Seems like it's time to consider installing an air conditioner.

Sitting at the low table in the living room, Yusuke Kato thought silently, and his eyes naturally shifted from the book on the table to Sayu opposite.

"So why wear a maid outfit?"

The girl was wearing a cute style that the two of them had bought at a clothing store in Akihabara. Although it is summer clothes, it will still be hot due to the recent temperature.

"Hey~~ Don't you think it's cute?" Sayu, who was maintaining the girl's knees, said, and looked at Kato Yusuke with his hands on his cheeks, "I can do many, many things, master~"

"A lot of things?"

His eyes involuntarily turned to those slender legs.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that after the girl puts on over-the-knee socks, the lines of her legs seem to look better.

"You really like looking at the legs."

Sayu had a meaningful expression on his face, and reached out a hand to climb on his thigh.

The slender fingers pinched the corner of the white stockings, and then released them. With a "pop" sound, the elastic and ultra-thin fabric returned to its original state.

Only the sweet and crisp sound still lingered in my heart and could not be dissipated for a long time.

Kato Yusuke didn't want to talk to her, so he turned his attention back to the book and continued to do math problems.

Seeing this, Sayu's face was even more smiling, and the amber eyes were full of cunning.

"Hey, Yusuke, I got a job."

Got a job?

The mechanical pencil in his hand froze suddenly, and just as Kato Yusuke was about to raise his head to ask, he suddenly felt that there was something between his legs.

"What are you doing……?"

"Hey, what do you mean?" The girl blinked and said, "Just chatting with you~!"


Looking at the little feet stretched out under the table, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but fell silent.

"Listen to me, it's really a coincidence." Sayu, who seemed to be okay, continued: "When I went out to buy something today, I happened to see the convenience store in the direction of the station recruiting people, so I went in and asked. ."

Her tone was very brisk, and her small feet wrapped in white stockings were swaying gently. The dense and smooth touch fits the boy's exposed calf and tends to spread upward along the legs of the shorts.

"Oh." Kato Yusuke pressed her restless lotus feet and asked without emotion: "And then, have you talked to the person in charge of that store?"

"...Hmm~" A melodious murmur seemed to flow out of the girl's voice.

Sayu's eyes flickered, a faint blush appeared on her cute little face, and she continued after a pause.

"... Then I chatted with the manager of that store, and she said that I can go to work tomorrow... Ah!"

There was a thin layer of mist in his eyes, Sha Youyin bit her lip and glanced under the table, and asked again pretending that nothing happened.

"...Where's Yusuke? Did things go well at school today?"

"Yeah." Kato Yusuke's voice was a little low. "I talked to Sawamura-san. It seems that it is not an easy task to get her parents to agree to sell the book, and she will need to visit at the door."

The generous palms constantly rubbed the silky fabric, occasionally kneading lightly. The scorching temperature was continuously transmitted along the palm of the hand, as if it was wrapped in a stove burning with charcoal, making it crisp and itchy.

"Yes, it's like this..." The girl's voice was intermittent, "No, I don't know, what kind of... people are her parents... uh!"

The corners of Kato Yusuke's mouth rose slightly, with a wicked smile in his eyes.

"Well... It is said to be a British diplomat stationed in Japan. The specific situation will have to be seen."

"Yu,, don't do this anymore...I'll become...weird..." Sayu said in a trembling voice, covering her mouth.

His face was so red that he was about to bleed.

What finally broke the balance was a small tearing sound of fabric.


A smooth and translucent calf was exposed to the air.

The room suddenly fell silent.

"Socks...broken?" The girl whispered softly, breaking the silence at the same time.


"I can't wear it like this... I just bought it not long ago."

"It seems so." Kato Yusuke touched his nose subconsciously, only to feel a faint fragrance on his fingertips, which seemed to be the smell of laundry detergent?

"Haha..." Sayu sighed with regret, then silently got up from the ground and walked around to the opposite side, and sat down in Kato Yusuke's arms.

"...It's all Yusuke's fault." The girl muttered angrily, then she bent one leg and tucked the thumbs of both hands into the edge of the knee-high socks.


With the slight fingertips, the edge of the sock was rolled up and slowly descended in the direction pushed by the palm. The beautiful and round slender jade legs are exposed inch by inch.

Going over Sayu's shoulder, that moving scene was clearly reflected in Kato Yusuke's eyes, causing waves in those black eyes.

In the girl's exclamation, he took advantage of the situation to wrap around the opponent's slender waist, and at the same time rested his chin on the opponent's shoulder.

Anyway, it's just for yourself, isn't it? ——With such thoughts in mind, he simply appreciates it openly.

"I can't take you off like this..."

Before the girl could finish her words, a large warm hand covered her leg. The moment it touched her skin, an indescribable electric current surged through her body, and then came the belated words.

"It's okay, I'll help you."

The boy who said that took over the work from her hands, his white palms tightly pressed against the skin of his thighs, and pushed the curling edge of his socks all the way down.

five minutes later

"Still, can't you?"

"It'll be fine right now."


another five minutes

"Yes, is it alright?"

"Not yet."


fifteen minutes later

Looking at the socks that had just rolled to the calf, Sayu, who was limp in Kato Yusuke's arms, couldn't help but let out a groan.

"Bad're not helping at all!"

With all her strength, she struggled to straighten her upper body, hooked her backhand around the boy's neck, and pressed her moist lips tightly to the other's lips.

In this way, she greedily absorbed the youth's breath, and at the same time bit the other party with her teeth, as if she was taking the opportunity to take revenge.

Kato Yusuke, who sensed the girl's intentions, had a playful smile in his eyes. On the one hand, while flexibly avoiding, on the other hand, he put his hand on the waist that was gripped tightly, and kept rubbing it according to the sensitive points of his past life memory.



I don't know how long it took, and with an affectionate suppressed voice, everything returned to calm.

Looking at the little maid who was shaking gently in her arms, Kato Yusuke lowered his head and asked, "Do you want me to carry you to the bathroom?"

Just like someone fished out of the water, the girl's messy hair was clinging to her forehead, and there were tiny crystal beads of sweat hanging from her lovely Qiong nose, which were gently brushed away by the boy.

Her clothes are still intact, except for a pair of knee socks, there is no missing piece of fabric. It's just that Sayu buried his head in Kato Yusuke's arms and refused to look at him.

The feeling of floating up to the clouds just now remained in his head. And she was like a small boat, letting the impact of the waves push her to the other side.

Seeing that Sayu didn't answer, Kato Yusuke didn't say anything, just quietly hugged her in his arms. A hand gently stroked the girl's back from top to bottom, but another thing was in her mind.

I seem to have a talent for massage, but I don't know how much I can achieve with system skills.

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