Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 1105: The Competition Begins

Because Zhu Youxing will personally serve as the judge, the game developer competition this time is obviously much more lively.

Many game developers came here for Zhuyouxing. They all wanted to meet Zhuyouxing in person, and then raised some questions about game development in their hearts, and wanted to let the godfather and god of games Come and answer them.

But before that, they must at least sign up as contestants in the game development competition.

So this also led to a sudden five-fold increase in the size of the competition this time.

The average number of participants in this kind of competition before was probably two or three hundred at most.

If the game is developed in an average team of four, it is almost sixty or seventy teams competing for the winner of a game developer contest.

But this time, the number of people increased by more than 1,000 people, making the entire venue seem a bit crowded.

Fortunately, this kind of competition does not need to provide special equipment. Every developer will bring his most familiar computer equipment to participate in the competition.

Otherwise, just preparing computer equipment will be a big expense.

More than a thousand people also made the participating development village teams come to about three or four hundred teams.

Some of them are real indie game developers.

Some are some developers from big companies who are not willing to do assembly line games, etc.

At this time, Zhu Youxing, who was sitting in the judges' seat, watched all this.

These people are very young now, with an average age of twenty-five or sixteen.

Occasionally, a few old men who are interested in games may pop up, but generally young people are the majority.

But now, Zhu Youxing is no longer young.

In his previous life, he probably couldn't bear the sudden death of 996 when he was in his thirties, which can be regarded as thirty years of experience.

Then when he traveled to this world, his biological age was in his early 20s.

Up to now, he has been in this world for twenty-six years.

If this is counted, he should actually be considered an old man who is close to sixty years old.

Perhaps because of this, his mentality is quite peaceful now, and he only feels happy when he sees his favorite games occasionally.

Now seeing so many young people developing games full of vigor and anticipation and hope, he feels as if he is much younger.

Time is really fast.

Zhu Youxing sighed with emotion, and at the same time the game developer contest was officially announced.

This time, the developer contest has different game categories, which is very good for different types of developers. They can also specialize in a certain category and will not be easily disturbed.

At the same time, there will also be some potential geniuses here, who are unwilling to be easily confined to a game type, and want to find ways to develop the best game they think.

Such a game developer competition is not just as simple as holding a competition.

Otherwise, the games everyone makes may be too wild and unconstrained.

So it is necessary to add a little restriction, or target.

It can also be said to give a general direction.

So every year there will be a theme of game development.

This theme can be a certain type of game, or it can be a simple noun.

Then as long as the game you make is close to this term, it can be counted as meeting the competition requirements.

And this year's game development theme is decided by Zhuyouxing.

The name is: Wings.

When Zhu Youxing thought of this term, he didn't think too much, but simply thought that wings represent a leap of dreams.

Then the game developer competition officially kicked off.


"I didn't expect it. The atmosphere here is really great. The previous competitions were not as lively as this one."

On a certain seat in the competition field, a young man with an afro keeps his hands on his keyboard, but at the same time he does not forget to look around to see what others are doing.

This person seems to be able to multi-task, the code on the computer is still crackling, but it does not affect his observation of the surrounding state.

"Hey, let's finish the development quickly, and then hurry up and leave. When the boss sees that we participate in this competition and don't do a good job in the infinite world, he will probably deduct our salary directly."

Another young man at the same table as this afro young man urged anxiously.

At the same time there were two other young men at this table.

They are together.

All from the US.

Not long ago, they successfully became employees of a large game company, and finally got a relatively stable and safe job.

Then they can continue to do what they love at the same time.

The infinite world game they are trying to build is their ultimate goal.

It was a game with a truly infinite world.

There are countless various environments and landforms in this world. Players can roam freely in this world, and there will never be an end.

Now that the open world is so popular, these young people are very proud that their game will be a hit.

It's just that this game has not been released yet, because some technical problems of the game have not been completely overcome.

It was a mistake for them to come to London today. They should continue to stay in the company and work hard. They should meet the requirements of the boss as soon as possible and create this infinite world.

But the young man with the afro is the leader of the four.

He's the one who originally came up with the idea for the infinite world, and he's also very talented in game development.

He is also a very lively person.

He especially likes this environment where countless game developers gather together.

So even if he doesn't get a ranking every time he develops a game, he is still willing to participate in the competition.

It sounds a bit strange.

It's not normal to have a talent for game development but not win a game development competition.

But the young man with an afro doesn't care.

He just likes to enjoy the moment.

"Don't worry, my game will definitely be the fastest one, and then we will stay for a while and go back."

The young man with the afro continued to look around indifferently, and at the same time, the movement of typing the code on his hand hadn't stopped at all.

Occasionally, though, he turns his head to check his own code, and sometimes makes some changes.

He is talented but it doesn't mean he is cheating. He still has to do some basic inspections of game development.

But this is already powerful enough.

The game development competition time of the whole contest is limited to 48 hours.

During this time, people should try their best to make a good game.

Points will be deducted if it exceeds, or you will be disqualified

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