Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and ninety-two, excellent senior sister

Chapter 759 Excellent Senior Sister

that's all.

Kato Yusuke brought Nakano Ryoko to the studio, introduced her identity to everyone, and explained her upcoming employment.

Because he had already mentioned this in the work group in advance, everyone was not too surprised.

The four of them, Hasumi Kanoko, Yoshida, Mishima Yuba and Sagara Mayu, expressed their friendly welcome.

But for Shiyu, Yinglili, and Hui, the feelings are different.

To be honest, they all had a slightly complicated mood regarding the arrival of Ryoko Nakano, and they were far less calm than usual.

——But this is actually normal.

As a representative figure of private Toyozaki, Ryoko Nakano is not only very influential in the school but also has a transcendent status, almost throughout her entire high school career.

Because the impression of the person involved is too strong, most students will feel more or less at a loss when facing this legendary senior sister.

For example, there was actually such an episode yesterday evening——

When they learned that Yusuke Kato was going to invite Ryoko Nakano to join the studio, the three girls' reactions were not quite right.

Shiyu: "Oh? You finally defeated the beautiful and outstanding Nakano-senpai? Do you want me to congratulate you? Yu-chan~"

Kato Yusuke: "Uh...? Xiaoshi, did you misunderstand something? The description "take it down" sounds weird..."

Megumi: "Um~~I'm sorry, Kasumigaoka-senpai, I want to ask, are you familiar with Nakano-senpai?"

Shiyu: "I can't say we're very familiar with each other, but we went to the Summer Festival together before, and that was the time you didn't come because you were angry with Yuu-chan."

Megumi: "...Huh? Sorry, I don't remember being angry with anyone. Kasumigaoka-senpai, you must have made a mistake. I didn't go because I was busy at home? I have to make this clear. "

Shiyu: "Haha~ Kato-san, you tend to talk more at times like this. Do you regret it?"

Megumi: "What? Kasumigaoka-senpai's tone of voice seems to mean something...are we talking about Nakano-senpai now?"

Shiyu nodded casually, "Anyway, Nakano-senpai said personally before that the relationship between her and Yu-chan is just an ordinary senior and junior."

Hui's brows furrowed slightly, and she emphasized her tone intentionally or unintentionally, " the moment?"

"Yeah." Shiyu said calmly: "According to some of the things I observed, the impression they gave me is indeed no more than a senior sister and a junior junior."

"That's right..."

"But - Yuu-chan was like a teenager when he saw Nakano-senpai. His whole face lit up, and he didn't even notice me. He ran over excitedly wagging his tail."

"Hey! Xiao Shi! Isn't this right??" Kato Yusuke couldn't help but protest: "Is this what I look like in your eyes? Who are you talking about?"

"Isn't it?" Shiyu played with the ends of her hair casually and said, "I think they are basically the same."

Yinglili bit her nails and muttered angrily:

"...What, I'm so pissed off. Whether it's Kasumigaoka Shiu who talks as if nothing happened, or Yusuke who's wagging his tail, they're so pissed off!"

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Because everyone was on multi-person video, he could clearly see all the reactions of the three people.

He said helplessly: "Well...that's where the joke ends, right? I invited Nakano-senpai purely out of consideration for the studio, and has no other meaning."

Shiyu said casually: "That being said, you gave others 10% of the shares just like you did to us~"

"...Strange, Xiaoshi, didn't you have a good relationship with Senior Nakano before? What's happening now?" Kato Yusuke asked in confusion.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with his behavior of giving shares to Ryoko Nakano, not to mention that considering the size of the Nakano family, his thing was really not worth mentioning.

Faced with the questions he raised, Shiyu gave ambiguous answers.

"Are these two different things? Having a good relationship doesn't mean I have to let my boyfriend go... But forget it, I'm just saying casually, I have no objection to Nakano-senpai joining the studio."

"Wait a minute! Kasumigaoka Shiu." Eiri shouted: "How can you make a decision without permission? Besides, you are too calm!?"

Hui didn't speak, but also looked at Shiyu intently, and then heard her say unhurriedly:

"What can I do? Who makes Kano-chan so depressed right now? Or is there any one of you two who is willing to do management? Anyway, I'm not that interested."

After hearing this, Hui and Eiri fell silent.

Don't say that the two of them don't have the mental energy. Even if they have the mental energy, there is no extra time for them to do the work at hand and take care of management at the same time.

In addition, the studio had just experienced Jun Matsumoto's incident a few days ago, so it was difficult to say whether it would be good or bad to recruit an outsider. From this point of view, Nakano Ryoko is indeed the best candidate.

Hui and Eiri thought silently, their expressions gradually became relieved, and they accepted the situation for the time being.

Shiyu looked at their expressions and said intentionally or unintentionally:

"Well, that's the way it is anyway. As long as Yu-chan doesn't invite a certain lady from the association, I don't have anything to say."


Kato Yusuke's scalp was numb at the moment. He never expected that Shiyu would give him a blow at the last moment.

Hui and Yingli didn't say anything, just stared at him with eyes as sharp as thorns on their backs.

That's too far.

Back to now.

Because it was already noon, Kato Yusuke booked a private room at a barbecue restaurant upstairs and called all the members to have dinner together.

On the one hand, this is done to welcome the arrival of Ryoko Nakano, and on the other hand, it also gives everyone a chance to get familiar with each other.

After all, compared to a serious workplace, this kind of eating and drinking atmosphere makes it easier for people to get closer.

And Ryoko Nakano did not disappoint him. She was generous and elegant in dealing with people, and her ability to talk and laugh with ease quickly won everyone's unanimous favor.

The small emotions in the hearts of the three of them, including Shiyu, were also noticed by her keenly and resolved without any trace, without causing any ill feelings to others, and the method was not unscrupulous.

Seeing her dazzling performance with ease, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but nodded secretly, completely relieved.

Nakano Ryoko as the central character makes people feel very nostalgic. The other person he knew was like this from before.

She is thoughtful and intelligent, and can answer questions fluently with anyone. It is no surprise that she becomes the central figure. In terms of ability, she should have been given such a status.


Although Kato Yusuke was happy, he also felt a little solemn.

He still couldn't figure out the reason why this outstanding senior would run away from home even if he broke up with his family.

According to Yamaguchi's previous statement, the other party seemed to have a problem at home, but he had never been able to find out what it was.

He didn't want Ryoko Nakano to think that he had ulterior motives for doing these things, so he could only wait for the other party to take the initiative to speak up when he wanted to discuss this issue, otherwise there was no other way.

Thinking of this, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but sigh silently.

In order to get rid of these messy thoughts, he tugged on his collar, unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt, and began to concentrate on eating meat.

During this period, Ryoko Nakano was also chatting with four members of the "Guardian Alliance".

She first approached Kanoko Hasumi.

Considering the management work she was about to take over, she had to talk to each other both in public and in private.

On the one hand, she needs to have a general idea of ​​what's going on in the studio.

On the other hand, she also wanted to confirm whether her arrival had made the other party unhappy.

As a result, Hasumi Kanoko seemed to have been prepared for it. Before she could ask, she spoke very proactively.

Okano said that she and Kato Yusuke had an agreement long ago. Before, she only temporarily helped manage the studio. Now it is time to return it, so she is very welcome to come.

Nakano Ryoko smiled and nodded, saying a few polite words, and then approached Shiyu and Hui again.

The two people had similar ideas. They said frankly that they were very satisfied with their current jobs and had no intention of taking over management.

Finally, Yinglili——

"Hmm~ I don't like things that are too complicated. Painting, a job that doesn't require you to worry about, is more suitable for me.

By the way, Yusuke's main palace is me, Kasumigaoka Shiu, Megumi, and Kano-chano, and as for the concubine, I also have Shinjo-san. Please take care of this part, senpai...? "


Kato Yusuke, who accidentally heard this, almost spit out his drink, and twitched the corners of his mouth as he complained: "Eiriri, there's no need to say that kind of thing, no one here is interested!"

"Huh? Is that so?"

"That's it! Come on, this is freshly roasted beef. Just shut up and eat."

"What! With your disgusting attitude, am I disgusting?"

"How could it be? You are too worried. Anyway, let me dip it in the sauce for you first. If you don't eat it quickly, the taste of the beef will deteriorate?"

"I'm so angry. You always deal with me like this..." Ying Lili pursed her lips and reluctantly picked up the meat on the plate and put it into her mouth, looking angry.

That cute performance made Ryoko Nakano smile.

She tilted her head slightly and asked with a smile: "So... I am a bad woman who comes to fight for love in the middle~?"


Kato Yusuke was stunned. He never expected that Ryoko Nakano would come to join in the fun. His mouth opened and closed in a daze, not knowing how to react.

Hui's expression was a little stiff, and she spoke hesitantly: "...Um, I didn't expect Nakano-senpai to be able to joke. I was shocked."

Ying Lili nodded with an expression of disapproval.

Shiyu couldn't bear it and raised his hands, shaking his head and sighing pretending to be relaxed.

"You two said something stupid, couldn't you tell that the others were joking? How could a beautiful and outstanding person like Nakano-senpai fall in love with such a superficial man?"

"Shallow man?? I'm talking about poetry. Although I understand what you want to express, there should be a better way to express it, right?" Kato Yusuke couldn't help but protest, but no one paid attention to his reaction.

Nakano Ryoko looked at Shiyu, casually tucked her hair behind her ears, and smiled mischievously: "As for the answer to the second question... I think it should already be in Kasumigaoka-san's mind, right?"


Shiyu's expression froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Nakano Ryoko deliberately paused for a while and said in a calm voice:

"In short, for me, Yuu-kun is my outstanding junior just like you, Kasumigaoka-san, and nothing else. I hope we can get along well in the future~"

Her tone was quite calm and unexplainable, making people want to be convinced in spite of themselves.

Shiyu, Hui, and Yinglili looked at each other and nodded slightly depressedly to express their acceptance.

Sitting opposite, Mayu Sagara has been secretly observing the situation.

Because she was not born in a private Toyosaki school, she did not know Nakano Ryoko, and the impression in her mind was that of "Master's senior sister".

But seeing how this new senior student was able to silence all the difficult junior ladies was truly amazing to her.

She poked secretly into Kato Yusuke's ear and said excitedly:

"Hey, master, master, this Nakano-senpai is too powerful, isn't she? Will she be the new master's wife? Can I call her master's wife~?"

Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then a hash mark suddenly appeared on his forehead. He raised his hand and hit her hard twice on the head, and lowered his voice to warn:

"...Stop talking nonsense, if you continue to gossip like this, go work as Hui's assistant."

Sagara Mayu's beauty instantly turned pale, she pouted in dissatisfaction, and went to cry to Hasumi Kanoko.

Yoshida and Mishima Yuha looked at this scene and couldn't help but smile knowingly, and then joined the conversation.

In a pleasant atmosphere, time passed by like this.

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