Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 429 The advantage is on our side

Ueto Hayakawa shook his head to get rid of the thoughts just now.

It doesn't make much sense to think about game engines anymore.

The game engine is a development tool, the most important thing is the game itself.

It doesn't matter if Zhuyouxing really monopolizes this tool. If the price of this tool is too high, it will inevitably force other companies to develop their own game engines sooner or later.

And if the Unreal Engine keeps selling at a low price, there is indeed little room for the development of other game engines.

However, as a top technology company, it will be a matter of time to develop a game engine. We can't always rely on competitors, but it's not suitable now, and now he doesn't have much money at his disposal.

And if anything, it makes more sense to put it into game development now.

Seeing that the venue was almost built, Hayakawa Ueto also showed a satisfied expression. At least the effect looks good, the venue is huge, and there are so many games to try, and the picture quality of these games is more exciting than the last. .

And Youxing Electronic Entertainment only has one handheld, can a game console and a handheld combined by yourself not compare with the other party?

Perhaps it is really like what Chang Weiyu said, the advantage is on our side.

On the other hand, the YOO booth on Changweiyu's side is promoting a large number of new games.

The quality of these games is hard to say for the time being, but Changweiyu's method is very simple and direct.

As long as you come to us to play a game for more than ten minutes, you can get a very cost-effective prize.

Moreover, Changweiyu also came up with a rule for the standings.

If the player plays enough games on his own field, then he will be awarded a certain number of points respectively.

The top ten in the final standings will receive higher rewards, such as a top-level desktop computer worth more than 10,000 US dollars, or a game product from Su Rui Electronics, etc.

Money offensive is the most direct way to reward, this kind of thing really doesn't work.

This can only be done by the rich and powerful Chang Weiyu, because his money is almost equal to the wind blowing, and more and more are blowing.

But it is undeniable that the Internet is really hot recently. In my opinion, it is necessary to add a new Internet department. Surui Electronics must not lag behind the times.

In addition to showing some games, YOO also plans to show some gadgets developed by itself. The research and development costs will not be too high, which can be regarded as something to support the facade.

However, it is actually a rigid requirement of the organizer of the exhibition. After all, this is an electronics exhibition, not a game exhibition. Even a fool can see what the highlight of this exhibition is. electronic products on display.

In the evening, the booth has been completely set up, and everything is waiting for the official opening tomorrow.

What disappointed Hayakawa Ueto was that there was no news from Zhu Youxing.

The two companies completely sealed off the exclusive venues.

Finally, relying on the information Hayakawa Ueto inquired from some exhibition manufacturing suppliers to know some details.

Those two companies seem to have integrated some elements together. The supplier said that some of the produced billboards were printed with the logos of Youxing Electronic Entertainment and Morgan Group, which were quite different from the two companies on their side. big difference.

It is actually a bit late to know this news now, and it is not easy to make up for it, but there are only some fusion elements, which should not affect the overall situation.

At night, the venue of the International Consumer Electronics Show is quiet, which seems to indicate that the struggle that will come after the opening tomorrow will be extremely fierce.

And the time soon came to the next morning.

Ueto Hayakawa and Ueto Nagao rushed to the venue early in the morning, and at the suggestion of Ueto Hayakawa, they sent dozens of good-looking women to promote in multiple places in the venue.

Some of them are holding leaflets, while others are wearing clothing with the logos of the two companies to attract attention.

It's pretty clichéd, but it works really well.

Not long after the venue opened, a group of people were attracted to Su Rui Electronics and YOO.

And more are media reporters who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.

With the rise of the Internet, there are now more and more Internet media reporters, running around with long guns and short guns, frantically looking for any big news that can bring clicks.

The most eye-catching news this time is naturally the competition between the four companies.

Two of them teamed up to compete with each other, coming from all walks of life to crusade.

This kind of gimmicky news is what every media reporter dreams of.

They were granted early access before the venue opened.

However, the venues of Youxing Electronic Entertainment and Morgan Group have always been closed. The bodyguards at the door, whether they are reporters or not, directly refused to the other side, and claimed that they could only enter when the opening time came.

In this way, these reporters were pushed to the side of Su Rui Electronics.

In the hour before the opening of the museum, these reporters had already surrounded Nagao Ueto and Hayakawa Ueto, as if they would never let you go unless they gave us a big news.

YOO enjoys this popularity, which gives him the illusion that he is the protagonist.

He proudly announced to everyone the many game studios his family had acquired, and then ostentatiously promoted several high-quality games that these studios had produced. He also hoped that these reporters could interview them more, and he would like to Give these reporters some extra credit after this.

Ueto Hayakawa was a little bit unimpressed by this, which meant a bit of bribery, and it was really not suitable in an upright competition.

However, this trick will indeed have a miraculous effect. Seeing so many people surrounding him, and the hot topic never diminishing, he chose to turn a blind eye.

There are big news and benefits at the same time. These reporters are naturally very happy. They promise to report more on the products of the two companies in the future.

However, this did not weaken their curiosity about Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Why is it still closed? Don't let people go in to find out?

According to the meaning of the guards at the gate, they hope that visitors and reporters will be treated equally, and no one will have priority.

Anyway, it was mysterious, which aroused the interest of the reporters instead.

At this time, Chang Weiyu already looked triumphant, and he felt that he had completely secured the victory.

It was at this time that the 2002 International Consumer Electronics Show officially opened. Ordinary spectators and tourists who had been waiting for a long time at the entrance began to rush into the venue. They all wanted to see the latest technological inventions of this era. , At the same time, there are also many players who have heard the news.

Here they will also experience the best games in the world.

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