should respond or not. Finally, she silently pulled Kato Yusuke's other sleeve and said nothing.

Seeing Kanoko thinking for a moment, Ren nodded gently in greeting.

As for Shiyu——

"I'm so sorry, I have no intention of having a good relationship with you. I'm asking you, what do you mean by harassing my boyfriend all the time?"

The person involved asked in a voice without any emotion, his eyes full of oppression.


The overly strong stance made Sayu take a step back unconsciously.

——"If you are so blatantly flirting with someone else's boyfriend, sooner or later you will be targeted or cause trouble."

Asami's warning twenty minutes ago still rings in my ears, but now it has become a prophecy.

But...she had actually expected this day, and she would have to face this kind of thing sooner or later.

So she calmed herself down, took a deep breath, stood up straight, and said straightforwardly without being humble or arrogant:

"——I like Yusuke, so I want to pursue him. This is my reason."

The crisp sound echoed, like a whistle blown on a playground, loud and clear.

"You are so courageous..."

Shiyu narrowed his eyes gloomily and asked word by word: "Didn't you hear? Yu-chan is my lover."

"I heard it, but it doesn't matter."

"……What did you say?"

"I know Kasumigaoka-san that you are Yusuke's current lover, but this has no effect on me."

"Huh? Are you out of your mind?"

"It's not broken, I'm just doing what I want to do. I won't stop pursuing Yusuke until he agrees to date me."

"Are you kidding? Who are you? What qualifications do you have to say such things? Just a village girl, don't be too arrogant!"

Faced with Shiyu's vulgar words that were inconsistent with her beautiful appearance, Sayu couldn't help but frown.

This kind of person is Yusuke's lover or something, don't be ridiculous——!

Her original uneasiness was replaced by anger, making her less nervous.

She glared and resisted with anger.

"My character is not something that should be judged by Kasumigaoka-san. There is no law in Japan that stipulates that you cannot pursue someone who has a girlfriend. It is my right to pursue Yusuke!"

Shiyu raised her eyebrows openly, her eyes as dangerous as those of poisonous snakes, giving people a vague feeling of being watched.

Sayu looked at him without evading, and when he was about to say something else, Kato Yusuke took a step forward to protect him behind him.

"Miss Ogiwara, let's stop here."

"Yu, Yusuke...?"

She stared blankly at his actions to protect Shiyu, and a sticky and turbid emotion slowly arose in her heart.

Kato Yusuke lowered his head calmly and said: "...I heard from Asami, Miss Ogiwara, you seem to have been admitted to college. Face your life well from now on, and don't come back again."

Ignoring her momentarily wet eyes, Kato Yusuke walked home with Shiu, Eiri and Hasumi Kanoko.

The moment the two sides passed each other, Shiyu let out a contemptuous snort.



Sayu's body was shaken and she hurriedly wanted to catch up, but her feet were as heavy as lead and she couldn't move.

I wanted to call out to the other party, but I couldn't open my mouth.

She could only stare at the young man's retreating back in vain, her body trembling uncontrollably.

Kato Yusuke didn't even look at her, and disappeared behind the house with Shiyu and the others.

With a bang, the door to the second floor simply closed.

That was a place she couldn't enter now.

Thinking of this, she slowly squatted down, her tears wet the ground.

After a while, Sayu gritted his teeth and stood up, enduring the numbness in his legs, limping up the stairs to the second floor, and sat down against the wall at the door of the room.

Listening to the faint voices coming from inside the house, she lowered her body and buried her face in her knees, holding her shoulders and shaking slightly.

After an unknown amount of time, the tears gradually dried up.

The makeup I painted before coming here is also a mess.

After wiping it with wet wipes and handkerchiefs, the door next to me suddenly clicked open.

A group of four people filed out from inside.

see in

Sitting in front of the door, the three women were stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Shiyu spoke in a very aggressive tone.

"Why are you still sitting here? Didn't Yu-chan just say it clearly enough? Don't you even have the most basic sense of shame?"

Sayu didn't answer, but tried to force a smile and looked at that person.

"...Yusuke, are you going out?"

Kato Yusuke glanced sideways at her without responding, and walked forward with Shiyu.

Yinglili worried about her for a while, as if she wanted to say something to her, and finally threw her head arrogantly and chased after her.

Hasumi Kanoko sighed and said:

"...Your name is Sayu, right? Anyway, you'd better not sit down anymore. We're going out to eat, so you should go home early."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left.

Sayu tilted her head slightly and whispered: "Thank you..."

After watching the four people disappear at the end of the street, she withdrew her gaze.

Take out your phone.

Looking at the photos I secretly took during the archery competition, my eyes started to heat up slightly.

Thinking about it carefully, that person once took her to a coffee shop like today, and even secretly held her hand under the table regardless of the risk of being discovered by Yuko.

The temperature in his palm was incredibly warm, like a big furnace, allowing the cold to escape.

And the countless dates she had fantasized about.

For example, go on a date in a romantic street full of Western style,

For example, go to 6 Street, which is known as the "Ramen Village" to eat.

For example, go to Asahikawa Zoo to watch penguins crossing the bridge.

For example, go to Yongshan Xinchuan to see swans.

Another example is formally agreeing to his public confession in the basketball gym and dating him——

Everything ended in a hurry before it even started.

Just imagining it makes me feel extremely painful.


She held the phone tightly to her chest, lowered her head, and was immersed in the depths of a dream she didn't want to wake up from.

When he raised his head again, the setting sun had completely disappeared into the distant sky. The sky turned from fiery red to deep blue, the stars gradually shone, and the whole city fell into dim tranquility.


An unhappy smacking sound came from my ears: "What are you doing? You are really unreasonable. Can you stop being such an eyesore and disappear quickly?"

[The problem of slow update of new chapters can be solved by

She murmured to herself, holding the cinnabar bottle tightly on her chest with one hand.

His mind began to think uncontrollably, imagining the scene inside the room.

Maybe, Yusuke is sharing skin with that senior sister.

In an instant, the blood in the body seemed to stop flowing.

She shook her head to dispel the annoying thoughts and couldn't help but listen, but didn't hear any strange sounds.

However, it's possible that she was eavesdropping, right?

According to what I learned from Shinjoka before, that person was obviously not a harmless herbivore.

Facing a beautiful senior with a good figure, and being lovers——

A chill arose spontaneously that seemed to freeze the inside of his body.

She tried her best to suppress the vomiting feeling rising from her stomach and gasped for air.

At this time, Mr. Lin, who couldn't wait any longer, called again to urge him.

Sayu stood up holding on to the wall, relaxed her legs a little, and walked downstairs step by step.

She sat in the back seat of the car and looked towards the second floor of the apartment with her last fantasy. She still didn't see Shiyu leave the room.

The off-road vehicle just drove into the darkness.

Inside the room.

Shiyu glanced at the clock on the wall and found that it was already 9 pm, so he closed the laptop.

He picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip, then looked at the boy sitting at the workbench drawing pictures.

Under the illumination of the light, the face looked a little silent.

She narrowed her eyes and put down the mug, "Yu-chan, can you take me home after you finish drawing that picture?"


"Because, isn't that girl already gone? My mission is completed, right?"


Kato Yusuke turned his chair slowly, looking surprised.

"What are you surprised about, Yuu-chan? Ever since we came home, haven't you been paying attention to the outside?"

"No, I haven't done that..."

"—No, you do."

Shiyu interrupted him decisively:

"Although you may not be aware of it yourself, I can still see it clearly.

And after you just came back from the toilet, you were obviously much more relaxed. Did you confirm that the girl has left?

Even so, do you still want to deny it? "

"This... I just think it will be very troublesome if something unexpected happens, there is no other meaning."

"... Let's not say that she is the one causing trouble for others. Since you are really afraid of causing trouble, wouldn't you just call the police?"

Shiyu said bluntly:

"Don't look for any far-fetched reasons. When a person really wants to do something, he won't be as hesitant as you are now."

Kato Yusuke was silent for a moment, "...Xiao Shi, aren't you going to stay here tonight?"

"It was originally that way, but I changed my mind."

"What's the meaning……?"

Shiyu naturally crossed his arms and said expressionlessly: "Because, I really can't accept you thinking about other people's things during the time we spend together. Is this reason enough?"


Kato Yusuke's breath was stagnant and he was momentarily speechless.

Shiyu sighed and stood up, walked to him, held his head in her arms and gently stroked his hair.

"...So, in order not to make the atmosphere awkward, please send me home today, okay? Let me stay here next time when you can face me wholeheartedly."

Kato Yusuke: "..."

The catkins that have been applied with hand cream are slightly scented with cedar, mixed with a little orange peel and vanilla, exuding a unique aroma that makes people feel relaxed unconsciously.

Kato Yusuke hugged her waist wordlessly and whispered: "...I'm sorry, Xiaoshi, I will take you home."

"Um. "

"...I will take care of this matter."


"...I'm sorry for making you worry."



Kato Yusuke took a deep breath, raised his head with a smile, and said softly: "I love you, Xiaoshi."


Shiyu's hand trembled slightly, biting his lip and tremblingly said: "...Hmm."

Barbara De Angelis once said - "Love is a choice from one moment to the next."

And every moment of her life was directed towards him.

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