Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 189 How did you do it?

At a certain moment, Ohno Tomoe felt that all his plans were useless.

In just one day, all customs clearance data are instantly refreshed.

This is indeed very disappointing and sad. He missed the bonus in front of him in an instant.

However, the second place of the three games can also get 3 million each, and a total of 9 million may be acceptable.

Ohno Tomoe is quite satisfied with this aspect.

But now he wanted to know something else.

How did this man named Takasugi do it?

Can Mario pass the level in just over two minutes?

how to do this

He began to frantically think about feasible strategies in his brain, but no matter how he thought about it, he felt that it was impossible.

But this data is right in front of us.

He couldn't say anything.

Many players around Yue Ohno were also a little dumbfounded.

This is a bit too perverted, who is this man called Gao Shanmu?

On the leaderboard, they can see that the challenge site where this tall cedar is located is a video game store in Adachi District.

The video game store Yue Ohno has also been to, and some of these players are from Adachi District.

But none of them knew this guy named Gao Shanmu.

At this time, several players looked at Tomoe Ohno with a little embarrassment.

They also wanted to worship Ohno Tomoe as their teacher before.

But now that the first place has been taken away, it seems that Tomoe Ohno is not the real master of the game.

There is obviously a stronger guy here.

And his record is even scarier and more crushing.

"Wait, don't you think it's strange? The clearance time is a bit too low, right?"

"Maybe they have some special customs clearance method?"

"But no matter how special it is, it shouldn't be so low."

Most players can't even imagine it.

But now there are a few players who can really occupy a certain position on the leaderboard.

Among them are the seventh, eighth and second place, and several top one percent players.

They may not be as focused on studying how to speed pass as Ono Yujiang.

But at least they also know the approximate clearance time of this game level.

Mario has a total of eight major levels, and each major level has four small levels, a total of thirty-two levels.

The previous demonstration by Ohno Yue let them know the option of skipping levels, which also greatly shortened their time.

But they can't achieve the extremely low turnover rate of Tomoe Ohno, so the time will be longer than Tomoe Ohno.

They believed that Tomoe Ohno's customs clearance method was considered the optimal solution, and it stands to reason that at most it would be to gain a few seconds or more in the error rate and slowly increase it.

It was shortened to more than two minutes at once, which didn't feel reasonable at all.

"Didn't Ono-san find a faster way to clear the level before us, and then quickly cleared the level? Maybe this Takasugi Great God is the same?"


Others don't seem to be able to question it, even if it does seem unbelievable.

"Ohno-san, in fact, this is also very good. The three second places add up to 9 million yen, so please don't be too sad."

Someone gently patted Ono Yue on the shoulder to comfort him.

Some of them seemed to be worried that Tomoe Ohno would be depressed because of this, so they looked very concerned.

Ohno Tomoe's heart seemed to be touched.

Before, he was very autistic and hardly had any interaction with the outside world.

But now because of the video game, there are suddenly some people who care about him.

Ohno Tomoe looked up at the person who comforted him, it was just a stranger.

But he released full of goodwill, instead of deliberately alienating after his ranking was squeezed out.

There were also a few players around who did the same, and comforted them: "Yes Ohno-san, you are actually very good. I hope we can exchange more experience in video games in the future."

At this moment, Ohno Tomoe no longer seemed to feel regretful about losing the first place.

"By the way, since the ranking has been announced, shouldn't we hold a small awards ceremony?"

"That's right, where should the awards be presented?"

The clerk was actually a little confused by the updated ranking just now. As a clerk in the video game store, he also has a relatively deep understanding of video games.

Seeing the data of that ranking now also feels incredible.

Hearing the inquiries from the people around him at this time, he turned around and said: "The specific awards ceremony just now we received the news that it will start soon, and the awards will be presented and received at the video game store in the port area. Among them, the top one percent All ranked players can go there to receive the prize, and the remaining players who have obtained keychains in different rankings can exchange them in our store."

"Minato area? Hurry up, let's see who Gao Shanmu is."

"Ohno-san, cheer up, how about we go and see together?"

Ohno Tomoe also recovered now and nodded and said, "Okay, let's go there."

In fact, not to mention that some of these players think the latest speedrun data is a bit outrageous, Zhu Youxing also thinks it is outrageous.

Leaving aside these three games of Tetris, it is simply impossible for the other three games.

Other players may also suspect that there may be a faster way to pass.

But he, the creator of Mario, knew there was no faster way to speedrun.

In his previous life, Mario's fastest speedrun record was four minutes and fifty-four seconds.

This is known as a typical example of the perfect speed pass of human beings, and it is considered to be a data that will hardly be surpassed.

In order to achieve this achievement, it also used behaviors similar to card bugs such as card frame and card pipeline outside the rules of the game itself, but it was also acquiesced by players in later generations, so it is not a violation.

Even so, the speed limit can only be four minutes and fifty-four seconds.

What's more, when Zhu Youxing made Mario, he had specially repaired this part. It can be said that it is impossible for people in this world to reach a normal speed-running time of less than five minutes.

So there is only one possibility, this player used other methods, which is cheating.

The same is true for Contra, the speedrun record in the previous life was only about ten minutes, but Gao Shanmu directly got five minutes, which is outrageous.

Metroid did not have a detailed record of the fastest speed pass in his previous life, but based on the approximate speed pass time, it was about an hour.

As for the speed of Tetris at level 18, that Tetris is almost at the flash level. It is not impossible for some players to persist for ten seconds, but the previous three games are so outrageous. means of cheating.

So early in the morning, Zhu Yuxing went directly to the video game store in Adachi District, and at the same time called several engineers together, and asked the employees there not to open the store, keep all the game consoles as they were, and don’t move.

He's going to check it out for himself.

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