Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 1120 Time Passes


This is a year that many players will remember.

This year is second only to the first year of Youxing in the minds of many players.

But time will pass quietly after all, and it is impossible for Zhu Youxing to stop this trend.

The second half of 2019 is passing fast.

The world has always been smooth sailing.

While war, poverty, and chaos are certainly still present in some areas, this parallel world is generally very peaceful.

And there are very few disasters.

Zhu Youxing was very lucky.

In such a world, it is easier to produce better cultural works.

Because the producers of cultural works don't have to worry about making a living.

The producers of cultural works will not choose to abandon their pens and join the army because of the war in their own country, and finally die on the battlefield.

According to the original plan, 2020 is the year when the Tokyo Olympics will open.

The real opening date has been confirmed and will be held in mid-July, and the Olympic Games will be held for half a month, followed by the Paralympic Games in a few days, and the total will last for more than a month look.

During this period, the director in charge of the Olympic Games has completely neglected to report the situation to Zhu Youxing.

He hardly has any time to rest now.

Now he has full control over all the content of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games, and has the absolute right to speak.

At the same time, because he has the Olympic Organizing Committee and Zhu Youxing as his backer, he can control anyone at will, even if this person has dissatisfaction, then he will file a complaint with the Olympic Organizing Committee, and the officials of the Japanese Olympic Preparatory Committee can only be obedient obedient.

The Prime Minister of Japan hopes to let the world know Japan again through this Olympic Games.

The Prime Minister will not be happy if some shit-stirring sticks mess up his plans.

Those officials of the preparatory committee are not quite equal.

Everyone knew that this was a lucrative job, and they didn't do anything special except that Youxing Electronic Entertainment wanted to have a firm grasp of the opening and closing ceremonies.

Therefore, the director's request can only be satisfied as much as possible, so as to prevent him from doing things again.

The preparations for the opening and closing ceremonies went smoothly. The rehearsal had already been conducted once, and Zhu Youxing even attended the first rehearsal in person.

Although it was not satisfactory, Zhu Youxing was quite satisfied with the arrangement of the opening ceremony.

It seems that the well-known director I found this time is worthwhile.

Early 2020.

The United States, as always, held the International Consumer Electronics Show.

There is no need to waste any more words on this exhibition.

Countless technology giants gather here, and they will showcase their latest concept technology products, hoping to attract more investment and interested users through these concept products.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment is now a regular visitor to this exhibition.

Usually, Yuxing Electronic Entertainment will launch at least one or two electronic products that look interesting every year.

This year, Youxing Electronic Entertainment launched the latest VR equipment and a real-world holographic projection equipment.

Both of these products will serve video games, but if a large customer is interested, it is also possible to consider transforming the products into products suitable for commercial use.

Holographic projection, in fact, had a rough prototype in Zhuyouxing's previous life, that is, it has not really reached the commercial mass production level, and it can only stay at the laboratory level.

But the science and technology of this world has surpassed Zhu Youxing's previous life by several stages, and the technology of holographic projection is no longer a problem.

Zhu Youxing simply combined holographic projection with video games on a whim, making video games truly appear in reality.

As a game company, video games are definitely indispensable in such an exhibition.

However, the general games in this exhibition will definitely not be announced again, because there will be follow-up Game Star Carnival and some game exhibitions.

This time Zhu Youxing personally supervised the production of a mobile game with a small scale and low cost.

This game Zhuyouxing named it Pokémon GO.

The gameplay of Pokémon GO has changed from the previous traditional games. This time Pokémon GO focuses on adventure.

And this expedition is really exploring the world.

Pokémon GO will extract the GPS system built into the phone, and then when the player wanders around the city, it will randomly find different Pokémon in different regions.

There will be thousands of Pokémon waiting for players to find.

There are also some very cherished Pokémon species among them.

But these varieties can only appear in some specific countries and regions.

When Zhu Youxing personally announced the game, it attracted many reporters and exhibitors to watch.

The gameplay is still fairly new.

According to Zhu Youxing's words: The purpose of this game is to encourage players to get out of the room. Players who love video games should not just stay in the room.

Video game players can also step out of the room and embrace the whole world.

Today, Pokémon's audience is estimated to reach 100 million.

Even if only a small number of these players are encouraged to go out and take risks, then the purpose of this game has been achieved.

Of course, this game will also have krypton gold elements, but it will be controlled within a controllable range and will not be too exaggerated.

This game was officially announced on the day of the exhibition that it will be launched today. All Facebook mobile users can directly go to the official mall to download the Pokémon GO game for free, and then players can go out and take Pokémon GO on an adventure.

The announcement of this game can be said to be very sudden, and the release is also very sudden, and the players are not prepared at all.

But on the first day this game was launched, it directly topped the list of free game downloads on Facebook's mobile phone system.

There are too many Pokémon players.

The original first place was a very well-known krypton gold game.

Earn a lot of money in many countries around the world.

The game manufacturer also proudly announced that it will occupy the top position of Facebook's game list for a long time, and it doesn't matter who comes, and it is No. 1.

It's just that this boast was not long before he was slapped in the face.

According to Zhu Youxing's words: bring a small Pokémon shock to this game company.

There are more than 100 million loyal players all over the world, and the average sales volume of each Pokémon work can exceed 10 million.

This is a loyal fan that has been cultivated for decades.

The stickiness of this fan far exceeds that of any game.

Even if Pokémon GO itself is a skin-changing garbage game dressed in Pokémon skin.

As long as this is the official work of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, players who like Pokémon will never miss it.

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