Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 1031 It's hard to imagine how it was done before

This year's game exhibition is bound to be quite a lively year.

It seems that several large game companies have discussed it, and they chose to release their blockbuster products at this time almost at the same time.

And rumors were flying all over the sky for a while.

In addition to Yuxing Electronic Entertainment's well-known game Cyberpunk 2077, what the other three large game companies will release today has become the most curious thing for many people.

Some say that Su Rui Electronics has developed the latest next-generation game console, and some say that Mike Fu is preparing to announce a game platform that can be adapted to his own PC platform, and then will put many game ports together, so that no matter The game can be played on Mi Kefu's mobile phone, or Mi Kefu's home computer and other platforms.

Some are also saying that Brown Entertainment is preparing to develop the top open world multiplayer game, with the goal of competing with the hot GTA Liberty City chapter.

The chapter of GTA Liberty City is not only very good in the single-player plot of the game, but also very good in the multiplayer mode. It feels like living in a city. At the beginning, some people questioned the relationship with reality. If it is too similar, will it be nondescript? After all, most players still hope to experience things different from real life.

But obviously those who commented missed one thing, and the realistic game environment is not without fun.

At least in reality you can't really rob.

It is also impossible for you to go to the street and beat up others when they are upset, or to gang up with a group of people and drive fighter jets and tanks to confront another group of people in the city.

This kind of thing that is close to reality, but something beyond reality is more likely to fascinate people.

Brown Entertainment intends to make a multiplayer online game equivalent to the online mode of GTA Liberty City Chapter.

Moreover, AI computing can no longer rely on the performance of the player's own game console and computer AI chip, but can be handed over to the online AI large-scale supercomputing center to solve it, allowing players to have a better online experience.

In short, the things that the three companies are about to release are rumored to be miraculous.

Finally, the time for the official game exhibition on the second day arrived.

Today is the day that is open to the public and the most visited by players.

People seem to have gradually formed a kind of inertia and like to participate in this kind of game exhibition.

Moreover, this kind of exhibition can also give many video game enthusiasts an opportunity to gather together, so that they can have more communication opportunities.

Suri Electronics, Mickford, and Brown Entertainment still have no-entry signs to ensure that no one can break in and see the blockbuster they are about to release.

But in this way, Youxing Electronic Entertainment, a venue that doesn't mind being open to the public, has become a short-lived lively area.

"Sure enough, big companies are more popular. Small studios like ours can only wait for players to come to us after they have experienced the games of big companies."

At this moment, Kazumi was lying on the table bored.

In this area where independent and small game developers gather, there are not many visitors yet.

Even if there are, most of them just pass by in a hurry to see if there are any games that are pleasing to the eye at first glance, and then try a little bit. More people still pay most attention to those big popular game companies.

"We don't have the latest game trial yet, don't worry."

Aiko was calm and composed.

Today, she is no longer as busy as yesterday, but has always maintained a professional smile and is ready to welcome players who may enter at any time.

Yinjiang is also learning from others, at least be prepared.

After about a few minutes, someone finally stopped at their exhibition area, and then looked into the exhibition area curiously.

Among the many small and medium-sized game developer exhibition areas, the area where Aiko and the others exhibited is relatively conspicuous, mainly because the staff here are almost all women, and only one or two men occasionally act as laborers.

Aiko's eyes lit up, and she immediately smiled professionally and said, "My friend, do you want to experience our video game?"

"What kind of games are you guys? I don't think I've seen your games before."

"We mainly focus on games like management simulation and farming. Of course, we also occasionally develop some hardcore roguelike games like Dead Cells. I don't know if you have heard of it."

"Oh, dead cells, I've heard of this, and I've seen my friend play it. At first I laughed at him for not being able to operate it, but after I got started, I found that he died more often than him."

Aiko immediately said: "This is what a game is like. It encourages you to acquire more new knowledge and abilities through each death, and then strive for better performance in the next game."

"Hmm... I'm not interested in this kind of games..."

"Then you can also take a look at our business simulation games. This type of game is also very good. For example, our classic farm defense game, this game..."

"Forget it, I'll look elsewhere."

Aiko's expression froze, but she could only continue to send that player away with a smile.

"It's hard." Kazumi walked up to Aiko and said.

"It's okay, it's still a few days away, and the game we're going to release hasn't been fully announced yet."

Yinjiang sighed and said: "A lot of game companies are like this at the beginning. Even for a well-known game studio like ours, it is still difficult for most players to pay attention and like it. I really don't know when Youxing Electronic Entertainment How difficult it is to be able to showcase your products at Electronic Entertainment Expos without a game expo."

Kazumi said: "It must be very hard work. I can imagine that when I participated in the exhibition, Mr. Zhuyou personally yelled at the door, and together with several veterans, I tried my best to invite others to come in and at least experience it."

At this time, Zhu Youxing didn't know that someone was thinking about him, because he didn't have the standard practice of sneezing.

Now he is looking at the players who are seriously playing their games.

At this moment, it is not yet the release time of Cyberpunk 2077. According to the arrangement of the organizer of the exhibition venue, the estimated release time is arranged at around ten o'clock in the morning, and the duration of the entire conference is one and a half hours.

Then came the game conferences of the three game giants, Su Rui Electronics, Mickford and Brown Entertainment.

In this kind of press conference, in order to obtain more traffic and attention, the schedule of the press conference of such a large company is also very knowledgeable, at least there should be no conflicts between the press conferences of large companies.

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