Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 535 I hit myself


Zhu Youxing used his own experience to prove that video games don't just need big productions.

Aiko, Kazumi and Yinchan's lost emotions have also recovered, and their fighting spirit is even stronger than before.

At the same time, the three of them were also a little ashamed of how easily they wanted to give up video games.

Zhu Youxing taught them a very direct lesson, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are reborn parents.

It also rekindled their hope and strengthened their idea of ​​continuing to develop games.

After finishing these things, Zhu Youxing didn't care about the Stardew Valley released by himself for the time being. This thing can be updated through occasionally, or even directly handed over to his subordinates. The reason why Stardew Valley is attractive is because Very complete gameplay, can really make people addicted to it.

As long as this basic game is not shaken, and various new content is continuously introduced, it will be able to continue to attract more people to play this game.

Now the employees in the company adore Zhu Youxing to a higher level.

They are all people who have played Stardew Valley later, not to mention that everyone is interested in this game, but at least 80% of the employees like Stardew Valley, which is considered a feat.

From this aspect alone, it can be predicted that the future of Stardew Valley must be very bright.

Moreover, after Kazuo Murakami, the most authoritative player in the game media industry, rated the game with a five-star praise, it didn't take long for more and more game review media to actively publish related articles.

There are almost no negative reviews, and the last one is an eight-point score.

There have always been rumors that this is a game developed by one person, and this user named Nintendo is the master of the world, and has become the object of many people's pursuit.

At the same time, sales are also more intuitively reflected in this state.

The sales of Stardew Valley in the first week were only about 50,000.

Sales doubled in the second week, selling 100,000 copies.

This is also nothing to the sales of some games of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

But to be able to grow against the trend is very extraordinary.

It is difficult for ordinary games to grow against the trend.

And once it grows against the trend, it can already prove to a certain extent how interesting this game is.

Then, sales in the third week continued to increase, reaching 150,000.

Two hundred thousand in the fourth week.

In the fifth week, it suddenly rose to 400,000.

This was like a rapid rocket ride, which shocked everyone's jaws.

And knowing the inside story, knowing that this game is managed by Zhu Youxing alone, and after completing all the game development by one person, he admires Zhu Youxing even more.

This era is no longer the era when games just emerged ten years ago.

Gamers in this era have begun to be a little picky, and it is difficult for ordinary games to impress these players.

But even so, these players are still willing to spend money to buy Stardew Valley.

‘It was so much fun, I haven’t slept in days. ’ ‘This game reminds me of my childhood life on the farm. ’ ‘It’s really fun, I haven’t played such an interesting game for a long time, the game body is small, but the content is very sufficient, I don’t even want to leave Pelican Town. ’ ‘The picture quality is a bit bad, but it’s surprisingly interesting, and I’ll definitely recommend it to my friends! ’ These words of praise began to appear on the Internet one after another, as if they wanted to directly praise the mysterious person who developed this game to the altar.

If Zhu Youxing saw this kind of scene in the later generations, he would definitely feel that this is a proper promotion of the navy.

However, the purity of netizens in this world is relatively high, and the Internet has not completely become the mainstream of society, so at this moment, these praiseworthy words should basically be evaluated by real people.

Of course, there will still be some comments that belittle this game, but such belittling comments will basically be submerged by the tide of praise, and there will be no waves at all.

In addition, because Zhu Youxing also posted on the game's homepage that the game has more follow-up content updates, this makes players look forward to the next content of the game, and there are a lot of posts urging updates Quickly swipe the screen under the evaluation of this game.

Voices of favorable comments and voices of urging updates come and go.

Even if Zhu Youxing only draws a few words on the page such as marriage gameplay, online gameplay, and cooking gameplay, players are very concerned. Come out, then he is like a heinous bastard.

At the same time, some quite professional farming people also stood up to speak out.

They said very seriously that in real life, it is impossible for crops to grow after you sleep. The cultivation of crops is very energy-intensive and also very labor-intensive.

But I have to say that it is a very appropriate move for this game to make subtractions in this regard.

This makes the hard work of crops much less painful for players to really get interested in growing.

Because this game was released by Zhuyouxing with a trumpet, it is not a game of Youxing Electronic Entertainment on the surface, so there will be no official forum.

But players have quickly set up a Stardew Valley forum, where a lot of people started to discuss the so-called game plot, and some people started to discuss whether Pelican Town is real, and whether there are any pelicans in this world. Towns, or some players provide a variety of Stardew Valley Raiders.

And as long as the player base is large enough, a lot of evil ways can be born. You can never imagine how big the players' brains are. They can always find some weird strategy ways, and those ways are even Zhu Youxing himself. Didn't realize there was such a function.

On the contrary, Zhu Youxing also began to watch the various discussion voices of netizens with relish.

In this self-organized forum, the discussion among players is extremely heated. Some CP parties have already begun to discuss which girl is more beautiful in the game, or which girl is more suitable to be a wife. This game is really great, and they are willing to It is really quite rare to call this game the best game of the year, even surpassing the game of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

With the rapid increase in game sales, some people who eat melons or passers-by are also attracted to it. They look at this game with poor graphics with curious eyes, and they don't understand why such a game is so attractive.

Then after they actually try to play it, they understand what those people who are addicted to it think, this game is really really good... no, it can’t be described as good anymore, this game is really good !

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