Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 1043 Now, the pressure is on Mickford

In the demo of the game, the Sun Knight passed the time pointer, allowing him to seamlessly travel to various times.

Every time will have its unique style and scenery.

And you are still fighting the enemy in this world on the front foot, and you will go to the next world to fight another group of people in a blink of an eye.

This feeling is still quite strange.

The players were obviously also attracted by this, and all of them watched Okawa Yoichi's game demo with wide eyes.

It didn't take long for discussions about Sun Knight's latest work to start appearing on the Internet.

People began to compare the game Sun Knight Time Adventure with Yuxing Electronic Entertainment's Cyberpunk 2077.

"Cyberpunk 2077 obviously has a lot of volume and has many game identities. Players of any hobby can find their favorite parts in it, but the Sun Knight is different. The Sun Knight is only in a fixed story structure. Adventure in the middle of the game is essentially the same as the old game, but there is an extra wonderful form of traveling through time."

"But only this form of expression is completely enough. You see, I think the effect of seamless time switching in Time Journey is really good. To be honest, I don't particularly like the effect in Cyberpunk 2077." This kind of game with so much content will make people feel as if they are working, and they need to complete something in the game every day, but the latest work of Sun Knight obviously has a good time control, clearing the level in 30 to 40 hours, Then stop playing."

"If you calculate it based on the revenue ratio of a game, it is obvious that Cyberpunk 2077 will be more profitable, because in Cyberpunk 2077 you have a lot of new things waiting for you to explore, while Sun Knight is only so long."

"Sometimes it's not that the longer the game, the better it is, and the game is for fun. Why do you need to calculate such boring things as the income ratio? Can calculation of such things make people enjoy playing games?"

"No, on the contrary, I think the longer the game, the better. Calculating the revenue ratio is just an example. I don't really want to use this standard to judge the game."

It seems that the debate between the two parties on the Internet will not stop for a while.

The focus of Sun Knight's publicity this time is the high-speed reading feature of the latest game console from Su Rui Electronics.

After such a demonstration of this feature, it is indeed an amazing enough performance.

But this will also cause another problem, that is, this game may be exclusive for a longer time.

Because only a game console with a fixed configuration can ensure that everyone's gaming experience is the same.

If it is on a computer, the Sun Knight's time travel may not be able to travel.

Not everyone's computer has a high-speed hard drive, let alone one that can read several gigabytes per second.

Not long after Su Rui Electronics' press conference ended, Brown Entertainment's press conference ushered in the afternoon.

Today is really like Chinese New Year for players.

They feel as if it has been a long time since they have seen a few big game companies rushing to each other to release a good product.

The last time there was such a big battle should be when Youxing Electronic Entertainment launched the latest game console, and then announced several explosive works all at once, leaving the opponents in the same period helpless.

Huck Brown opened his game conference venue to the public on time.

But his strategy is much more direct than Su Rui Electronics.

Just after the opening of the exhibition venue, they have already announced what they will release this time.

It is a heavyweight online role-playing game, which is a new type of game that combines the characteristics of role-playing itself and the gameplay of first-person shooting.

If you want to say something similar, it should be very similar to the game Destiny 2.

However, Destiny 2 tells the story of the future sci-fi interstellar, while Brown Entertainment launched a fictional modern society.

In this modern society, the society has fallen apart, the third world war broke out, anarchism is everywhere, there are ruins and ruins everywhere, and the remaining human beings need to survive in this troubled world.

The background setting of this wasteland is very eye-catching, coupled with the characteristics of role-playing, players who like online games will be captured immediately.

What's more, this game is free.

At least initially, it is free. If players are serious and willing to play, then this game will not be a problem until they get old. Huck Brown personally promised on the stage that this game will have super-large expansion packs updated every year, and new ones will be updated every quarter. Dungeons and new equipment and props, etc., he expects to build this role-playing game into an online game that is infinitely close to the oasis world in the movie Ready Player One. It can be said that the ambition is quite big.

Of course he does have this strength.

Then Huck Brown personally announced the development progress of several stand-alone works of his own. Although there are no game previews and demos, it can be regarded as a good picture for the players.

As of today, Yuxing Electronic Entertainment announced its most important work Cyberpunk 2077, and also announced a derivative animation, which is expected to be screened before and after the game's release.

Su Rui Electronics announced its latest game console and the latest work of Sun Knight. The new features of high-speed reading make it the focus of players' attention.

Brown Entertainment invested heavily in the development of a super-large first-person role-playing game, hoping to reach the scale of the number one player's Oasis World and become the world's number one role-playing game. It is ambitious.

The products released by each of the three companies have their own advantages and strengths, and the discussion among players is quite high. Every player can find their favorite content in the products released by the three companies, and then slowly divide into three camps.

And now, there is still one without a development conference.

Mick Foo.

This company, which started from smartphones and expanded to video games, has occupied a certain market with sufficient funds.

This time, I plan to make a big move.

But with the first three Zhu Yus, if what Mickford announces is not so eye-catching, I am afraid that they will all become stepping stones for the success of the other three companies.

Therefore, the most stressful person now should be the host of Mickford's press conference.

"Are you a fucking idiot?! How many times have I told you that this product of ours has 24T floating point calculations, not some fucking 12T floating point calculations. The 12T one is the maximum expansion capacity!"

"You are a host who has no brains. I am really disappointed in you."

In the background, several Mickford professionals grabbed the host by the neck and kept cursing.

This host needs to remember a lot of things now, and the press conferences of Youxing Electronic Entertainment and other three companies have received very good responses not long ago, so everyone is looking forward to him as the host, and the press conference will be a blockbuster.

However, this host is still a human being after all. Faced with so many expectations, he himself seems to be unable to bear it. The pressure is huge, causing him to forget a lot of details about the host, and he still hasn't written down all the needs. something to remember.

And Myron Keyes saw all this in his eyes.

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