Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 1018 The Founder of the Game Industry


Since it was announced to be directed by Jesse Hallmill, the shooting of the film has been smoother all of a sudden.

Resources in the industry began to lean towards this movie.

This can be regarded as Jesse's own influence.

As for Jesse's own desire to adjust the scenes in the plot, Zhu Youxing has no big opinion, but one or two of his own easter eggs are missing.

Originally, the scene of the second act of Ready Player One was also a horror movie, it was the famous director Kubrick's The Shining, but this formed a counterpoint relationship in this time and space.

When all the work officially started, the official special effects teams of Unreal Engine and Youxing Electronic Entertainment also joined in the production of the film and television.

Jesse is also the first time to come into contact with video games and related fields, and he has also witnessed how amazing the Unreal Engine and special effects production technology that the game industry has been tinkering with today.

In the past, many of the film shooting and special effects production techniques he used were a bit retro in comparison.

And this consumes a lot of labor costs.

But when the Unreal Engine team and the official special effects team have entered the scene, with the assistance of the official AI, the computer for special effects production began to operate crazily.

Jesse roughly estimated that the special effects produced by Youxing Electronic Entertainment can save at least one-third of the cost.

This can be regarded as an eye-opener for him, and he seems to realize that the video game industry seems to be quite powerful.

People don't just affect ordinary people in the entertainment products of video games, a series of edge technologies developed by video games can also feed back many different industries.

"Director Jesse, I'm your fan. Today's Enemy you shot is my favorite spy movie!"

Jesse, who is in his seventies, is old-hearted, and will take time between shootings to see the work of the special effects production department.

Although he is too old to understand programming and other technologies that are easier for young talents to learn, he still wants to watch it.

And among these people are fans of Jesse, who are quite senior.

One of the people in charge of scene special effects production was very excited to follow Jesse, and while introducing him to some features of Unreal Engine special effects production, he said how much he admired Jesse.

Jesse showed a kind smile: "Thank you very much for liking my movie, just like the words Halliday said at the end of this movie, 'Thank you for playing my game'"

Then he looked curiously at one of the supercomputers running crazily.

Next to the supercomputer are dozens of employees who are dedicated to checking the special effects after rendering.

"Your work seems relatively easy, you just need to stare at the computer, which is completely different from the working conditions of the special effects production teams I have come into contact with before."

The young person in charge immediately said proudly: "This is due to the power of our Unreal Engine. You can watch this first. How long do you think it will take to build this scene from scratch in Unreal Engine?"

After thinking for a moment, Jessie said, "It takes at least two days for a special effects film and television scene that meets my requirements."

The young person in charge said proudly: "We only need twelve hours and three people."

Before Jesse could make an exclamation, the young person in charge continued: "For the film and television industry, after the construction of a virtual special effects scene is completed, it is necessary to check every minute and every second of the scene light source, wind direction, and a series of Complex scene feedback to adjust, but Unreal Engine doesn't have to be so troublesome at all."

The young person in charge directly picked up an idle laptop next to him, and then extracted a special effect scene that had been built on the computer and showed it to Jesse.

"In Unreal Engine, you only need to input the corresponding parameter data, you see, it only takes a few minutes, and the cloud supercomputing behind our team can easily capture all the natural environment changes that will occur in the entire scene in the next few minutes Presented, including the dancing of sand and dust in the wind, as well as the different performance of light sources in different scenes, and this is the power of Unreal Engine.”

Jesse stared at the screen and said, "Why can't other special effects do this?"

"Because of the database."

"What database?"

"Behind our team, there is an unimaginably huge database, which records countless data contents. These things are the most precious wealth of Unreal Engine. With these data, coupled with the latest AI of Unreal Engine Computing function, it can know what kind of environmental data should be used in this scene very smartly, if there are some errors, it can also be adjusted manually immediately, and in the process of adjustment, AI will continue to learn, let it We can do better in future special effects production."

"Sounds like a lot, but seriously, I'm getting old."

Jesse shook his head. He couldn't fully understand at least seven out of ten sentences the young man said.


Is data that important?

He has realized that it is difficult for him to integrate with modern science and technology.

But fortunately, he at least already knew that this thing was good enough, and it didn't matter to him how good it was.

"Unreal Engine is a good thing, and the people who created this engine are also extremely smart."

The young person in charge showed some complacency and admiration: "Indeed, at the very beginning, you can think of using an engine to produce special effects for film and television, and to make games. This is already an extraordinary talent, and I think such a person is He Jie. Director Xi is on par with you."

"Me?" Jesse smiled and shook his head, "I didn't do anything."

"It's not that you didn't do anything. You can be said to be the founder of the modern film industry."

"It's not that exaggerated." Jesse continued to shake his head, and then said, "As for the person you mentioned who created this Unreal Engine, I'm really interested in meeting and chatting with him, he is a very talented person , is he here now? Is he the boss of your Unreal Engine company?"

"No, the boss of our Unreal Engine company is just a professional manager. He doesn't understand anything, he just knows how to run the company safely. The person who created this engine is now the god of games."

"What? God?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm used to using this name. He is the boss of Youxing Electronic Entertainment and the founder of the video game industry. That's why I said that he exists on par with Director Jesse and you."

"that person……"

Jesse naturally knows Zhuyouxing.

After all, he is an existence at the top of the industry, but I only heard about him in the past, knowing that he is very good at making games and is very popular among young people.

But it never occurred to him that he had other achievements besides this.

It seems that it is time to take a good look at the founder of the game industry.

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