Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Four hundred, dimensionality reduction attack

Chapter 767 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

Commissioner Watanabe didn't waste any words when he came up, and directly asked about the thing he was most concerned about——

"Richard, are you ready for the game demonstration? Today's meeting is very important, remember not to make any mistakes."

Matsumoto Jun originally wanted to say a few words, but after hearing this, he immediately swallowed back the polite words on his lips and made a promise with a serious face.

"Please rest assured, leader, we have checked everything before coming here to ensure there will be no problems!"

Shimamura and others also nodded repeatedly, fully agreeing with this statement.

When Special Agent Watanabe saw how confident they all were, he felt relieved and encouraged everyone:

"That's good, everyone, please work hard. The group is currently vigorously supporting the mobile game business. There are many opportunities here, but anyone who performs well can come forward. Remember to seize this opportunity."

After speaking, he turned his head and told Matsumoto Jun in a warm tone:

"Especially you Richard, I just talked to other leaders about your previous works. You should make achievements early and strive to make a work better than "Wrath of Bahamut" and become the next gold medal game designer. ."

Matsumoto Jun nodded solemnly, "I understand the leader, in short, everything depends on you!"

"Okay, everyone is our own people, don't be so arrogant." Special Agent Watanabe patted his shoulder pleasantly.

"That's it for now, Richard. I have to go to the front to greet the leaders. After the meeting, we brothers will find a place to have a drink."

Matsumoto Jun nodded overjoyed and hurriedly agreed, "That's great, I will follow the leadership's arrangements -!"

Commissioner Watanabe laughed and strode to the front row of the conference hall.

As soon as the other person's front foot left, Shimamura's back foot immediately came up.

"Boss, when did your relationship with Commissioner Watanabe become so good? He actually wants to ask you to have a drink with him. This must be too important to you!"

Jun Matsumoto straightened his face, waved his hands and sat down, "Don't talk nonsense, the leader just asked me to have a drink because he was in a good mood. How can I not take it seriously?"

Shimamura still refused to give up, "No! But Commissioner Watanabe just called you brother! Doesn't this count as respecting you???"

Matsumoto Jun smiled slightly and did not respond to this question, but said calmly:

"Okay, don't talk about these useless things. Didn't you hear the leader's instructions just now? Check the game bugs again quickly, don't wait for anything to happen after I take the stage."

"Ah? We still need to check?? Didn't we check several times before we came here??" Shimamura couldn't help but vomited bitterly, and then Matsumoto Jun glared at him.

"Hmph! So what if you've already checked? Can't you just do it again quickly? Just check if you're asked to do it. Why are there so many things? Hurry up and do it——!"


Shimamura touched his nose awkwardly and thought to himself that he was not a programmer. What's the use of telling me this? However, he did not dare to contradict his boss face to face, so he had no choice but to nod and agree.

"Yes, yes, you are right, boss. Such an important occasion does require special treatment. I'm going to check it out now!"

After finishing speaking, Shimamura took out his laptop, called two members of the programming team to assist him, and moved it aside for inspection.

Seeing that they were all busy, Matsumoto Jun himself was not idle either. He took out the speech he was going to use later and began to revise it over and over again.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the report meeting was held on time.

The lights in the conference hall dimmed slightly, and a soft and bright melody sounded from the speakers scattered around the venue.

The host walked onto the stage in high spirits and read out the opening speech to warm up the show.

This meeting is mainly divided into three stages, namely the leadership speech, the report by the person in charge of each project, and the final selection.

Although this process is the same everywhere, some face-saving work must still be done.

Generally speaking, those projects selected by leaders will receive resources from the headquarters in the future. Therefore, all project teams present today are actually competitors, even teams from the same department are no exception.

This may sound a bit difficult to understand, but this is what large companies are really like.

After all, there are only so many resources allocated from above. If you take more, I will get less. Naturally, if you want to eat more meat, you have to compete hard.

Jun Matsumoto watched a group of competitors take to the stage one after another, demonstrating their carefully designed games in a variety of ways, and couldn't help but feel a little pressure in his heart.

Although he was very confident about his work, he still couldn't change the fact that there was too much for everyone.

Fortunately, those well-known game producers did not participate in this competition. They came here today more for a formality and to find inspiration. Otherwise, the chances for newcomers to get ahead would be even slimmer.

Back to the topic.

While Matsumoto Jun was thinking wildly, the meeting over there was also proceeding step by step.

The leaders of each group kept coming on and off the stage, and time passed unconsciously.

When the meeting was almost coming to an end, the host finally called on the last group——

"The following is the "Mecha Era" project team from the mobile game R\u0026D department. I would like to invite the person in charge, Mr. Matsumoto Jun, to come on stage to demonstrate the work~!"

"Papa papa ~~"

The audience immediately burst into applause.

Matsumoto Jun suddenly brightened up, nodded friendly to the people around him, and then strode onto the stage with his laptop.

The host led him to the podium with a smile on his face, helped him adjust the laptop and projector, and then simply stepped back.

The conference hall became quiet.

Pairs of eyes looked from the audience, all focused on the stage.

Matsumoto Jun raised his eyelids and calmly looked at the reactions of the leaders in the front row, but all he saw were stern faces that looked inexplicably deep.

He tugged at the collar of his shirt slightly, feeling a rare nervousness, and the next second he met Commissioner Watanabe's eyes.

As if he noticed something, the other party nodded slightly at him and gave him an encouraging look.

Jun Matsumoto hurriedly nodded in return, as if he suddenly had a backbone and quickly regained his usual state of mind.

He took a deep breath to calm down, controlled the mouse to open the carefully crafted PPT, put on a confident smile, and prepared to start his speech with great ambition.

As a result, there was only a "bang" sound in the next second, and the door of the conference hall suddenly opened from the outside.

A handsome-looking man appeared at the entrance, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

The person involved was wearing a neat gray suit and gold-rimmed glasses. A pair of dark brown pupils searched around seriously, and finally settled on the podium, and after identifying it, he walked straight over.

Matsumoto Jun looked at this menacing uninvited guest with confusion. Before he understood what happened, a leader sitting in the front row stood up in surprise.

"Oh, isn't this Secretary Komiya! Why do you have time to come here? It's Mr. Yoshida. Does he have any instructions?"

Before he finished speaking, the leader stood up diligently and walked forward with agility that was completely inconsistent with his bloated figure.

Taking this as an opportunity, other leaders also reacted and stood up one after another, surrounding the man with a roar.

So a group of employees who didn't know why were shocked to see that a group of bosses who were usually very cold and aloof were rushing to say hello to others, as if something would happen if they slowed down for a second.

Facing the greetings from the leaders, the man just waved coldly, and then made a phone call in front of them.

"Hello? Mr. Iwai? I found the person you are looking for. He is right here in the conference hall. Do you think I will lead him there or...what? Are you already on the way? Okay, then I'll be right here. Waiting for you."

For a moment, the only sound in the conference hall was the man's voice talking on the phone.

After he finally put down his phone, a leader asked tentatively: "Secretary Xiaogong, are you looking for someone? Do you think there is anything we can do for you?"

The man didn't respond, but turned his head and looked aside.

"Executive Watanabe, have you recently recruited a new mobile game team? They are the same people who have worked at SQ Company before."

When his name was called, Special Agent Watanabe looked slightly startled, and then immediately answered——

"Ah, it seems that there is something like this, but I haven't paid much attention to this aspect recently. I usually deal with personnel matters... Secretary Xiaogong, do you have any instructions?"

Secretary Komiya glanced at Jun Matsumoto, who was standing on the stage at a loss, and nodded calmly.

"Then please call the person in charge of the "Mecha Era" project team and the main artist. The chairman has guests looking for them and they should arrive soon."

The leaders were shocked when they heard this, and their faces obviously changed.

You must know that this secretary Xiaogong is the number one secretary to the board of directors in the group! And there is no other person besides the current head Kenichiro Yoshida who can be called chairman.

Special Agent Watanabe did not dare to neglect at all, and immediately called his assistant to give some instructions, and soon brought Matsumoto Jun and Shimamura over.

All the leaders therefore focused their attention on them.

Faced with this sudden situation, both of them were obviously a little confused. They stood in front of the group of big guys at a loss and couldn't figure out why they were called here.

Matsumoto Jun and Shimamura looked around for a while, and finally looked at the little palace secretary standing in the center.


Sony is a large group. Ordinary employees like them usually don't have the opportunity to meet the president and other senior leaders. Commissioner Watanabe is the highest-level leader they have access to, so naturally they don't recognize the first secretary to the board of directors. identity.

However, they are not fools. From the attitudes of the leaders around them, they can more or less tell that the other party has an extraordinary background. Anyway, he is someone they cannot afford to offend.

Not only Matsumoto Jun and Shimamura, but other employees in the conference hall also had the same understanding.

People were whispering and talking, and they were all paying close attention to the development of the situation.

Secretary Xiaogong glanced at the messy conference hall and couldn't help frowning. He felt that it seemed a little inappropriate to allow people to visit here all the time, so he took out his mobile phone again and prepared to make a call.

At this moment, Butler Iwai also opened the door of the conference hall and saw him in the crowd at a glance.

"I'm sorry, Secretary Xiaogong, for keeping you waiting."

Butler Iwai raised his hand in greeting with a cheerful tone, and then stepped aside, placing his hands on his abdomen and back one after another, and stood by the door with his head held high.

This behavior made everyone present feel a little confused, but they immediately had no intention of paying attention to this. A slender girl suddenly entered people's field of vision in the next second.

She faced the light, and her plain satin dress was blown back slightly by the wind. Her soft black hair swayed beside her face as she walked, looking dignified and gentle.

The originally buzzing conference hall suddenly became quiet.

Countless eyes came together, focusing on the girl.

Butler Iwai smiled and made a breast-stroking salute, then walked beside the youngest daughter and pointed at Secretary Komiya in the crowd, as if to introduce her.

Secretary Xiaogong immediately put away his cell phone, put on a warm yet polite smile, and nodded friendly.

People subconsciously held their breath, watching this scene intently, and they all speculated about which family the eldest lady was, who could have such a grand scene!

After a while, the girl and the butler walked to the front of the stage together.

She glanced at Matsumoto Jun casually and asked with a cold expression: "Are you Matsumoto Jun?"

Although the voice is clear and sweet, it still gives people an invisible sense of distance.

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