Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 235 Ten Thousands of Blood Letters Seeking a Sequel (2/10)

Chapter 235 Ten Thousand Blood Letters Begging for a Sequel (210)

It is not difficult to add keyboard and mouse peripherals to game consoles. Zhuyouxing has already installed keyboard and mouse peripherals on FC game consoles.

It's just that the mouse and keyboard were really not used at that time, and they were usually used for debugging at most.

The mouse and keyboard are also not particularly easy to use on the SFC, and most games are more fun to play with the handle after all.

However, since GS1, the game has added a first-person shooter game with a mouse and keyboard that is more convenient to operate. In the future, there will be third-person 3D adventure and shooting games, which are more suitable to use a mouse and keyboard.

Of course, Zhuyouxing will also increase the adaptation of the handle.

And in GS1, Zhuyouxing also increased the shoulder buttons of the handle from two to four for the first time, and then added two joysticks respectively.

This is basically the prototype of the video game controller of the future.

At the same time, a vibration function will be added to the handle to enhance the player's experience.

Especially in gun car ball and action games, the vibration is particularly brilliant.

It is a pity that the mouse and keyboard do not have these better gaming experiences. It can be said that the mouse and keyboard are more suitable for playing some games, not all games.

As soon as a group of people in the United States got the game engine, they immediately began to make new games non-stop.

The last shooter they made took about two or three months, and it wasn't very good.

But this time they are confident that they can develop a qualified shooting game within a month, which can meet the requirements of Zhuyouxing.

In Japan, in addition to handing over the game engine to the people in the United States, Zhu Youxing also gave the engine to ten game development teams in Japan.

Most of them will definitely not be used in a short period of time, but they must first get acquainted with them in order to prepare for the next new era.

'Talking about the content of the historical setting of Dragon Quest. '

'The best Final Fantasy game in my opinion. '

'The latest industry news, the recruitment information of Su Rui Electronics revealed that it is preparing to produce a brand new role-playing game. It seems that it is preparing to expand the "Galaxy City" type of game and seize the market with Youxing Electronics Entertainment. '

Today, there are more and more video game information and discussion posts on the Yinan game website.

And the quality of the content is pretty good.

Obviously, Kazuo Murakami has become more and more proficient in managing websites, and now it seems that he is about to graduate from junior high school.

Such a website with such great potential in China, his future is obviously limitless.

In addition to reading the industry dynamics in the economic news and newspapers, Zhu Youxing spends more time reading some related discussion posts on the Yinan Game website.

Looking at these discussion posts, Zhu Youxing finally had a feeling of returning to that era in his previous life.

Video games have established a firm foothold in this world, and the development of the industry is also thriving. Overall, it still looks very good.

Every type of player has their own favorite games, and they are also willing to share content on the website.

However, Zhu Youxing also noticed that a lot of advertising areas have been added to the website homepage of Yinan's game.

And most of these advertising areas are to promote some game peripherals, as well as promotional advertisements for upcoming games.

In terms of profitability, the website of Yinan Games is also very benign.

Not everyone has a certain foresight like Bob, and is willing to give up some early benefits to gain greater benefits later.

However, the number of these advertisements is acceptable, not too many. It should be the advertisements that Kazuo Murakami added to maintain operations and a little extra income. The professionalism of the website itself has no effect.

At this moment, Zhu Youxing noticed that similar posts appeared several times in the forum, and each post was made by a different person, but they all had the same appeal.

‘Thousands of people are asking Metroid to launch the latest game, we want the next generation Metroid game! '

The titles of these posts are all similar descriptions.

Then Zhu Youxing looked at the number of replies in the post, and found that each post had more than a thousand replies, and most of them were not just a few people who repeatedly checked the building. Trod can launch a newest product.

Zhu Youxing opened the post with great interest and watched patiently.

Everyone who replies to the post will claim to be a fan of Metroid, and most of them are players who have played the first generation of Metrod and the return of Metrod Samus on GB.

Because Zhuyouxing made some magic changes to Metrode at the beginning, the gameplay of Metrode was relatively good from the beginning, and some enhancements were specially made on the story, so that players can understand Mitrode more easily. Rod's overall story.

Then, through the precipitation of two generations of games, many players have begun to like such a female adventure story under the interstellar future worldview.

Originally, Metroid was the first game in the world with a female protagonist, so it was naturally topical.

And it was recommended by the government of a certain area in Japan. I heard that a manager in that area is a very rare woman. After she learned that a game has a female protagonist, even if she has never played it before Under the premise of the government, it also vigorously promoted it in the name of the government.

This has also attracted some female players to play, but most of the female players give up after playing for a while. They would prefer to change clothes and play games with cute cartoons, but this still promoted some sales.

In addition to these unexpected gains, mainstream players prefer the story charm of the game itself.

The first generation of Metroid tells the story of the female cosmic bounty hunter Samus who is hired by the government to go to a planet where interstellar pirates are stationed to rescue trapped scientists and a special scientific sample.

This scientific sample is called Metrod, and it is rumored that it has the existence that can affect the entire universe. Whoever masters Metrod may have unparalleled power, which can destroy or rule the entire world.

Naturally, the space pirates also focused on this thing, and took it as their own in an attempt to rule the world.

But Sams is really powerful. After a thrilling adventure, he finally defeats the leader of the space pirates, the mother brain, completes his mission, and returns triumphantly.

When Samus appeared in front of the players as a woman for the first time, the players were very pleasantly surprised, which also aroused a certain amount of topic heat, which made the sales of the first-generation product very good.

The story of the return of Metroid Samus in the second part (no 2) is slightly more complicated, and then further expands the world view of the Metrood universe.

PS: I plan to have a small explosion today, the second update of the tenth update, thank you readers and bosses for your strong support

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