Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 461 Two Tragic Companies

At this moment, Zhu Youxing gestured a pause gesture, calming down these people who were a little dazed and discussing for a while.

Then he said patiently: "I know you may have a lot of questions now, because the game development this time seems to be different from what I have taught you before, but what I want to say is that in fact, game development has never been absolute. Because video games have always been a thing full of unknown fun, just like there are comedies, tragedies, cool dramas, and sadistic dramas in movies, there will always be some audiences."

Uesugi Yuki, the person in charge of the fifth team, couldn't help but raised his hand and said: "I can understand the benefits brought by abuse of players in the plot, but in terms of difficulty, is it possible that the audience is very small? This should be Very unpopular, right?"

"Who said? Sometimes you may actually underestimate the player's masochism. Of course, the difficulty must not be too exaggerated. There must be a limit, and this limit is also very learned. We can take it slowly. , everyone first builds the basic framework of the game according to my plan, and the rest of the difficulty can be adjusted at the end."

This time, the main difficulty in the development of Monster Hunter lies in the action design of the so-called giant dragons and strange-sized creatures such as big strange birds.

And that's the real heart of the game.

It's very difficult to make a monster that is convincing enough in every way.

This probably requires the cooperation of multiple groups and the Numerical Research Department, which is something they have never studied in the past.

Most of the creatures in the previous games were either relatively simple in design, or they were simply humanoid creatures. These are very simple in action design, and most of the previous numerical studies have focused on humanoid creatures. This time it is indeed from scratch. .

Starting from scratch means that this will be a test, which is very challenging for everyone.

Now, as the top game companies in the industry, these game development teams definitely do not lack the fighting spirit to challenge difficulties.

First of all, the art team has to act immediately. They need to create vivid monster creatures first, so that the modelers and program developers can cooperate well.

For several teams, they applied for a few foreign aids on a whim, such as zoologists, biologists, and eco-environmentalists, and finally they even wanted to find a linguist.

Because Zhu Youxing also proposed that if possible, it is best to create the hunter language of this world. The hunter language will be completely different from the traditional language. This is a way to better reflect the realism of this world.

Although such things as hunter language are really superfluous, Zhu Youxing just wants to do it.

Regarding the foreign aid requested by the team, Zhu Youxing waved his hand quite simply, and agreed to all of them.

It doesn't cost much to hire such an expert.

The scale of development this time alone is already another work with a development cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. The money to hire a few experts is not enough for the entire game development, so there is really no need to save money in this regard.

And these relevant experts are also very happy to come to help.

After all, no one will refuse money.

But in this way, the game development that could have been kept a little bit more secret will be difficult to keep airtight.

After Zhuyouxing just finished the new game development meeting here, there have been related rumors from the outside world.

First, a member of an unknown outsourcing team leaked information anonymously on the Internet.

It is said that Yuxing Electronic Entertainment once again spent a huge amount of money to produce an excellent game, and it still plans to launch it on the handheld.

And Final Fantasy 7 has achieved an astonishing sales volume of tens of millions, and is the highest-selling game on the GS1 game console.

This time Zhuyouxing led the game development again, obviously wanting to reproduce his previous success on the handheld.

People in the industry have just learned the news, and their performances are also different.

First of all, Su Rui Electronics is about to face a big enemy, because the two companies are now in the most direct competition.

Ueto Hayakawa immediately convened a team hoping to find some solutions.

Even if the final result of the response is a failure, if you do nothing, it is very likely that Youxing Electronic Entertainment will be smooth sailing, and the future of their game console industry will not be easy.

On the other side of the ocean, in the United States, there is still a half-dead game console company, and the reaction is rather pitiful.


This is a company that has made some achievements in the entertainment and cultural industry.

In the past, they have made several relatively successful electronic entertainment products, which are considered to be a small hit in the US market.

Before Youxing Electronics Entertainment entered the US market, they could still fight back and forth with Su Rui Electronics at that time.

It was also at that time that Lilda tasted the sweetness of video games.

It's just because of the inherent concept of physical assets of the Americans. They didn't take the game itself seriously at the beginning, but regarded entities such as game consoles and cassettes as important things. They thought games were useless at first. What they sold was not Instead of games, it is a plastic sheet such as a cassette and an entertainment product such as a video game console.

When there were no strong competitors, they did well.

It's just that when Youxing Electronic Entertainment came to the United States, their situation immediately took a turn for the worse. Their game machine industry was defeated with almost no resistance, which was very miserable.

Later, they also tried to resist a few times, relying on the US government's suppression of Youxing Electronic Entertainment to win some markets, but they still lack high-quality games.

Then when the company kicked out the original founder Huck Brown, the situation quickly fell to the bottom.

The mobile game consoles they admired before were only a flash in the pan, and eventually disappeared from everyone.

Up to now, Lierda has existed in name only.

But it's also slightly better than the other one.

Another company named Hongguo was originally engaged in the personal computer business, but because the personal computer business was developing slowly at that time, they wanted to find new growth points, and finally chose video games, but in the end they also ruined themselves because of some wrong decisions.

When Lierda's current management saw that Youxing Electronic Entertainment was preparing to develop a new large-scale game, their reaction was indifferent, as if everything had nothing to do with them.

In other words, they already know that they have already become the billowing dust of the times, and there is no scum left.

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