Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 1163 Bad Olympics and Unforgettable Olympics

After watching the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, most of the audience's thoughts are: the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is so beautiful and cool, so the official competition must be very exciting, right?

But there are still some gaps between reality and imagination.

When it comes to the official competition, there are not so many fancy things, and everything is based on results.

Of course, most people are also prepared, just want to see if there are other new tricks in this Olympic Games besides the opening ceremony.

There are indeed new tricks, but there are also some bad jobs.

Facts have proved that although Zhu Youxing came to a parallel world, and this parallel world looks better than the original world, the essence is still not much changed.

There are many intrigues and all kinds of bad things.

The bad life of the Tokyo Olympics in the previous life was not just the opening ceremony of the underworld.

Zhu Youxing can save the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, but he can't control the operation and development of the entire Olympic Games.

What's more, he didn't want to intervene, because it was really meaningless.

In the shooting competition, the props provided by the Japanese side to the players were all unqualified, which caused many players to have a significant drop in their performance in the official competition compared to the past.

Also in the basketball game, the Japanese referees often issued some inexplicable penalties due to lack of professionalism, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the athletes.

In addition, the water quality in the swimming competition did not seem to be very good. Similar to the competition in the muddy ditch in the previous life, it attracted scolding and ridicule from audiences at home and abroad.

Zhu Youxing can only lament that even in the parallel world, none of these bullshit things are missing.

Without his involvement in the preparation and holding of the opening ceremony, it is estimated that the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games will also become a failure.

The Prime Minister of Japan is very ambitious, but he obviously does not have enough control over his subordinates. There have been problems, large and small, in various links in the preparations for the Olympic Games.

It was originally a good opportunity to show national strength, but it has become a platform to show ugliness.

The total duration of the Summer Olympics is 21 days, and the daily competition sessions are very tight.

It stands to reason that even if most people are no longer interested in the Olympics, there will still be some sports enthusiasts who are willing to support the hosting of the Olympics.

But even this group of people were offended completely. They deliberately set aside time to watch a hearty Olympic game. In the end, due to some external factors, the hosting of the Olympic Games became very bad. It was like eating flies. uncomfortable.

Originally, what many people expected was to start with the opening ceremony, and then go high and high, and the Olympic Games were held very smoothly and joyfully all the way down.

But in reality, it is driving high and low.

The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games mobilized everyone's enthusiasm, even those who were not interested in the Olympic Games were attracted to want to take a second look.

The Olympic Organizing Committee will definitely be very happy with this result.

But then the guys from the Japanese Olympic Preparatory Committee directly crippled the popularity that the opening ceremony had finally gained.

It can only be said that this group of people really couldn't help them, and in the end they were scolded by the people for a long time.

In the end, the only thing people remember is the wonderful opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, and the process of hosting the Olympic Games that made them feel uncomfortable.

Afterwards, a series of scandals broke out in the Olympic Preparatory Committee, but this has nothing to do with Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment has already relied on the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games to earn a lot of attention, and the next is the season of harvest. It doesn't matter what direction the Olympic Games will develop.

Perhaps when some unlucky person in this world is reborn in another parallel world, he will want to do something similar to Zhu Youxing to save this terrible Olympics.

That might be another story.

After all the events of the Summer Olympics are over, there is the closing ceremony.

This link is led by Yuxing Electronic Entertainment, and director Sayuki Ono personally supervises the show. This should be regarded as the last to salvage the only remaining word-of-mouth of the Olympic Games.

Sayuki Ono lived up to expectations, the key is that the money was enough to allow him to make a very good closing ceremony.

The closing ceremony generally consisted of various classic Japanese cultural images leaving the competition venue one by one with the torch, and then announced the location of the next Olympic Games. The content of hosting the Olympic Games.

And the closing ceremony is to make the ratings rise again, which can save the face of the Olympic Organizing Committee.

As soon as the Summer Olympics ended, Youxing Electronic Entertainment began to collect statistics.

Among them, the first statistics are the game sales of all game characters that appeared in the Olympic Games.

The Mario series is the most popular during this time.

The second is the Pokémon series.

The average sales of these two series increased by at least 30% during the Olympic Games.

And these 30% are brand new users, freshly released.

This means that the player base has expanded a lot because of the Olympics.

This is something more pleasing than the increase in game sales.

In the future, these new users will consider buying more gaming experiences, and they will definitely not be satisfied with just one or two games.

This also gave Youxing Electronic Entertainment an opportunity, as well as the entire video game industry.

Then, the overall sales of game consoles, the increase rate is not that big, it has increased by about 5% in this month.

Most of the increase in users has been concentrated on PCs.

Computers are available in almost every household these days. Unlike computers that were a luxury in the past, game consoles are a cheap entertainment consumption channel.

Now playing games on the computer is the cheapest consumption channel.

The increase in the number of users of the platform can be clearly reflected.

Even some of the games that were being discounted on the platform at that time saw a surge in sales.

Those new players may not know what games are fun.

But when they entered the first page of the platform, they saw many games with good reviews and discounts of 75off and 90off, so they bought them without hesitation.

Let’s not talk about whether to buy it to play or not. Anyway, it would be too bad if you don’t take advantage of it. This should be the thinking of most of these new players at that time.

When the games are bought, they will re-examine whether these games are fun or not. At that time, it is already a bit late, and they have gradually fallen into the pit.

And these discounted game developers are almost laughing out loud.

They just arranged discounts according to the daily discount cycle at that time, and they didn't think about the Olympics at all.

They probably wouldn't have imagined that an Olympic Games could in turn bring so much user improvement to video games.

If they had known earlier, they should have made more preparations, such as discounting more of their games at this time.

As for those developers who didn't discount and didn't make much money in this wave, they beat their chests with envy, thinking that if they had known about this earlier, they would have launched a series of discounted games.

Sometimes things are often regretted after they happen.

But fortunately, there is still room for redemption. Those new players are still in the stage where everything is very fresh. They have no clear preference for games, and they will buy any type of game as long as they see a good discount.

It must be a very good choice to take advantage of this time to have a wave of big discounts.

Seeing this situation, Youxing Electronic Entertainment simply opened an event.

Olympic discount season.

Originally, the summer sale was approaching soon, so we decided to move it ahead of time. The developers were naturally very happy, and they joined the battlefield one after another, preparing for a big harvest.

At the same time, Mickford looked very embarrassed.

The penetration rate of their computer platform is not as good as that of the Morgan Group's operating system.

Prior to this, Mickford's computer platform was also researched in the field of professional work, and games were just a subsidiary product.

Now watching Youxing Electronic Entertainment expand the number of users through the platform, and the player base further expands, some executives on Mi Kefu's side are very uncomfortable.

The person in charge of the game development department even wondered what would happen if the games he developed were put on the Morgan Group operating system?

Might as well have a good sale.

After all, the quality of the games they make is also good.

But it's obviously impossible for Myron Keys to agree to such a thing.

So they can only watch Youxing Electronics Entertainment, Su Rui Electronics, Brown Entertainment and other companies eat meat, and they can only eat soup.

Surui Electronics cooperated with Youxing Electronic Entertainment before, and then began to gradually promote the release of some old games of its own on the PC platform, so that those exclusives were gradually released. At the beginning, players had a lot of opposition, but there were more people who supported it. Simply do so.

Now, taking advantage of the discount, Su Rui Electronics' income is also good. Obviously, the next exclusive game opening plan will be implemented more steadily.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment is even the company that gets the biggest bonus.

The platform belongs to his family, and their family has the most improved game. Anyway, the best piece of meat is monopolized by Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Other game companies seem to have taken a look at it now, and they don't have much temper to fight with Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Only Su Rui Electronics seemed to have never given up, waiting for when You Xing Electronics showed fatigue and rushed to take a bite, so You Xing Electronics itself did not dare to relax easily.

"This is all the revenue data of the Olympic Games. Generally speaking, through this Olympic Games, we have harvested at least 5 million new users. These new users will have considerable spending power in the future, and then in the next It can also flow slowly, even if we don’t release new games in the short term, we should be able to live well.”

At the weekly meeting of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, the department in charge of statistics reported this information, and every management team seemed very relaxed.

There was a period of time when user growth slowed down, and game sales also dropped a little bit. At that time, many people were still a little worried.

They wonder if this is a sign of the decline of video games for so long.

After all, any industry will have its ups and downs, and it cannot be smooth sailing forever.

Up to now, Youxing Electronic Entertainment has never experienced this link.

So people like them will seem to care more about this aspect.

But if this matter is placed on Su Rui Electronics, they will be more likely to accept it.

Is the video game industry sluggish? That's okay, they still have other industries that can be developed, and at worst, they can reduce investment in the video game industry.

That's not too much of an issue either.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment is different, they have always been a very dedicated game company.

Without the road of video games, it is not easy to develop other roads.

Now seeing that users are still growing, they can still breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as Zhu Youxing knows about the growth of users, he doesn’t care much about the rest. After listening to the report, he immediately asked: “Speaking of new games, are there any games that should release new content? The battle isn't over yet."

Hearing Zhu Youxing's words, all the managers with relaxed expressions became serious again.

"Grand Rogue 5 is about to complete the final link, and we can already enter the stage of high-frequency publicity."

"The same is true for Final Fantasy 13versus. The progress is still good. I have to say that the legacy of Cyberpunk 2077 is really too much, and the difficulty of subsequent game development is greatly reduced."

Everyone laughed as soon as they heard it. Yes, Cyberpunk 2077 has done so well, and left behind a lot of excellent technical accumulation. Now it is very suitable to use all of them in new game development.

The game Cyberpunk 2077 can be said to be a technical summary of Yuxing Electronic Entertainment.

Zhuyouxing strives to add all the conceivable technologies and gameplay functions that can be used, and also try its best to build a game with no vicious loopholes and rich gameplay.

Most of the gameplays that players can think of in Cyberpunk are available, and some people can even have a lot of fun simply shopping on the streets of the game.

These things are not over when the game is developed.

After the game development is over, the technology accumulation on Cyberpunk 2077 is a very valuable asset, and it is a top-secret magic weapon to widen the gap with other game companies.

These things have not even been put into Unreal Engine, at least it will take two or three years for the company's internal development team to consider promoting these technologies.

Many problems encountered in subsequent game development can be found in the Cyberpunk 2077 development records. Then, as long as the solutions to the problems encountered at that time are compared, technical problems can be solved more easily than before.

Final Fantasy 13versus and Rogue 5 are the biggest beneficiaries.

It was originally estimated that the development would take three to five years, but because the technical problems can be easily solved, at least one-third of the time can be shortened, which is very scary.

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