Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 109 The Charm of Video Games

After pampering his daughter with the phone for a long time, he returned to the world of Dragon Quest again.

In the story, Wilson officially started the story of Lot, the ancestor of the brave.

The mother of the brave man came to the king with her child, and the king hoped that the brave man could inherit his father's behest, defeat the legendary demon king, and bring the world back to peace.

As the offspring of a brave father, it is of course the duty of the brave.

Then, he embarked on a journey to defeat the Demon King.

This time is different from the first chapter, this time the brave has a partner that can be recruited.

The previous partners were only three people.

But after the new chapter, the brave can directly recruit people in the tavern to help the protagonist.

This also greatly increases the degree of freedom of the game.

Originally there were only three characters, and the occupation of each character was fixed, which was similar to the configuration of priest, mage and warrior.

But in the new chapter, diversity is added, and the occupation is no longer unique. Of course, the occupation of the protagonist hero is unique.

During the play, Wilson also discovered one thing surprisingly.

It turns out that time travel is not groundless, not a sudden increase in content, but a complete integration with the world view.

There will often be some flashback clips in the process of playing the hero.

It's like a person's brain occasionally flashes back some images.

And these flashback fragments are part of the details from the first chapter.

It doesn’t matter if you ignore these details, but if you try to follow the flashback clips to make some responses, for example, one of the flashback clips shows that the offspring of the hero encountered a strong enemy in a certain cave, if you put this in the same area in advance If the powerful enemies that appear are weakened, a prompt will appear on the screen.

Your offspring are strengthened.

What does this reinforcement mean? Wilson still doesn't quite understand what's going on.

But it feels like if you do this, it seems that there will really be some gains.

So he also began to try tirelessly, completing various tasks one by one according to the flashback clips.

This has also become a part of the gameplay, creating a sense of inexplicable connection between the two time and space.

This feeling is very special, as if I can really change the future.

There have been many movies that have changed the future in this world, but in the field of video games, this is indeed a brand new experience.

In addition to these, there are also some mini-games in the new chapter, such as the fishing system, and a card game called Brave Cards. This is a small game built into the game, and it has never appeared before.

And this is also very good as a kind of spice on the adventure of the brave, so that it will not appear too boring on the road of adventure.

Finally, in the process of overcoming obstacles all the way, the brave man finally came to the final BOSS Demon King Soma.

This is the root of darkness in this world and the most powerful BOSS.

But the brave is also very powerful, because he also has a unique identity.

Finally, at this time, the identity of the brave ancestor was completely revealed.

He is the one who was endowed with divine power, and at the same time as endowed with divine power, he was also given a legendary name: Lott.

And the meaning of Lot itself represents (a person with divine power.)

At this moment, Wilson also suddenly realized, and finally realized that Lott meant this, so no matter what name he chose, people in future generations would only remember the title of Lott, and everything seemed to make more sense.

In the previous continuous adventures, Lott has grasped the key to defeating the devil Soma, and after a hard fight, he finally defeated the devil Soma.

But at the same time of defeat, the demon king Soma just disappeared, but his real soul will last forever.

Soma laughed wildly in the dark, laughing at the futility of the efforts of the protagonists. When the protagonists grow old and the brave dies, he will sweep the land again. They are only temporarily restoring peace to the world.

But the brave Lott is full of confidence.

Because he has seen countless flashbacks from the future in his adventures along the way.

In the future, there will also be a group of descendants who have the same will as themselves.

They may be immature, but as long as this will lasts, the light of the brave will never go out.

Soma's voice gradually disappeared, and the story seemed to have finally come to an end.

Wilson was very satisfied.

When the plot came to this moment, he felt that the story was finally complete.

Although the last words of the enemy made him very worried.

However, having played the first generation and the first chapter, he understands that there will be Lotter's descendants guarding the world. This world will never really fall into darkness. There will always be someone who will stand up in the darkness and support people. Get up a piece of sky.

The story seems to be really coming to an end at this moment.

The brave Lot took his followers to a kingdom palace, where many people were welcoming their return. The king bestowed on Lot the highest standard title, and promised to tell the story of the brave Lot forever.

At this time, Lott just responded with a smile.

When people were still immersed in celebrating world peace, the brave Lott left the palace without knowing when, and he walked to a cliff alone.

And Wilson was ready to end the story, and he couldn't help showing a smile in his heart.

However, at this moment, a voice sounded in the void.

"Lot, the legendary brave man, accept the call from your descendants, defeat the enemy together, and protect the people of future generations."

Wilson's eyes were staring, and his eyes were bloodshot, which was the result of playing for almost five days in a state of liver explosion.

But he still couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes.

People who protect future generations... Hey, that's right!

In the first chapter, the last three heroes are descendants of the King of Destruction, and it's not over yet!

He suddenly became excited.

Turns out it wasn't really over yet.

In the picture, the brave man jumped on the cliff with his weapons and equipment, and then a space tunnel appeared, and the brave man was teleported away from this world.

Then, the screen returns to the beginning of the previous first chapter.

The brave Lott, the ancestor of the brave came to this world, his power is truly unparalleled in the world.

His descendants can only look up at this time.

But at this time, Wilson also suddenly discovered something. In the first chapter, the equipment of the descendants of the three brave men has changed and looks more gorgeous.

Suddenly he remembered the occasional flashbacks of the brave Lotor in the part0 chapter.

If he completes certain tasks according to the flashback screen, a message will be prompted on the screen that your descendants have been strengthened.

It turns out that the foreshadowing is here!

This really amazing!

The whole game is interlocking, and the details of previous games can be changed in subsequent games.

You will change the future yourself!

And the God of Destruction in front of him is just a relatively powerful BOSS in the current world. Facing the real brave ancestors, he can't fight at all.

But Lott didn't join the battle from the beginning, but let his three descendants deal with the God of Destruction first. He wanted to see the fighting power of the descendants with his own eyes.

If it was before, Wilson believed that these three brave men would never be able to defeat the God of Destruction, and even if they could defeat it, it would be very difficult.

But from the future changed by Lott in his previous life, the fighting power of the three descendants of the brave is also far superior to before.

As expected, the brave Lott did not participate in the battle, and the three descendants of the brave also defeated the God of Destruction, proving that they were worthy of the descendants of the brave.

At this moment, Lotter finally left this world with satisfaction and returned to his original past era.

And the story really ends after this scene dims.

The sign belonging to the brave was lit up, followed by an introduction to the descendants of the brave Lott.

He disappeared in front of the world, and no one knew where he went, but he left behind his own heroic weapon, waiting for the people of later generations to use him to defeat powerful enemies one after another and protect the world.

As for the story of the three descendants of the brave, it is another happy reunion.

The whole story finally came to an end.

six days.

After sleeping almost three or four hours a day for six days, Wilson finally cleared the whole story.

Have fun!

Dragon Quest 3 has reached a new pinnacle in role-playing games.

It's really evocative.

No, no matter what, I have to buy a few more cassettes and game consoles to go back.

He wants to share video games with his friends.

When he returns to the United States, he will let his friends in the United States appreciate the charm of video games!

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