In the past few days, Zhu Youxing has played more than a hundred games related to cyberpunk.

These games cover almost all current game types.

There are also several cyberpunk VR and somatosensory games. For this reason, Zhu Youxing specially found the corresponding equipment to try it out.

Then, a week later, he finally experienced all the games recorded on the list, and wrote down the characteristics of each game clearly, and finally made a new form for this game, and handed it over to The platform is usually responsible for the game release and recording department.

At the moment, this department of the platform is busy with the listing and review of other games.

Now there are quite a lot of new games added every year, and there are a lot of jobs in this department.

At this moment, the employee in charge of daily game review saw an urgent email from the highest level.

He was still reviewing other games just now, and was slightly taken aback when he saw the urgent email from the highest level.

He is just a very inconspicuous employee in the company. He usually does not have access to high-level internal emails, and most of the time he dispatches tasks from top to bottom.

It was also the first time he had encountered this urgent top-level email.

He immediately straightened his posture, as if someone was watching him right now, and opened the email cautiously.

The content of the email is very simple.

It is the employees who are required to review and remove the games marked in the form attached to the email. For games that are not marked, certain resources can be tilted according to the recommendation mechanism.

A good game Zhuyouxing also needs to be supported, and the popularity must be serious, not mindless.

The employee looked at the form carefully, and he noticed that these forms seemed to be games related to cyberpunk style.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

At this time, the colleague at the station next to the employee looked over curiously.

Just now he was going to have a cup of coffee, and when he came back, he noticed that his colleague seemed to be reading some emails, so he was a little curious.

Usually this time is considered a time when they are not too busy, and it is quite rare to send emails at this time.

"It's an email from...the president. The president asked me to directly remove these designated games from the shelves."

The employee said in a little astonishment.

"Huh? A direct order from the president? Will the president also read the latest game release?"

"I don't know. I thought the president was very busy and wouldn't pay attention to the review of games like ours."

While the two were chatting, the head of the department not far away vaguely heard something, and then came over, and then saw the content of the highest-level email sent directly from Zhu Youxing on the employee's computer.

"It turned out to be a direct order from the president. How could you give such a direct order? Could it be that your previous work was not serious enough and you put some unqualified games on the shelves?"

"No." The employee said a little aggrieved, "I just followed the orders of my boss to conduct a simple review of the game to ensure that the game itself does not have too sensitive content, and then I can directly put the game on the shelves. Many of our games before Is that how it works too?"

"Huh? That's really weird. Does the president think some games are not qualified this time? Have you watched these games seriously?"

"They are all games related to cyberpunk. The games need to be removed from the shelves, and some games can be given a certain amount of artificial recommendation resources."

The executive thought about it carefully, the only thing he could think of was that the game Cyberpunk was also being developed by himself. Could it be that he was planning to exclude some competitors?

No, there should be no need to do that, then it should be to exclude some games that are really not very good, so as to avoid affecting the sales of their own games.

However, since it is necessary to prevent these games from affecting sales, why should we recommend resources for some games?

I don't understand a bit.

I don't understand what the boss means.

In the company, there are really few people who really understand Zhuyouxing.

Because most of them can't achieve the pure player's heart like Zhu Youxing.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much. If the president is dissatisfied with us, he should say it directly. He should simply give orders, and you just follow the orders."

"Okay." The employee nodded, and then prepared to execute the order immediately.

However, during the execution process, he noticed that each game in this table has been marked and evaluated in great detail.

These evaluations cannot be evaluated by just playing around or simply watching a trailer.

This is at least to play this game seriously, and then make the most suitable evaluation and suggestion for this game.

These... are all done by the president?

Is the president so free?

The employee was a little puzzled.

As the president, he shouldn't be that free... No, the president should be very free, but people who reach the level of the president probably don't have time to play games, but should do something more stylish .

For example, play golf, meet with a senior government official, or discuss a big business deal.

In his opinion, it was a waste of time for a big man like him to play games.

Well, then it should be the game evaluation summed up by a team like the think tank under the president, and then the president personally issued the order.

With this in mind, the employee began to remove each designated game from the shelves. As for those games that were specially marked for resource tilting, he also classified them separately, and planned to arrange these games in advance to some better recommendations. location is recommended.

After it took about half a day to get everything done, the employee also finished his day's work and was ready to go home to play games after get off work!

At the same time, it happened to be early morning on the other side of the ocean.

Hanlady had a night of hangovers and was drinking hard with some friends.

He just released a game recently, and it actually took about a week to make it. Basically, he stitched some gameplay together through the convenience of Unreal Engine, and then caught the wave of cyberpunk enthusiasm.

Of course, there are inevitably some material infringements.

But he doesn't care about these, he thinks it's all harmless.

When cyberpunk became popular, he also made a lot of money through this game... oh no, he was about to make a lot of money.

Because the official payment time of the platform has not yet arrived, it will take a few days to wait.

But after seeing that nearly three hundred thousand dollars had been credited to his background account, he was quite excited.

In just one week, I easily got more than 300,000 US dollars. Is there anything more profitable than this?

He was very happy, and he borrowed a sum of money in advance to hold several celebration parties, and he planned to wait until the money actually arrived, and then hold a few more receptions to enjoy the addiction of the upper class.

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