Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 1021 Thank you for playing my game


To be honest, Jimmy is really not very used to the crazy cheering posture of young people nowadays.

He still prefers to watch movies quietly.

But before he came in, he knew that this movie was aimed at pleasing video game players.

As long as these players are having fun while watching the movie, it doesn't matter what other people's mentality thinks.

This can be regarded as one of the reasons why he was a little disgusted with this movie in the first place.

"Look! It's the world of Mario Golf!"

"Dragon Quest!"

"Final Fantasy!"

"It's really touching. I can see so many characters at once, and I'm about to cry!"

Jimmy looked calm, unable to understand why these people were excited.

"Dad, why don't you feel anything?"

"I don't play games, of course I don't feel it anymore. I don't understand what you are talking about."

"It's really a pity. Obviously, Dad, you have the opportunity to understand all this, but you want to stay in your own way."

His child shook his head regretfully, and then continued to stare at the screen, afraid that he might miss any details.

However, what this movie lacks most is the details.

It's like Zhu Youxing created the GTA world and filled the entire game world with details.

There are hundreds of easter eggs in Ready Player One.

Most of them are related to Youxing Electronic Entertainment, and the rest are authorized by Jesse using his contacts to find other IP products.

At the beginning, Jesse suggested that this movie should not be just used as a promotional tool for Youxing Electronic Entertainment. This movie can be done better.

Zhu Youxing also deeply agrees with this, but he doesn't know much about other cultural industries in this world, and he doesn't know which other cultural industries have enough influence.

There is no Gundam or Iron Giant in this world, and it would be a bit blunt to force many of the IPs I created into the movie.

The various IPs that Spielberg chose for this movie were also carefully considered, and they were not forced.

So Zhuyouxing simply delegated authority and let Jesse, a professional, use his imagination to his heart's content. If he thinks what IP is more suitable, just contact him, and Youxing Electronic Entertainment will also help to a certain extent.

Later, Jesse even contacted Mike Fu and Su Rui Electronics.

Some of the IP in the hands of these two rivals is also a good fit to be part of the adaptation.

At the beginning, Jesse was worried that because it was a competitor, Zhuyouxing would refuse to include these IPs in the movie.

But Zhu Youxing doesn't care, anyway, his games are definitely C-ranked, it's just a movie, and giving up some positions to competitors won't affect his basic set at all.

And if you agree, it will make people feel that the pattern is opened up, and let people realize that this is not a promotional tool of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, but a movie that is really made with heart.

So occasionally in the crowd, some people can be surprised to find some special easter eggs. Those special eggs are from Su Rui Electronics and Mike Fu, which also makes these players very happy.

Just like what Zhuyouxing said, the players in the world are one family. Players should not blindly pursue a company just because a certain game is good or bad. All we have to do is to make the game better, better and the best.

In the movie, the protagonist takes an adventure with his companions in the virtual world, in order to find the three keys left by the founder who created the oasis before his death.

Anyone who gets these three keys will be able to gain control of the entire oasis.

The three keys also represent the three scenes of the film.

This is also the standard structure of a film: a three-act structure.

This kind of perfect integration with film techniques is a very pleasant surprise for Jimmy.

However, in the process, the emergence of games and special cultural Easter eggs also quietly touched Jimmy's heart.

Once upon a time, Jimmy was also a rebellious boy, and he also had some cultures he loved.

It's just that those cultures seem a little outdated and ancient now.

But who is Jesse, how can the movies he shoots only have modern popular elements.

Since this is an easter egg movie, movie-related easter eggs are absolutely indispensable, as well as some retro music and retro culture.

Jimmy, who doesn't understand video games, can be moved by these retro pop culture.

"It's Hello Sun from Neptune. The taste of this movie is quite good."

"Director Jesse is really strong. Such a movie can be so thrilling."

The story of the film is quite simple, it is the story of gaining fame and fortune in the future world, and at the same time the story of low-level people fighting against big corporations.

In his opinion, this story is somewhat childish, three virtual keys can get a huge amount of wealth, and in the end, in order to get the keys, you need to constantly challenge various games.

It was really hard for Jimmy to see what was so interesting about the movie at first.

But he noticed his child's attentive gaze.

Occasionally, the children will cheer like other audiences, because the flash of a certain hit game makes them excited, just like they were happy to see some flash of retro pop culture just now.

Gradually Jimmy seemed to understand something.

At this moment, he recalled the giant standing sign he saw in front of the cinema.

The little line below.

Thanks for watching this movie and thanks for playing my game.

Video games in movies are like a history of video game development in this world.

The video games here can even be traced back to before Zhuyou star crossing.

Before Zhuyou Star Travel, there were actually video games, but at that time people got great satisfaction from other entertainment, and video games were not particularly valued, and it was also because the technology at that time was indeed not particularly strong. No one could have imagined how much fun video games can be without enough talented people showing up.

In this movie, the older video games in this world are also taken out and added to this movie.

This makes the film richer in content.

And when the movie came to the last scene, when the protagonist held the golden egg in the game with tears in his hands, the audience and players at the scene also completely fell silent, staring at the golden egg in a daze.

That seems to be everything video games are.

In the end, the digital version of Halliday, who left his legacy and died, looked at the protagonist, showing a slightly shy smile, and at the same time said the line that Jimmy thought was the finishing touch of the whole movie.

"Thank you, thank you for playing my game."

It's like the line of small characters on the giant stand outside the door.

At this time, Jimmy only felt that video games seemed to have begun to have a soul similar to movies in his mind.

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