Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 306 Face-to-face meeting (1)

"Okay, everyone is at your position, now enter the countdown to the start of the broadcast. Ten, nine, eight..."

In front of the network monitor, Zhu Youxing stared at the screen intently, and now the data access volume of the community began to surge again.

Originally, the number of actual interactions was only 100,000, but now it suddenly doubled.

When the Internet was just in its infancy, more than 200,000 Internet users were willing to visit a community forum at the same time, which is already amazing.

This also proves once again the appeal of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

"Seven, six, five..."

Beside Zhu Youxing was Tsukino Aya sitting alone in a place.

She, too, is staring at the screen intently, and her task is even heavier.

I don't know if someone is really doing it secretly, or some random events. The frequency of attacks on the forum has also increased greatly today, and it seems that they want to overwhelm the forum.

However, this kind of network DDOS attack is trivial to Aya Tsukino, but she must concentrate all the time to prevent any accidents.

Just half an hour before the broadcast, the community was attacked more than a thousand times.

"Four, three, two..."

Players are also gathered in front of the TV or in front of the computer at this time, and some of them meet in twos and threes to make an appointment to watch this face-to-face meeting together, as focused as if they gathered together to watch a football game.

"One! Broadcast!"

jingle bells~

Under the familiar melody of Yuxing Electronic Entertainment, TV TOKYO, the Facebook community live broadcast website, and the Internet live broadcast website under TV TOKYO broadcast the face-to-face meeting almost at the same time.

Now the number of visits counted in real time has reached 300,000, and the ratings have reached an astonishing 23%.

Nowadays, the TV media has gradually declined, but just one live press conference about video games attracted 23% of the audience ratings, which several other large TV stations in Japan have long envied.

Since the cooperation between Youxing Electronic Entertainment and TV Tokyo, the two sides have gained a lot, which also made the other Daxing TV stations very painful.

Because they were the ones who tried their best to prevent video games from being broadcast on TV in the first place.

They thought at the time that as long as they stopped the momentum of video games, their TV station would have a good life.

However, when they focused on dealing with video games, they didn't realize that the Internet was the real ratings killer.

Video games are only slowly sucking away audience ratings.

The popularity of the Internet directly cut TV ratings in half.

By the time several large TV stations reacted, it was too late.

The Internet in Japan has already begun to take shape, and it is completely impossible to suppress it.

It wasn't until the moment when the face-to-face meeting was broadcast that the executives of several other large TV stations finally regretted it.

Had they known this, they shouldn't have tried to stop the development of video games in the first place.

That way, they'll still be earning at least a little video game dividend.

But it's no use regretting now.

And today's highlight, of course, is to face the meeting itself.

Players, colleagues, and some people who joined in the fun because of the hype were all watching the live broadcast.

The first thing to appear on the screen is the iconic LOGO of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

But this time, the LOGO style of Youxing Electronic Entertainment has changed a little.

The previous color sense is more intense, but now the LOGO is flatter and more concise.

Now that the simple and simple style has begun to be widely welcomed, Yuxing Electronic Entertainment is naturally catching up with the trend and making certain changes.

As soon as the LOGO is over, what appears is one of the first games from the GBA, Wario Manufacturing: Giant Swing.

Wario's Giant Swing is simply a collection of all kinds of strange mini-game brains.

There are many weird ways to play it.

Relying on the gyroscope built into the cassette, the game creates a picture of cutting an apple by shaking the game console.

In addition, by swinging the game console left and right, you can help an uncle shave his beard, and you can also play the violin by shaking it left and right.

In addition to these, you can also shake the game console to switch between different games, truly deepening the gyroscope itself into the game itself, and binding it to the depth of the game.

Wario's painting style is unique, just like an ocean of unlimited creativity, every small game looks very inconspicuous, but as long as you play it for a while, you will be attracted by the unique gameplay again.

This game can be said to be the creative showcase of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, presenting all kinds of weird and weird ideas in one brain.

Through this game, outsiders and people in the industry can also get a general understanding of the magical brain circuits of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, and make them realize that only this magical brain circuits can continuously create various new types of games and lead the entire video game industry. industry development.

There are many players who are interested in this game, but those who are more interested are those game developers.

They immediately realized that this might be a product to spy on the development direction of Youxing Electronic Entertainment. Maybe they could learn something from it?

Of course, it may not be easy to really learn something from it.

Zhuyouxing makes games to serve players, how can it be possible to make a game for the sake of game developers.

In fact, the previous live demonstrations did not show the charm of this game too much, but only showed the tip of the iceberg, but this promotion is more comprehensive, allowing people to finally understand the whole picture of this game.

At the same time, the number of posts in the forum is also increasing rapidly.

They were all pleasantly surprised by the simplicity of the face-to-face meeting.

They just broadcast the video when they come up, and don't talk so much nonsense with you, they like this simple and straightforward behavior.

In the past, many products had a lengthy summary at the press conference, saying how good they are, what characteristics they have, how much effort they put in for this, and a large group of R\u0026D personnel who looked like ensemble performers were invited to tell them about it. Difficulties in the research and development process, how did we overcome this difficulty.

However, for users, they are really not interested in these details.

They are more focused on price and release date.

If you tell the date and price at the beginning, then the attention of this press conference will definitely drop by 90%, and the retention rate will definitely be one out of ten.

Wario Maker Giant Swing will be sold simultaneously on the day of the GBA release. If it is bundled, it will also give some special gifts from the store, which is equivalent to a kind of commemoration, and it will also promote the sales of games and game consoles.

The video made by Wario lasted about five minutes. After almost all the gameplay content was presented, the next game trailer followed.

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