Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and two, come with me

As a result, Kei couldn't sleep after that.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, Kato Yusuke woke her up on time, and she pretended to have just woken up and opened her eyes.

In fact, it wasn't just herself, she knew that the other person was also awake.

It was not sleeplessness due to the excitement of spending time with the opposite sex, but rather being haunted by memories of something or someone. The only reason she could think of was the uninvited guest from afar.

When she put her hiking bag on her shoulders with mixed emotions, the weight coming from above was so heavy that she was unfamiliar with it.

Obviously I spent half of yesterday carrying it climbing the mountain, but now I feel a little bit overwhelmed.

After packing up my things, I came to the entrance, where the guide was already waiting.

As a professional mountaineering enthusiast, the other party obviously would not waste time on trivial things like them. Instead, he slept for 4 hours and appeared to be full of energy.

It is now the peak time for departure, and climbers gather in the hall in high spirits.

They wore thick mountaineering clothes and prepared for departure. Some people are packing their bags, some are replenishing hot water, and some are having breakfast in advance.

Walking from indoors to outdoors, the icy air is chilly.

The sky was still shrouded in deep darkness.

Mount Fuji in front of us is like a towering snow-capped monster, hidden in the night, with the cold white snow on the peak shining faintly.

Standing outside the mountain hut, it feels like you are on the top of a snow-capped mountain that stretches thousands of miles. My heart is filled with a deep and vast feeling. The cold air makes it difficult to breathe.

Looking up, there was no cloud in the sky.

The bright stars are like countless lonely lighthouses, scattered in the night sky in an orderly manner, forming a dense star network that extends to the horizon, shining with faint light.

Looking at the Milky Way flowing in the night sky, Hui couldn't help but have the illusion that he was floating in the sky, as if he was one with the stars.

The night wind kept blowing, bringing up tiny snowflakes that fluttered in the wind, feeling like light feathers.

In this thin air, the surrounding scene appears particularly clear, as if entering a surreal world.

"Visibility is very low at night, and the wind is strong at night. You have to be careful not to fall when walking."

The guide warned: "It will take about 3 hours to climb from here to the top of the mountain. Let's keep moving at a constant speed."

After explaining the necessary matters, the guide took the lead and walked forward.

Hui reached out and turned on the headlight, mustering up her energy to take a step forward. Kato Yusuke followed closely behind.

The climbers spread out in the darkness, forming a procession-like procession, and the light from the lighting equipment formed a strip of light that echoed the starlight.

About half an hour after setting off, Hui began to feel a little tired.

Not only did his brain become dull, but his body also felt a little weak, and his steps were extremely heavy.

Should I tell Yusuke...?

A trace of hesitation flashed through her mind, but was rejected the next second.

She was the one who asked the other party to accompany her, so there was no reason for her to give up first.

What's more, today is a rare White Valentine's Day. She hopes to create unforgettable memories with that person, preferably so profound that the other person will never forget her.

For this reason, she really couldn't speak.

If I had known, I would have had a good rest last night...

Kei thought to herself as she walked forward.

She held a hiking pole in her hand and walked carefully on the narrow hiking trail. There are bumpy gravels under your feet, and you have to adjust your balance step by step.

Sometimes her feet got stuck on rocks and she had to force them out.

The wind strengthened as it climbed upwards, and the cold and biting mountain wind made people shiver. She had to bend down to avoid being blown over by the strong wind.

The surrounding environment is getting colder and colder, and the oxygen is getting thinner and thinner, making it difficult to breathe.

Even though I was just walking, I felt like I was out of breath while running.

Her heartbeat was racing and her ears were ringing, but she didn't want to stop, so she gritted her teeth and kept going.

She stepped on the gravel slowly, took a deep breath, and tried to adjust her rhythm. However, her legs seemed to be filled with lead, and she became more and more tired as she walked.

My eyes gradually blurred, my breathing became rapid and unsteady, and my consciousness became a little hazy...

When she reached the eighth station, she couldn't climb anymore and was forced to stop in front of a mountain hut to rest.

She held her hiking backpack, lowered her head, and breathed heavily as if out of breath.

Kato Yusuke noticed something was wrong, and immediately took out the oxygen bottle, put a mask on her mouth and nose, and let her breathe oxygen.

At first, Hui felt a little uncomfortable with this unfamiliar breathing, but as the oxygen warmly flowed through her nose and throat, the comfortable feeling gradually made her relax.

Most importantly, the feeling of suffocation was finally relieved.

She sat on the chair and breathed slowly, feeling that her heart rate gradually stabilized, and her dizziness and heartburn gradually disappeared.

Seeing this, the guide promptly stopped the boy who still wanted her to continue taking oxygen.

"That's enough, Brother Kato. Your girlfriend's altitude sickness has been almost relieved. Let her rest naturally."

So Kato Yusuke took out the thermos kettle and poured a cup of hot water, "Come and drink some water, Megumi."

"...Well, thank you." Megumi sipped the hot water and her body gradually warmed up, "Yusuke, what time is it now?"

The guide answered proactively: "It's two forty now, it's been two hours since we set off."

"Two hours..."

Hui murmured and looked up. The dark peaks were hidden in the night sky, looking long and dangerous.

They are currently at the eighth stage. It will take at least two hours to climb from here to the top of the mountain, and their progress is significantly behind.

She took a breath and returned the cup to the boy beside her, "Thank you for the hot water, Yusuke, it's time for us to continue setting off."

Kato Yusuke shook his head firmly and poured her a glass of hot water again, "You just experienced altitude sickness. What you should do now is rest."

"But then we won't be able to catch the sunrise on the top of the mountain, so we have to hurry up."

"No, your current condition is not suitable for continuing to climb the mountain."

"But we have worked hard all the way to get here, how can we stop here? I'm really fine!"

Hui said and tried to stand up from his seat, but was held down by the other party's shoulders.

“If I say no, it’s no.”

Kato Yusuke looked at her with serious eyes, "Even if you force yourself to continue climbing, what will you do when you go down the mountain? Or are you willing to let me carry you down the mountain?"


Hui was speechless for a moment, her lips pursed tightly.

Kato Yusuke slowed down his tone slightly and continued: "The mountain won't run away anyway. We will still have the opportunity to challenge it later. You don't have to be impatient. Your body is the most important thing."

The guide nodded in agreement with these words.

"Brother Kato is right. Miss Kato, what you need most now is to rest and let your body recover slowly. This mountain hut seems to be open. I will go and communicate with them."

After saying that, Noguchi opened the door and entered the mountain hut next to him.

So Hui fell completely silent and drank water silently.

Of course she knew she was in bad shape. In addition to the groggy brain caused by lack of adequate sleep, physical fatigue is also a problem that cannot be ignored.

In short, her body has reached its limit.

After a while, the guide came out of the mountain hut and told them the good news with a smile on his face.

"Brother Kato, the people in this cabin agree to let you come in and rest. How about you take Miss Kato in and lie down?"


Kato Yusuke nodded gratefully.

"Excuse me, Mr. Noguchi. Thank you for your help along the way. We will not continue to climb up. You can go up by yourself for the rest of the trip."

"That's it...that's okay."

Noguchi glanced at them each, nodded in understanding, and quickly said goodbye and left.

Hui looked at the guide's back as he headed to the top of the mountain. His heart was full of annoyance and powerlessness, but he still followed the boy into the house.

The staff at this mountain hut were very welcoming and graciously offered them a bunk bed to rest on, and also provided clean pillows and thick blankets.

Kato Yusuke expressed his sincere gratitude, then took her to sit in a deserted corner, and when he found that her hands and feet were frozen, he took the initiative to help warm the baby.

Hui always cooperated silently, until he stretched out his hands to his feet, he couldn't help but stop him, "...I have walked a long way, and it is very dirty, so I have to do it myself."

Kato Yusuke shook his head, ignoring her embarrassment, put a new pair of clean socks on her and attached a warm baby, and then put the taken off socks back into her backpack in a bag.

She looked at all this with complicated eyes, took out a wet wipe for the other party to wipe his hands, and felt a warm feeling in her heart that could not be described in words.

There was no trace of boredom on the young man's face, and there was only concern for herself in his eyes, which made her feel a little hard to calm down.

"Why are you so nice to me?" - She couldn't help but think this, but when the words came to her lips, they changed into something else.

"...Yusuke, leave me alone. I will have a good rest here. You can also go with Mr. Noguchi."

Kato Yusuke paused, then frowned in a funny way, "What nonsense are you talking about? How could I leave you here alone?"

"'s rare to come to Mount Fuji. It would be a pity not to go to the top of the mountain." Hui whispered, trying not to let the unwillingness and bitterness in his heart show out.

Hearing this, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but stare at her for a moment, and then said jokingly: "What's such a pity? How can you be as beautiful as you on the top of the mountain?"


Although she knew that he was deliberately interrupting her comfort, Hui's cheeks still turned slightly red, and then she lay down with a blanket and turned her back.

"...Oh~ Yes, that's up to you~ I'm going to sleep."

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but nodded, "Well, have a good rest. I will wake you up before sunrise. Good night, Megumi."


The girl gently pressed her chest, feeling the warmth coming from her hands and feet, and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"...Good night, Yusuke."

A sense of relief gradually came over her, and she soon fell asleep.

Unlike last night, Hui slept soundly this time.

When she opened her eyes again, it was already 4:50 in the morning, and she and Kato Yusuke were the only climbers left in the mountain hut.

They bought some bread and biscuits from the shop here, ate a simple breakfast, and then walked outside together.

The sky was a predawn indigo color.

The air is filled with the faint smell of pine, which is refreshing and makes people take a deep breath involuntarily.

The two of them didn't hesitate and just sat on a rock near the mountain hut, cuddling up and waiting for the sunrise.

Occasionally, climbers leisurely passed in front of them, heading higher.

Hui looked at the distant sky and suddenly thought of something, "Speaking of which, Yusuke, do you know what people call the sunrise on the mountain?"

"Isn't it called Sunrise?" Kato Yusuke tilted his head in confusion.

"No~" She shook her head slightly, "To be precise, it's Yu Laiguang."

"Olai Hikaru?"

"Yes, I heard that the origin is the light behind the Buddha when he appeared on the stage, which is regarded as a mysterious symbol by people."

Kato Yusuke said indifferently, not interested in this topic, and asked instead: "How is your health?"

"Well, it's no problem~ Thanks to you, I rested well, thank you."

"You're welcome. You're fine. The temperature outside is very low. If you sit still for a long time, your body temperature will drop quickly. Come and eat a piece of chocolate."

The boy said, breaking off a piece of chocolate and feeding it into her mouth, and she ate it obediently.

As they chatted casually, the sky began to show a pale pink. Over time, the pink color becomes more vivid, taking on a searing red hue.

Kato Yusuke took out his mobile phone, turned it into camera mode and pointed it forward, preparing to take pictures and record the moment of sunrise.

At this time, Hui suddenly stood up lightly and took two steps forward.

"Hey, Yusuke."

Under his puzzled gaze, the girl turned around to face him, her lips parted slightly.

"——Stay with me, Yusuke."

The next moment, the sun finally broke.

The sky was dyed a coral-like red, then gradually turned to orange, and then was replaced by golden yellow.

The rising sun climbed up to the top of the mountain and spread its fierce brilliance, illuminating the snow-covered peaks and making the surrounding scenery look particularly bright.

Strange-shaped lenticular clouds float mysteriously in the sky, and a thin layer of fog hangs on the horizon. The scenery is extremely magnificent.

The girl turned her back to the rising sun and sea of ​​clouds, holding her mid-length hair fluttering in the wind with one hand. There seemed to be light and shadow floating in her beautiful eyes, lighting up the twilight in his eyes.


Kato Yusuke instinctively pressed the shutter, staring at the beautiful and dazzling silhouette, his heart beating wildly.

He must never forget this moment.

I don’t know why, but this thought flashed through my mind.

At sunrise, Mount Fuji above the clouds.

He couldn't help but fall in love with the girl in front of him.

They stared at each other as if the world had stopped.

Then, the girl lowered her eyes first, her long and thick eyelashes blinking shyly.

"...Anyway, as I just said, although it's not yet the time for us to agree, but...if you are willing, let's be together. Okay?"

Riding the wind on the mountain, these words reached Yusuke Kato's ears, bringing him back from escaping reality for the time being.

"Promise" - just two words, but it seemed to tear apart all the whitewashing and fantasy, revealing at this moment what he had been deliberately ignoring.

He looked at the girl in front of him and felt his chest being tightened. Reason and sensibility collided fiercely in his heart, and his expression wrinkled together unconsciously.

However, you cannot fail to answer the other party’s questions.

So Kato Yusuke took a deep breath and tried his best to smile.

"Sorry, Hui, I can't respond to you like this, there are other girls in my heart."

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