Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 403 Have the courage to fight against the injustice of fate

This is a very special documentary.

This documentary looks very trivial on the surface, from a child playing a house-like trial game to an adult defending himself in court with his newly acquired knowledge, and even allowing himself and a lawyer to successfully reverse the case , save yourself from prison.

And this all relies on a game and a TV series.

Of course, a game and a TV series will definitely not really have that much influence.

This is more like a soft advertisement, but it is interesting enough, and the starting point is also very special.

This documentary was broadcast immediately following the fourth episode of The Winner Is Justice. Many viewers patiently watched a documentary related to a TV series before they had time to switch TV stations.

The first scene of the documentary shows a group of children performing what appears to be a school festival.

And the content of these children's performances is a bridge in the game of Ace Attorney.

Although children are inferior to adults in terms of logical thinking, they are not necessarily inferior to adults in their ability to understand games.

Even if the performance is still a little immature, it still shows the plot of the game of Ace Attorney very well.

The children shouted a catty of duck pears loudly in the simulated court, and the two sides of the debate argued fiercely, defending and convicting a child who had been beaten.

"This is a story that happened on campus, a true story."

At this time, the voice of the narration sounded in the documentary, and the voice of the narration was so magnetic that it was easy for people to substitute into it.

"And this story comes from a game. Through this game, children have experienced the power of logical thinking earlier. Through this game, children's brains have been well improved. This is an electronic The charm of games lies in that video games not only bring entertainment to people, but also bring healthy feedback to people.”

The children's logical quarrel lasted more than ten minutes in the documentary, and finally ended with the injured child being identified as a victim rather than a perpetrator, and the story seemed to be happy for all.

Immediately afterwards, the story enters the next scene.

That was a real courtroom scene.

Through a few minutes of flashback scenes, viewers quickly learn that a seemingly wronged man is being tried.

He was getting more and more tired after many court appearances.

But, suddenly, he got something interesting.

The picture stays in the preparation room of the court. The defendant is fiddling with a GBA handheld with a heavy heart. This is a small gift he got suddenly not long ago. The gifter is a person who offered to film his entire defense The guy said that he hoped to bring help to the defendant, even if it did not bring help, he also hoped to relieve the defendant's bad mood.

According to interviews, the accused appeared to be the alleged perpetrator of the malicious assault.

This case also lasted for a long time, which made him burnt out, and even lost his job.

But in order to prove his innocence, he is willing to give everything.

At this time, it was the third time for him to go to the dock, and now only video games can ease his mood a little, and he is also very grateful to the photographer who gave him this game console.

From the perspective of the audience of the documentary, the audience already knows that the person who gave the gift is the photographer of the documentary.

At this time, the photographer's voice sounded in the picture: "Sir, how do you feel now? Are you in a better mood?"

The defendant who was questioned nodded slightly, but kept staring at the screen of the game console, and said at the same time: "It's much better, thank you very much for bringing me such a relaxing thing, and, in fact, I think this thing is not only In addition to letting me relax, it also brought me the possibility of overturning the case."

"Ah? The possibility of overturning the case? No way? This is just a game."

The interviewer asked in a somewhat unexpected tone.

The defendant nodded: "In the past, I just blindly sought the help of a lawyer, but to be honest, I didn't have much money, and the lawyer I hired was not particularly good. Although he tried hard to defend me, it was still very hard. I am very grateful to him, but I can also feel that the chance of him helping me is very small, and I have to find a way to break the situation myself."

After the defendant finished speaking, he raised the GBA handheld in his hand.

"And this game gave me hope. This game suddenly gave me a lot of different perspectives on things. Sometimes maybe just a few unintentional words can be enough to affect the ending. I hope I can do this."

"Well, then I wish you can get rid of your grievances as soon as possible."


At this time, the bell rang for the opening of the court, and the defendant stood up with a slightly heavy heart, and then prepared to walk into the dock.

But when he stepped into the dock, his state became completely different.

At this moment, he seemed to really have some kind of aura.

That's the steady mood that Wright Wright showed in front of outsiders in the game.

Even the plaintiff and witnesses were surprised by this reaction.

Then, it was a good show.

Contrary to the passive state of the previous few defenses, the defendant began to take the initiative to find a chance for himself.

It seems that God will never disappoint those who fight against fate. He actually found the loopholes in the words of the witness and the plaintiff, and constantly exposed the lies of the other party.

Originally, he had no ability to resist in the previous several defenses.

But this time, relying on himself and the joint efforts of the lawyers he hired, he really got the chance to overturn the case.

At least now his suspicion of intentionally hurting people has been washed away a lot, which is a big improvement.

The documentary also stopped abruptly at this moment, and the narration sounded again.

"Sometimes, video games are not a scourge. They can also bring people a different perspective to see the world, and they can also help people get a better life. What some people lack may just be the ability to discover beautiful things. Eyes, as long as you look at new things with an optimistic attitude, you may have a different feeling."

This is all about the documentary, which lasts about half an hour, but the rhythm is just right. Anyone who sees this documentary will not feel tired or feel disgusted.

Even if this documentary is suspected of soft advertising, people still like to see the drama of reversal.

Even if this is really the effect of the performance, they will still be a little moved now.

Just like what is said in the documentary, people should have the courage to fight against the injustice of fate, instead of waiting for help from others.

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