Tanimoto Misato immediately hugged her crutches tightly.

Shirakawa, Chiyuki Mei and Tanimoto Misato walked down the attic stairs to Room 1.

Compared with other rooms, Room 1 is more like a study. There is no bed here, only a bookcase connected to each other, and the bookcase is full of folders and archives.

Shirakawa flipped through some of the information, which was the account book of the Takahashi family's previous business, and some contract documents.

It seems that this was indeed the temporary office of the head of the Takahashi family and the place where important documents were stored.

It's a pity that many of these industries no longer exist, and some have been allocated to side branches.

The documents and information in Room 1 are not of much significance to Shirakawa. At most, he learned that the Takahashi family was indeed a powerful family in the past.

While Shirakawa was reading the documents, Chiyuki Ye found a safe in the corner.

Even though she had perfect lock-picking skills, she didn't dare to easily start with this safe.

She squatted in the corner to study the safe. The lock of the box was a mechanical lock. If the password was wrong three times, it would be completely locked and the alarm would be triggered.

She tried twice, both times with the wrong password.

Misato Tanimoto squatted beside her, and the two of them stared at each other, as if they were caught in some kind of strange communication.

After Shirakawa found them unlocking the door in the corner, he also curiously surrounded them.

Misato Tanimoto raised her head and looked at Shirakawa, her eyes revealing that your female companion is not doing well.

Shirakawa waved his hand, motioning her to move aside.

He identified the password to the safe three times before he identified it.

Shirakawa squatted beside Qian Xueye and reached out to twist the password.

Qian Xueye did not stop him. Even if the alarm was triggered, it would not be a big problem. The three most dangerous guys were all dealt with at this time. Why should he be afraid of others?

To her surprise, Shirakawa only tried once and actually guessed the password correctly.

With a crisp sound, Shirakawa twisted the handle and opened the door of the safe.

Don't worry, there are still two chapters!

Chapter 183 182·The spoils (3k second update, double monthly ticket request)

Some gold bars and deeds lay quietly in the safe.

Qi Xueye and Shirakawa looked at each other, and the emotion of being fooled by a fool flashed in their eyes.

It turned out that the property left by Takahashi Kohei had been kept in the forbidden room No. 1. It would be better to find a decorator to break the iron wall and move the safe out.

Of course, perhaps the descendants of the Takahashi family are more disciplined and will not take such violent measures. They never thought that the old man had a backhand here.

Takahashi Yulan’s real purpose is not just to find treasure.

She wants to know the truth about her brother’s death, but for some reasons, she cannot enter the forbidden house in person.

15 years ago, her brother mistakenly entered the attic, and the maids died 12 years ago, so what did he find out that he was silenced?

Perhaps only Takahashi Kita’s autobiography has the answer.

Baichuan roughly estimated the value of the gold bars and the title deeds, and it must have exceeded 100 million, close to 1 billion. It is true that a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

In addition to these gold bars and title deeds, Baichuan also found a membership card and a key.

His pupils slightly widened.

This is, the membership card of the Paradise Club!

This is really an unexpected gain.

The gold bars and title deeds can be returned to the Takahashi family, but Baichuan does not intend to return this membership card to Takahashi Yulan.

In addition, there is a letter.

Baichuan opened the letter.

[My incompetent descendants!

When you open this safe, it proves that our family has fallen into poverty. I really don’t want to admit this fact.

You now have two ways. The first is to take the membership card, enter the Paradise Club, and find a woman named Akagi Chihiro, who can help you make a comeback.

The second is to take this money, live a peaceful life, and be an ordinary person.

If you choose the second path, I can only feel ashamed of your incompetence. Please give up your surname in the future. You are not worthy of being called Takahashi! Incompetent. ]

The tone of the old man of the Takahashi family is really tough. Is he trying to use sarcasm and abuse to inspire his descendants to work hard?

It's a pity that the Takahashi family is indeed getting worse and worse. This membership card is destined to fall into the hands of an outsider like me.

Baichuan rubbed his eyebrows and put the letter away.

The entire room 1, except for the safe, is full of expired information. Baichuan only took away a few documents that may be useful in the future, and did not move the others.

After the exploration, Baichuan, Qian Xueye and Tanimoto Misato did not return from the chimney, but found a new exit.

Room 1 is not completely surrounded by airtight steel plates. There is also a door that can only be opened from the inside, but the lock is unique and requires a special key to open it.

The key in the safe is used to open this door.

Baichuan used the key to open the door and saw a dim corridor. At the end of the corridor, he didn't know where it led to.

Baichuan used the identification technique to get the answer that the end of the corridor was a cellar, and then he asked his companions to move.

The three of them took the fainted old werewolf killer team through the corridor and came from the cellar to the kitchen on the first floor of the villa.

Then they were directly locked in the dungeon.

In order to prevent them from yelling, Baichuan also stuffed towels into the three of them, so that even if they woke up, they would not make any sound.

After closing the door of the dungeon, Baichuan wiped the sweat from his forehead.

After coming out of the kitchen, Misato Tanimoto hid somewhere again.

I have to admit that this is a child who is very good at playing hide-and-seek.

Shirakawa wanted to remind her not to hide in the doctor and his wife's closet, otherwise one of the couple might suddenly develop a neurological disease.

But Misato Tanimoto had already run away without a trace.

Shirakawa and Qian Xueye returned to Room 6 and took out the loot from the backpack.

They were 90 gold bars worth about 90 million, a land deed worth 900 million, a revolver, two tasers, an autobiography, some documents, two daggers, and a cane assault rifle.

It is estimated that Misato Tanimoto did not take the cane away because she felt that it was too long to hide.

Both of them looked at the autobiography with a red cover.

Qian Xueye took off the hairpin and once again demonstrated her superb lock-picking skills, successfully opening the lock of the autobiography.

They sat on the sofa and slowly opened the cover of the autobiography.

This is an autobiography written by Gao Qiaobei. The handwriting is a bit sloppy, but it does not affect the reading.

[I am a poor creature, a monster mass-produced by the family. My life is destined to be full of thorns. Others only see my bright and beautiful side and the glory of the Gao Qiao family, but have never heard our real cry...]

[When I was young, because of my intelligence, I was chosen by my grandfather, left the wings of my parents, and was taken to a deserted island by my grandfather, which opened the turning point of my life. ]

[There are 9 other children here, all of whom are my brothers and sisters, or collateral relatives. ]

[Grandpa said that we are all children who have passed the IQ test and are over 120, but among us, he wants to choose an heir, and this heir must defeat the others and survive on this deserted island. ]

[I don’t understand why we are obviously a noble family and still need to endure such a test, so I asked my grandfather a question. ]

[Grandpa told me that the glory of the nobility and the glory of the family both need strong people to maintain. Those who have not experienced life and death cannot lead the family to meet the future storm, and the family is bound to decline. ]

[I believe that what grandpa said is right, but it was not until later that I understood the real reason why grandpa did this. ]

[The reason why the family can continue to be glorious for a hundred years is that every generation of the family will produce a super genius, but this genius has a congenital defect. He is not only smart, but also a mentally abnormal person who lacks emotions and will awaken some special hobbies, such as bloodthirstiness. ]

[This is the result of blood inheritance and heredity. ]

[Grandpa brought us to the isolated island to find this super genius. ]

[When grandpa came back again, there were only two children left on the island, me and Gaoqiao Yi. ]

[Grandpa asked only one question, which determined our fate. ]

[He said, who ate his companions? ]

[We looked into his eyes and felt that he was no longer our kind grandpa, but a beast. Facing this beast, we dared not lie. ]

[Gaoqiao Yi admitted the fact that he ate his companions. ]

[Grandpa handed me a pistol and asked me to shoot and kill Takahashi Takeshi. He told me that the family does not need traitors. If you rely on killing other family members and eating other people's flesh to get to the end, you can't lead the family to glory. ]

[I killed Takahashi Takeshi, and Grandpa took me away from the deserted island. I am the super genius that Grandpa is looking for, and also a psychopath who lacks emotions. ]

[Because of my intelligence, I survived on the island. I didn't eat the meat of my companions. I went into the sea to fish and used various means to hunt animals in the mountains and forests, but I killed the companions who came to rob my food, and Takahashi Takeshi used the companions I killed as food. ]

[I have no feelings for my companions or Takahashi Takeshi. I just simply think that people cannot be eaten. ]

[Grandpa resurrected the devil in my heart. From that day on, I was trained as an heir, and I also learned the secrets of the family. ]

[When I grew up, I married and had children like ordinary people. My first wife was a very beautiful lady, Mayumi Hamada, who was like a perfect work of art. ]

[She was very particular about her beauty and was very afraid of getting old, because her mother was abandoned by her father because of her old age and her father married many concubines. ]

[She could feel that I liked her face, but I didn't have deep feelings for her, so she begged me to kill her when she was the most beautiful, so that I could remember her forever and fall in love with her. ]

[I have to admit that this is a crazy woman. I refused her request. After she gave birth to my son, she found that she had hair loss and her face was not as beautiful as before. I comforted her that she was still my only wife. ]

[But she chose to end her life one night. ]

[Looking at my wife lying in a pool of blood with a dagger piercing her chest, I suddenly felt that this picture was very beautiful. She was 18 years old that year. In order to keep her most beautiful appearance, I made her body into a doll and placed it in the bedroom. ]

[I did fall in love with her, Mayumi Hamada, she is really a smart woman. ]

[After inheriting the position of the head of the family, I expanded the family business three times, annexed the assets of the Ize family and the Pingyuan family, and led the family to a new era of prosperity. ]

[But I also felt more and more empty. Only when I looked at the dolls did I feel a moment of satisfaction. ]

[From then on, I fell in love with the process of making dolls. Every other year, I would make an exquisite doll and let them accompany Hamada Mayumi. ]

[After her, I never married again. In order to continue the bloodline, my father took concubines for me. My first concubine, Mikami Masae, gave birth to three children for me. However, she saw the process of making dolls, and she suffered from deep depression and eventually chose to commit suicide. ]

[I did not make her into a doll. I buried her in the backyard and planted a cherry tree. She loved cherry blossoms the most and hated dolls. She and I were not the same kind of people after all. ]

[Among all my children, only Nagakage is the most like me. I found that he also awakened strange habits, but I don’t want to learn from my grandfather and let him be the next heir. ]

[Compared to Nagakage, I like Hamada Mayumi’s child Kohei more. He is a very mediocre child. He did not inherit the good genes of me and her mother. His only advantage is that he looks like his mother. ]

[He is as kind as an ant that can be crushed to death with one foot, and he will even cry all day for the death of a pet dog. ]

[When I saw him, I seemed to see a completely different life. ]

[I still didn't have much affection for him, but I had a strange expectation. Could I train him to be like me? Turn an ordinary person into a genius, turn an enthusiastic person into a murderer? …]

[The facts proved that I was wrong. This kind-hearted child, after a series of tests by me, still remained kind in the end. What a precious material? This must be a genetic mutation, right? ]

[I even wanted to throw away his heart a few times to see if there was any difference between it and my heart. ]

[But he is my chosen heir, the child of Mayumi Hamada. His crazy mother saved him many times. When I wanted to kill him the most, I always felt that Mayumi Hamada was looking at me and gently said, let our child live. ]


Don't worry, there is still one chapter!

Chapter 184 183·Three Generations of Ancestors (4K Three Updates, Please Subscribe)

[A mysterious organization invited me to join. They called themselves the members of the Paradise Club. This group of people was very arrogant. They claimed that they had the ability to promote the direction of the times and the trend of history, and they also pursued the ultimate happiness. ]

[The Paradise Club, I didn’t expect it to be an international organization, gathering the world’s top rich people and capital. I have to say that facing their dark tactics, I am really just a newcomer. ]

[With the help of the club, I quickly defeated those old nobles in Kyoto, annexed their industries, and led the family to a more glorious era. ]

[But I also have to abide by the club’s rules, never reveal their existence to outsiders, and pay high membership fees regularly, unconditionally support the decisions of the club’s seven decision-makers, and take action for this. In addition to the core decision-makers, there are 30 families participating in the periphery. It is said that the club wants to develop 100 peripheral families, and there is a long way to go. ]

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