Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 539 Bloody Wind and Calm Sea


It's not that Changweiyu's technical strength is not good, it's just that Youxing Electronic Entertainment's Internet technology is too strong.

The strength of game development makes many people ignore Youxing Electronic Entertainment's achievements in the Internet.

In one of the most conspicuous windows of Youxing Electronic Entertainment Company, there is a sign with a full English description on a very obvious position.

This sign reads as follows:

'Stanford University's long-term computer science partner'

'Stanford Theoretical Group Laboratory (Algorithmic Game Theory Direction) Consultant'

'Stanford Infolab (Database and Network Analysis) Consultant'

This is a proof of the long-term cooperative relationship established between Yuxing Electronic Entertainment and Stanford University about three or four years ago.

Because Zhuyouxing is uniquely leading the game industry, even a world-class school like Stanford University seems to want to catch the heat.

Especially under the premise that video games are becoming more and more popular, Zhuyouxing is even more popular.

So Stanford University got in touch with Zhu Youxing through Tsukino Aya and several top programmers who had already worked in Youxing Electronic Entertainment, and invited him to become an honorary professor at Stanford University.

Of course, this name is not important, what is important is that Stanford University can use this to open a brand new major, and because of the reputation of Zhu Youxing, there is no need to worry about people who are interested in games flocking to Stanford University.

At the same time, Zhu Youxing will go to Stanford University to give lectures about every six months. The content of the lectures is random without any restrictions.

Of course, the purpose of the cooperation is for a win-win situation. The computer science major of Stanford University is also willing to provide some computer help for Youxing Electronics. At the same time, some outstanding students will write additional letters of introduction if they are interested in Youxing Electronics. , can get some extra benefits.

So far, the cooperation between the two parties has been very harmonious. Stanford University has gained more students. Zhu Youxing's influence is indeed amazing. Among them is a genius who has been reported many times in the world because Zhu Youxing is an honorary professor at Stanford. , so he was willing to come to Stanford to study without any conditions, and gave Stanford a good face, showing off among other top universities of the same status.

And Zhuyouxing can obtain top computer science students who have graduated from Stanford University for a long time. Up to now, more and more students have played the games of Youxing Electronic Entertainment since they were young. Under the premise that the salary and benefits are very good, I am also very willing to choose Youxing Electronic Entertainment as my first job, which is equivalent to providing Zhuyouxing with a lot of high-level wage earners.

In addition, Stanford University also shared with Zhuyouxing many computer research projects that are still in the experimental stage but have been basically completed, including more advanced research on game engines (Zhuyouxing provided it to Stanford Unreal Engine for free. Rights), as well as the free provision of new technologies such as Internet platform construction, maintenance and defense.

The employees of Changweiyu's YOO portal are not incapable of computer skills.

It's that Yuxing Electronic Entertainment's hidden segmentation in the field of computers and the Internet is too fierce. Normally, Youxing Electronic Entertainment never thought about promoting this matter at all, and no one noticed it.

And Chang Weiyu brought his own people to touch the ashes on the nose.

First of all, Changweiyu's team is quietly preparing to hack into the server of Youxing Electronic Entertainment to steal information.

Then their behavior was quickly discovered, and this time happened to be the daytime on the American side. The programmers of Yuxing Electronic Entertainment on the American side who graduated from Stanford University immediately discovered something was wrong, and then urgently began to use remote Provide more protection measures to the servers in the Japanese region by means of a method, and at the same time quickly report this matter to the superior.

At this moment, Chang Weiyu and his staff still don't know anything about it.

They are still in shock as to why Youxing Electronic Entertainment is so powerful in computers, and why their own intrusion methods are invincible for a long time.

"President, we are a bit dangerous now. If we continue like this, we may be traced back."

Chang Weiyu's face became even more gloomy. It's really unlucky to drink cold water, so why is this Youxing Electronic Entertainment so strong in Internet defense?

Is Yuxing Electronic Entertainment still a secret military project of the government? Even the government's secret military program is not necessarily much higher than Youxing Electronic Entertainment in terms of Internet defense.

Finally he gritted his teeth and said cruelly: "Use me a DDOS attack!"

Sometimes the simpler and rougher things are more effective, but once the simple and rude behavior is used, it proves that one's own hard power is no longer comparable to the opponent, so one can only deal with the opponent in a way similar to cheating.

DDOS attack is a very common form of network attack on the Internet. The purpose is to forcefully occupy the target server with a large number of false access applications, causing a period of access delay or even paralysis. It is like hiring two or three hundred people to run in order to compete with peer hotels When you go to a rival restaurant, you only occupy a seat and do not order food.

Of course, a simple DDOS attack does not have the function of stealing any data. Chang Weiyu intends to use such a simple and rude method to distract Youxing Electronic Entertainment, and then see if he can find an opportunity to steal data in other ways.

In the world of the Internet, at this moment, it seems like a very fierce war is going on, in which Changweiyu is the offensive side, and he will use all kinds of indiscriminate methods to win without any hesitation, while the defensive side is the gamer. Xing Electronics Entertainment was indeed caught off guard when they were still in a daze, but because Xing Electronics Entertainment's own hard power was very strong, it was actually quite easy to resist.

However, in the Japanese headquarters of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, at this moment, it seems to be calm.

The seven employees on the night shift also got together to play games, and the other one walked out of the break room to go back to the work station to take a rest.

Of course, he also remembered to stop by to see the status of the server at night.

"Well, everything looks fine."

The server didn't have any alerts, nor any message indicating that it was overloaded, as if the Changweiyu attack never happened.

However, even if these night shift employees know that they are being attacked, they probably have no countermeasures. They are mainly from the game development department.

After a general inspection, he confirmed that the server was very stable at this time, so he stretched himself and went to his workstation to rest. An invisible war is still going on, but it will not affect the good mood of this employee. He has already started to think about whether he should consider going to his colleagues to play games after the break.

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