Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 383 I don't think so

The specific content of this bidding is to put forward requirements, and then several manufacturers will try to find a way to see if they can meet them.

And these requirements were put forward by Zhuyouxing first, and then the engineering team discussed the feasibility, and then negotiated with these manufacturers.

The main requirements of Zhuyouxing are a few points.

The computing power can reach the game screen of the previous life at least comparable to the PSP era.

At the same time, the processor is also required to have strong compatibility.

This is to allow a series of games such as the previous GBA to enter the new handheld in parallel through the emulator.

Even if possible, games from the SFC and FC era can be run on the new handheld.

These old games don't really have to make a lot of money for Zhuyouxing, but they can't live without.

There is also easy development, which is a preparation for game developers.

If it is very difficult to develop a game console, many game developers will be discouraged from developing games on this console.

And the purpose of the processor is also directly announced at the bidding meeting.

It is to manufacture handhelds, but the news must be kept strictly confidential by several manufacturers, otherwise they will face high litigation compensation.

This was all said before the bidding started.

For these world-renowned processor manufacturers, the difficulty of manufacturing is not high.

The weakest one can manufacture this kind of processor.

Only the price will have some difference.

After some discussion, the six companies finally marked the functions, performance, and price of their processors, and then the bidding will be temporarily closed.

The winning bidder will be announced within half a month.

Liujia waited patiently for Youxing Electronic Entertainment's reply.

And inside the headquarters of Yuxing Electronic Entertainment Company, Zhu Yuxing and several heads of the engineering development department, including Hayazawa Airi, looked at the quotations of these six companies together.

"The first manufacturer offered a price of US$110 per custom chip, and guaranteed to provide Yuxing Electronics with an annual production capacity of 20 million, and the price of the chips produced each year can also be reduced by US$10."

"The second manufacturer offered $130 per custom chip, but they said that if they ordered 40 million per year, they would drop the price by another $30, and then drop the price every year. Ten dollars."

"The third manufacturer priced each chip at US$120. They didn't give any additional discounts, but the chips they manufactured have always been stable, and there have been no serious quality problems. The price may be negotiable. talk."

"The fourth manufacturer is priced at 90 US dollars per chip, which is quite cheap. This manufacturer used to specialize in the manufacture of industrial chips. They are probably planning to expand the market through this transaction, so they are willing to use a lower price to Winning this order is equivalent to paying a tuition fee to enter a new market."

"The sincerity of the fifth manufacturer is not very good. The price of the chip has reached 170 US dollars. I don't think it is necessary to consider this. Like the fourth manufacturer, they used to manufacture industrial chips. It is obvious sincerity to change careers without paying tuition fees. insufficient."

"The chip price of the sixth manufacturer is 130 US dollars, and the price is willing to reduce by more than 20 US dollars every year, which means that the chip price cost will only be 30 US dollars after five years, which is quite good."

In the conference room, a person in charge of engineering development explained to everyone the different quotations and commitments of the six manufacturers.

Each of the six manufacturers has its own strengths. Except for the fifth and third manufacturers, the quotations given by the other four manufacturers are actually not bad.

This is cheaper than Zhu Youxing initially expected.

The processor is the heart of a gaming machine.

If all the costs are included, the cost of the game console can be controlled within two hundred dollars, which is within the range of 20,000 yen.

In this case, selling a handheld for two hundred dollars is equivalent to no loss.

However, the handheld price of 20,000 yen is obviously not easy for current players to accept.

The price of the previous handheld was only more than 12,000 yen, but the price of the new handheld has increased to 20,000 in one go, which puts a lot of pressure on players.

So it is inevitable to lose some selling hosts.

But as long as the game can sell well, he will make money.

Finally, after everyone's discussion, two manufacturers were locked.

The third and the sixth.

One of these two is that the product quality is excellent, and the other is that the price will be very favorable in the future.

If a game console is produced after five years, the production cost may only be seventy or eighty dollars.

Waiting until about the third year or so, the game console can turn around and start making money again, which is pretty good.

The quality of the third manufacturer is very good, and it is not completely out of the question. I can use the annual increase in production capacity demand to attract the other party to lower the price again.

However, it is still possible to wait for half a month to fully confirm the manufacturer. During this period, everyone in the company's engineering and development can discuss the selection of these manufacturers again.

As for the meeting, it went to the next link, which was the discussion on the functions and appearance of the handheld.

Before, Zhuyouxing had decided to make the appearance of the game console as a clamshell, and it also had the property of dual screens.

At that time, he had already shown the rough appearance drawings to everyone.

But that's not a final draft, just an initial idea.

Zhu Youxing also hopes to listen to other people's opinions before making a decision.

Most of them have no opinion on Zhuyouxing's idea of ​​this game console.

Because they have long been accustomed to the direction of development without any disadvantage.

They don't even need to participate too much in the design of the game console, as long as they develop the game console according to the functional requirements given by Zhuyouxing.

Anyway, in terms of current Star Entertainment, any game console developed is easy to sell.

"Zhuyou, to be honest, I have always felt that such a handheld device is not particularly good."

Just when the results of people's discussions were almost the same, a voice suddenly sounded.

Zhu Youxing raised his head and looked towards the door, where there was a person sitting alone.

She has always been used to being alone, but she has also changed a lot.

At least she no longer has contact phobia now, and she no longer reacts violently when in contact with others.

Tsukino Aya's silver twin ponytails are always so eye-catching.

"Isn't it very good, what do you mean specifically?"

"Dual-screen, I still can't imagine how to use this dual-screen property to make a game. Of course, you can have a lot of great ideas to create amazing games in Zhuyou, but other developers may not be so good. So many wonderful ideas."

This makes sense.

The NDS in the previous life was strong in its own game lineup. Apart from its own games, the third-party games are actually not very good, at least it is incomparable with the third-party games of the PSP handheld in the same period.

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