Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 456 Su Rui Electronics' God-sent Opportunity

The game carrier used by the GSL handheld is still in the form of a cassette.

And what is used in it is the flash memory chip.

Su Rui Electronics insisted on using the CD format because they wanted to implement their own standards.

So far, it is not clear whose model is more feasible.

The cost of optical discs can be very low, and the form of cassette flash memory can be very portable and convenient, but the cost will be higher than that of optical discs.

Zhu Youxing believes that cassettes are obviously better in the form of a handheld. Players can carry many cassettes to play different games at the same time, but even if it is only a CD-sized disc, it is impossible to carry too many. machine in a portable style.

Moreover, later generations can also prove that cassettes are indeed a more reasonable form for handhelds. In the future, cassettes can also be very low-cost, and have more advantages than optical discs in all aspects.

However, cassettes have a very fatal problem, that is, the output of manufactured materials is always unstable, and flash memory manufacturers also like to make things happen.

Every now and then, there will be a fire news saying that the production capacity will be reduced. Later, people will always ridicule these manufacturers if they have no money to make, and just set the fire at home.

As for whether it was a real fire or a fake fire, Zhu Youxing didn't know, so he couldn't make a conclusion.

But now the production of cassettes will obviously be affected by this.

"We have contacted other flash memory manufacturers as soon as possible, but this period of time will cause the production speed of cassettes to slow down, and some regions may be out of stock."

Zhu Youxing frowned. Fortunately, the built-in storage chip manufacturing factory of the game console and the cassette storage manufacturing factory were separate. If they were manufactured by the same manufacturer, it would be possible to finish the game together.

Also, I didn't make those simple casual games into cassettes, otherwise it would occupy more cassette production lines, and the impact would be even greater.

"Is there an estimated time? I want to know how long it will take to restore production capacity."

"It is estimated that it will take at least three months before it is possible to restore the previous production capacity."

It takes three months to restore the current production capacity, so it will be even more difficult to expand production capacity.

For delayed delivery of products, if the contract period is exceeded, the flash memory factory will definitely lose a sum of money.

However, many previous cassette productions were relatively short-term contract orders. Flash memory factories have always been very thieves in this regard, and have never signed long-term contracts, just to be prepared for price increases at any time.

And the cassette is the lifeblood of the current Youxing Electronic Entertainment handheld. There is only a game console, but without the cassette, the game console is like a piece of scrap iron.

However, it is still too early to promote online digital games, and the soil is not yet mature enough.

But there is no better way at the moment.

"Then immediately contact the second manufacturer and distribute the cassette production."

The person in charge of the external assistance department nodded and said, "It's possible, but I'm worried about another thing."

"What's the matter?" Zhu Youxing asked.

"Other manufacturers are also likely to increase the price of the cassette, so our manufacturing costs will also increase."

Zhu Youxing said: "But it must be done. We must meet the needs of players, rather than let players lose the opportunity to play our games because of cost issues."

The person in charge asked: "Then can we make suggestions to third-party game companies to increase the royalties? Let them share some of the cassette manufacturing costs?"

Zhu Youxing shook his head immediately after hearing this: "No, this amount of money is still affordable. Our royalty is already quite high, and any increase will increase their burden. This is a matter of reputation. For a It's not worth the extra few bucks the cassette costs."

"Okay, I see, then I will contact now to see if there are other flash memory manufacturers who are willing to take over immediately."

After the person in charge left, Zhu Youxing fell into deep thought.

It will definitely be indispensable for flash memory manufacturers to engage in such unexpected things in the future, because they have reasons that sound quite legitimate.

Unless you directly acquire a flash memory manufacturer and only serve your own industry, then you don't have to worry about any unexpected situations.

It is obviously unrealistic to develop the entire industrial chain, develop chips, and develop various parts and components. No matter how abundant the funds are, Zhuyouxing cannot cover the entire industrial chain. Even a superpower can do it. Not yet.

However, if you want to choose a physical industry as the core, flash memory chips are obviously the best choice.

This is one of the fastest-growing physical industries in the foreseeable future, and the technology content is relatively low, and the labor cost will be relatively low, and it only needs to produce cassettes for its own products.

So this seems to be a feasible idea, but it probably requires a lot of money. Is it enough to toss about with my current three or four billion dollars?

In Zhu Youxing's past life memory, it seems that a certain manufacturer spent $7 billion to acquire Intel's flash memory business.

However, that is almost after 2020. At that time, flash memory chips were already one of the hottest real industries. Now it may not be such a high price, and I don’t really want to be in the flash memory industry. It's just an exclusive cassette factory.

Then maybe three or four billion dollars is enough, but in this way, the theme park that I planned will be delayed.

Unless you make more money yourself.

The fire at Youxing Electronic Entertainment's cassette foundry was hard to cause waves outside the industry.

But in the industry, it was spread almost immediately.

Especially YOO's Changwei Yu, he almost jumped up when he heard the news.

This is simply a godsend.

If the normal routine is followed, there will inevitably be problems with the release speed of Youxing Electronic Entertainment's video games, and this will give him an opportunity to take advantage of.

So he immediately contacted Ueto Hayakawa.

"Hayakawa, did you know that there was a problem with the cassette production at Yuxing Electronic Entertainment?"

Hayakawa had just finished a meeting, and it just so happened that the content of his meeting today was this, after hearing Nagao Yu's call, he nodded and said: "I know, it seems that there will be some problems in the cassette production of Yuxing Electronic Entertainment this time. "

Chang Weiyu immediately said excitedly: "This is a good opportunity for us, we can take this opportunity to expand production, if players want to play games of Youxing Electronic Entertainment but they don't have cassettes, but their demand for entertainment will definitely not be less , so we can take the opportunity to take away some users?"

Ueto Hayakawa said: "It makes sense, but I don't think that person Zhu Youxing will just sit and wait for death."

"Whether he will sit still or not, let's seize the opportunity first!"

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