Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 1083 Jack's death is really worthless

Cyberpunk 2077 can be regarded as the favorite of many setting parties.

They are delighted that they can experience this cross-age game for themselves. The logic of the entire worldview details is quite rigorous, and there are many quite novel story settings and gameplay.

Chaomeng's gameplay is unique.

The gameplay itself can only be regarded as a variant of some other gameplays, not a major innovation.

But with the commentary setting of Chaomeng, Chaomeng has become very cool.

The animation is still going on, the protagonist needs to go to school like other conventional animations, and then go to school to be bullied by some people, this is a very common story routine, it is useless.

It seems that it is indeed a relatively ordinary cartoon, but it just adds a cyberpunk skin, but even this is very pleasing.

But then, the plot took a sharp turn, and the protagonist, David Martinez, was riding in the car with his mother to go home.

However, there seemed to be a sudden clash between two gangs on the road, and the car rolled over in a panic. The protagonist David's mother was thrown out of the car, and David was tightly bound by the seat belt and could not break free.

Soon, a group of people suddenly descended from the sky in an aircraft and came to the protagonist, and the protagonist was overjoyed when he saw the identities of those people.

"Great! Trauma team! Saved!"

The protagonist David in the animation is very happy, but the senior player who is watching is frowning, and he suddenly has a bad feeling.

He has played the identity of the trauma team, and he knows quite well what this identity will do.

Given the social status of the protagonists, can they afford to buy trauma group memberships?

If they can't afford it, will the trauma team save them?

Before he could finish his question, the trauma team gave up rescuing the hero and his mother as he expected.

Because they are not members of the trauma team.

"They're not members."

"Then don't worry about it, let the body collectors deal with them, and let's save the members."

The male protagonist David was a little dumbfounded, and then roared angrily: "Wait! You guys! Mom! Mom! Take heart!"

Amidst the roar of the male protagonist, the scene switched to David sitting on a chair decadently, and a man who looked a little sloppy wearing a mask lightly told the male protagonist about his mother's situation.

"Ah, your mother's vital signs have recovered, and it seems that she should be discharged from the hospital soon."

"Can I go and see my mother?"

"No, because this is the cheapest treatment package after all, and there is no visiting service, but don't worry."

The next day, when the hero went to see his mother after being bullied by a group of peers at school, his mother was already dead.

In Night City, death is commonplace.

Even the protagonist V in Cyberpunk 2077 cannot escape death.

Veteran players have a feeling of being stuck in the throat.

Somewhat uncomfortable.

But everything is so reasonable.

Veteran players right now really don't want the future world to be like this, if they can.

Otherwise, it would be too cruel for ordinary people.

Ordinary people in such a world are probably just screws, without any ability to resist.

In today's world, people can at least have some freedom of their own.

At least I can still play games at home, and occasionally do odd jobs to survive, and I can also do what I like.

But in the cyberpunk 2077 world view, his daily survival may be a problem.

The protagonist David and his mother in the animation are the best portrayal.

Even if he tried his best, he could barely survive in Night City, and at the same time, he tried his best to win the slightest chance to become a high-level figure.

However, according to the speculation of senior players, even if David's mother tried his best to let David go to a high-level school to study, it might be difficult for him to really enter the top management of a large company.

At most, they can only be small employees of the company who are struggling at the bottom, and they can only barely survive.

At the end of the first episode, the protagonist finally broke out and completed the first change of character.

He wants to become stronger, since taking the ordinary path is not feasible, then find another way.

He wants to get stronger physically.

The first thing to do is to install a powerful prosthetic body that his mother secretly took away on himself.

At the end of the first episode, veteran players suddenly found that they had forgotten to drink Coke and eat potato chips in the second half.

Obviously, I have been completely attracted by the second half of the first episode.

At least from the sense of the first episode, this animation is really well done.

And the fighting scene at the beginning of the first episode is also very cool, and that kind of cool special effects scene should at least be achieved by investing a lot of money.

It seems that it does not match the small cost production I estimated at the beginning.

"It's really cool to release the complete episodes all at once. It feels so good not to have to follow the series."

Veteran players click through to the next episode.

In the process of the next few episodes, the protagonist began to become a member of the mercenary team, and met a girl who looked super cool, named Lucy.

Veteran players fell in love with this Lucy at first sight.

White hair, and that indifferent expression, it seems that he doesn't care about anything.

This just pokes at him.

In the animation, with the development of the story, the two naturally became a couple. At the same time, to the surprise of experienced players, there is another very lovable character in this animation.

That character is called Rebecca, a girl who looks very small and cute, but is super violent. This contrast is very attractive.

And this girl is very kind to the protagonist.

However, in an accident in the animation, the girl's brother died suddenly. The reason was that he encountered a cyber lunatic who was peeing on the street, and was shot in the head directly without warning.

When the animation played to that moment, the veteran players were taken aback. There were really no signs of some accidents in this animation, and death was also without warning.

Just like the mother of the hero David.

This also made the experienced players more confirm the cruelty of this city.

Death is a commonplace thing.

He couldn't help but lament that he lived in a peaceful age, not as hopeless as in the cyberpunk 2077 world view.

However, the city also has its charms.

One of the fascinating things about being a big shot in Night City.

Even if it's just a few minutes to become a big shot, it seems worth it.

like jack...

Huh, thinking of Jack, the veteran player felt uncomfortable again.

There are many plots related to Jack in the game, and everything is for the purpose of cultivating the relationship between players and Jack.

Then wait until the players are most caught off guard to arrange the plot of Jack's death, which makes the players' emotions fluctuate violently.

So far, senior players have felt uneasy.

Jack's death is really worthless!

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