Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 524: A New Domain


Stardew Valley is a very legendary game.

This is a farming simulation management game that was completely developed by one person and took five years.

Its source of inspiration comes from the ancient Harvest Story, as well as a series of similar games such as Minecraft and Animal Crossing in the later period.

Stardew Valley can't be said to be a master of these games, but it does present the game features of these sources of inspiration very well, and it is a very rare top independent game.

and the people who made the game

The work of only one person has created a horror work with 20 million sales until Zhuyouxing crossing.

You must know that Stardew Valley was released in 2016. At that time, top masterpieces were everywhere, and there were so many sandbox games. Many people have been dazzled by these top cool games.

But Stardew Valley still relies on its very unique temperament to attract every player who plays this game, and is enchanted by Stardew Valley.

However, it sounds a bit staggering that it took a full five years for one person to develop such a game.

But in fact, the efficiency of this person's own game development is not high, and the time to be in a state of efficient development in five years is very little.

In a certain period of time, he even needs the help of his wife to maintain his life, but this is not because the game developer is deliberately fishing, but more because he is developing alone, and the development process There is almost no one to give reference, he has no idea whether the direction he is doing is popular or correct, all this is a mystery.

Under such circumstances, it will also cast a shadow in his heart, and he will begin to doubt whether the games he develops are good enough.

But Zhu Youxing didn't have to think so much.

First of all, he is now a top game developer, and he is very proficient in the use of various ideas and gameplay.

Even if he was allowed to return to his original world, he would definitely be able to become a top game developer, after all, it was the experience he gained from several top games in ten years.

Next, Zhu Youxing is also a very efficient person. At least he will not be too fishy in the process of developing the game. In addition, he has a very mature development path and knows how to make it. This can actually save a lot of time. .

I roughly estimated that in an ideal state of explosive liver, I should be able to complete the initial development of Stardew Valley in one to two months, that is, to add mainstream gameplay content, such as farming, decoration, mining , as well as social activities and other functions.

These are enough, and then he will gradually add more functions in the later time to make this game more and more full.

"Zhuyou, do you just want to set an example for those three girls because of their distress?"

After hearing about the game development plan conceived by Zhu Youxing, Tsukino Aya felt a little outrageous.

This time he wants to develop the game by himself, and he hardly relies on the help of a second person to develop the game, which should be regarded as a very inefficient behavior for the current Zhuyouxing.

Zhu Youxing originally had no reason to do such a thing, but now he suddenly wants to do this, it seems that the only reason is to set an example for the three girls.

"It is, but not all. You told me about the situation of these three girls reminded me of the current industry situation. In fact, I still want to make more game developers realize that games should not just be It's just a big production."

Zhu Youxing doesn't want the game industry to fail without him. He also hopes that people in this world can continue to unleash their creativity and create excellent games.

So far, his original intention has not changed, that is to play the excellent games created by the people of this world, and it is still a bit boring to just reproduce the games of the previous life.

Now that we have a direction, we can start now without further ado.

This time he didn't plan to use his reputation, and he didn't even plan to log in this game on his home console and handheld platform from the beginning.

His goal is the PC platform.

It just so happens that I have been trying to cultivate PC users to get used to using my own game platform. This platform is similar to STEAM in the previous life, and now there are hundreds of games.

It's just that there is nothing else to play except for StarCraft, Doom and other games of Zhuyouxing's first party.

Now there are still many netizens jokingly calling this the game star launcher, which specializes in playing games such as Doom and StarCraft.

It's not that the game developers in this world are not up to the mark and have not gained favor and attention on this game platform, but most of the players are still concentrated on home consoles and handheld platforms, and games on the PC platform are still a bit weak.

But PC is also a very good soil for independent games. If this soil can be made to bloom its due charm, then the mission of Stardew Valley will really be completed.

Zhu Youxing immediately put down the controller and returned to his bedroom. He couldn't wait to start a new round of game development, leaving Tsukino Cai alone in a mess.

Back in the bedroom, Zhu Youxing turned on his desktop computer, and then tried to log in to a user account that he hadn't logged in for many years.

Nintendo is the master of Te Niang's world.

This stalk is completely incomprehensible to people in this world, and it is a romance that only belongs to Zhu Youxing.

Since he used this account to guide with the current game review leader Kazuo Murakami, he has not used this account again.

Because he felt that the more he used it, the easier it would be to cheat, and Kazuo Murakami had become a leader in the field of game evaluation, so he no longer needed to use this account for anything else.

However, after many years, he thought of this account again.

Seeing this familiar account name, Zhu Youxing once again felt a sense of intimacy.

Just use this username to start a new platform.

But that alone is certainly not enough.

What is his purpose? The purpose is to let independent games have their own market, but at the same time, I want to encourage the three girls and let them understand that video games do not need big productions all the time.

Independent games are also very good. If they want to enter this industry, independent games are actually a more suitable channel.

Then the process of self-development must be shown to these three girls. As for the method of display, Zhu Youxing has already thought about it, and that is to present it in the form of a documentary.

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