Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 370 E-sports preparations before the release

Li Mingzhe is a StarCraft player in the trials.

Because the StarCraft game hasn't been officially released yet.

The three camps of Zerg, Protoss and Terran also only provide some basic arms and buildings.

There are only two maps.

In addition, this game is a brand-new type, and many people have a lot of ignorance about this game. Even if some of them participate in the StarCraft competition, they will be eliminated soon because of poor operation, and then They turned around and chose to invest in those more mature video games, such as Street Fighter and the like.

And Li Mingzhe is a very talented person in StarCraft.

At a time when many people only had a superficial understanding of the rules of StarCraft, he already knew how to start saving time.

Although it has not yet reached the level of Zhu Youxing's previous interstellar player who counts every second as a good rhythm, but he also has a rough plan for the time.

And this kind of operation immediately made him stand out in the selection of StarCraft.

However, there are not a few players who have similar ideas with him, but they haven't met each other yet.

Two days before the official release of StarCraft, Li Mingzhe has successfully become the winner of his region.

Then, under the envious eyes of countless people, he personally took over the huge check with 20 million won.

In the spotlight, he was a star at the moment.

Originally, he was only here for the bonus.

But when he stood on the podium and looked at the countless admiring and envious eyes from the audience, his sense of accomplishment rapidly expanded.

All of a sudden, bonuses don't seem to matter to him.

This feeling of attention is what he yearns for.

He longed for the feeling of being a star.

"Hello, Li Mingzhe, right?"

Walking down the stage, a man in a suit came over on his own initiative.

"I am, may I ask you..."

"I am an agent of an e-sports star from the Li's Consortium. If you are interested in joining the e-sports club to obtain more resources, you can contact me."

The man took out a business card and an invitation letter and handed them to Li Mingzhe.

Li Mingzhe's heart moved.

He has already won the attention of the consortium just after he won the first place in the region?

This is a very rare opportunity.

However, he obviously won't approach this consortium in a hurry, and he believes that e-sports clubs from other consortiums will approach him in the future.

However, he was more concerned about the other invitation letter he handed over.

It was an invitation letter from Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

After the agent left, he opened the cover of the invitation and began to check the contents.

Inside the invitation is an invitation from Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment will cover all his travel expenses and accommodation expenses, and then invite Miami, the United States in front of him, to help him promote the video game.

As an e-sports player, he will perform exhibition games at the game launch site.

In addition to travel expenses and accommodation expenses, of course there is also the cost of hiring him to help with publicity, which is about 10 million won.

This made Li Mingzhe's heart flutter immediately.

He was only eighteen years old, and he happened to be an age with little money. He could go to the United States once for free, and he could get a reward of 10,000 won before. He had almost no reason to refuse.

He had already made a decision as soon as he read the invitation letter.

He will definitely go.

At the same time, whenever a contestant from the Korean region wins the championship, he will immediately receive an invitation letter from Youxing Electronic Entertainment

There are about 20 people like this, and everyone can be regarded as someone who has some strength in StarCraft.

This time Zhuyouxing does not intend to use those traditional means of product promotion.

Of course there will be TV commercials and the like, but Zhuyou Xing does not plan to use celebrity endorsements this time, but let real high-end players in the game to help promote.

And if possible, Zhu Youxing is also going to let these people complete some difficult operations as much as possible, and the performance effect should be very eye-catching.

This will attract more cool looking people to buy the game.

In addition to the promotion of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, the Morgan Group is also sparing no effort to help promote StarCraft.

Some people in the Morgan Group even suggested that StarCraft be directly built into the new operating system.

But this is obviously not suitable. After all, the capacity of StarCraft is not small. Not everyone likes video games, and such a large built-in thing will greatly affect the favorability.

However, just using the Morgan Group's channel to promote it is enough to attract many people's attention to this game.

Two top big companies are trying their best to promote a video game, and other game manufacturers are very wise not to confront Youxing Electronic Entertainment head-on this time.

The release dates of their respective video games that were originally planned to be released have been adjusted in order to temporarily avoid the edge.

They still clearly remember the game that was released at the same time as Final Fantasy 7 a few months ago.

Almost without exception, those games didn't make any waves.

If they hadn't crashed with Final Fantasy VII, their game might have at least grabbed some attention.

But if it was released at the same time as Final Fantasy 7, especially the batch that was also a role-playing game, almost all died suddenly, and all the money invested was lost, which was very miserable.

Then, suddenly, there was a small vacuum in the originally planned release date for StarCraft.

Within ten days of StarCraft's release, there were no games from any major game companies.

At most, there will be a few smaller-scale games that are just made by some enthusiasts, which will not affect the overall situation at all.

The day before the release, Lee Ming-cheol, Park Jae-hoon and many other young Koreans came to the land of the United States one after another.

They have never left Korea in the past, and it is also full of novelty for them to go abroad for the first time.

But now they don't have so much time to hang out.

Now they have a more important task, which is to go to different regions to cooperate with the promotion according to the arrangement of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

"Li Mingzhe, where is Li Mingzhe?"

A person held a list and shouted Li Mingzhe's name loudly.

Li Mingzhe immediately raised his hand in the crowd when he heard it: "I'm here."

The person holding the list immediately walked up to Li Mingzhe and pulled Li Mingzhe to leave.

"Fine, come with me, let's go to Miami together, how is your English?"

"That...isn't particularly good."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you are only in charge of performing StarCraft, have you seen the previous promotion plan?"

"Yes, yes, I need to show the cool side of StarCraft as much as possible, and I have been working hard to practice towards this aspect."

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