Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 541 Another Year


Time came to December, 2003 is running out of time, but it is a very critical period for game sales.

Because Christmas is coming.

Various game manufacturers began to concentrate on promoting their own products during this period of time, trying their best to promote how excellent their own products are. Of course, Youxing Electronic Entertainment is not exempt from publicity, and also joined the army of publicity.

However, other games are more about promoting the game screen, and they also add some very exciting music to enhance the atmosphere, plus some things such as: 'the best in the world', 'the best picture', 'top sound effects', etc. A series of gimmicky words to attract players' attention.

Advertising laws in this world are still immature at this time, if this was placed in the era of Zhu Youxing's previous life, this kind of advertisement would probably be killed directly.

Among them, the advertisement of Youxing Electronic Entertainment is very unique.

The advertisement of Youxing Electronic Entertainment does not directly show more game screens, but presents the senses of the game from the perspective of each player.

For example, when playing Mario Kart, four people gather together to laugh and play.

Or maybe the father took the child to carefully study the game strategy book while carefully exploring the world of Dragon Quest.

It's not that Youxing Electronic Entertainment's game graphics and sound effects are inferior to others, it's just that Youxing Electronic Entertainment no longer needs to use that superficial way to promote its products.

This kind of advertisement, which reflects the player's feelings in the simplest way, will make people feel more warm. The sales of Youxing Electronic Entertainment's games have not decreased at all, and the dominant position is not stable.

After Christmas came, the results were as expected, and the products of Youxing Electronic Entertainment still maintained their dominant position.

Then there are a variety of game consoles and games from Suri Electronics.

As for other game consoles, don't look at them, there is absolutely nothing that can be played.

After Christmas comes the New Year.

For Zhu Youxing, the New Year is no different from usual, but recently the marriage urgings from mothers and adults have begun to increase. This Zhu Youxing can only fool around with haha ​​every time. Fortunately, so are the parents in this world. Two people who are more casual can leave their child alone when they are sixteen or seventeen years old, and the two of them go abroad to live in a two-person world, which is not something ordinary families can do.

Of course, it is also because Zhu Youxing's family is still rich, even if Zhu Youxing lives alone, he will never starve to death.

After the bell rang in 2004, the new year came again, and this is already the eleventh year since Zhu Youxing came to this world.

After the New Year, it is a new challenge for the game industry.

The current technological explosion is very fast. Last year, a large number of game producers were still hovering between 2.5D and 3D games. This year, most game companies have entered the field of 3D games, and some companies have begun to develop sandbox games. However, it is obviously still in a very early stage, and the gameplay is relatively simple, which makes the big world look very empty.

And a year later, there will be the first World Game Selection Program held by Kazuo Murakami.

After constant adjustments, this program was finally determined to be an Oscar-like awards ceremony. Kazuo Murakami personally invited Takeyusei and many top producers in the game development industry. It was like hosting an Oscar and rented Japan's largest theater to host the event.

And with the support of Zhuyouxing, more than a dozen top game producers under Zhuyouxing's command naturally joined it without hesitation, and then the well-known game developers from all over the world, as well as practitioners engaged in the game industry The staff, it seems that the team is quite large, and the style also seems to be very high.

Kazuo Murakami has been very mature through experience, and the host of the show is very calm. He can hold an awards ceremony calmly, and can always keep the topic hot, so that the atmosphere will not be cold.

Because Yuxing Electronic Entertainment is the lifelong honor enterprise of this game awards ceremony, all its first-party games will no longer participate in the game selection. This is equivalent to hand-picking the game of Yuxing Electronic Entertainment. The kind that can directly win the grand slam of the awards ceremony, that would be too desperate for other game developers.

Without Yuxing Electronic Entertainment, the 2003 Game of the Year was won by a game manufacturer that made an exclusive game for Yuxing Electronic Entertainment's console. They developed an action-adventure game using the most advanced action in Unreal Engine. The numerical system makes the game look very good, and the quality is like an enhanced version of Onimusha. The sales volume has reached more than two million, and this game manufacturer has also made a lot of money.

In addition to the best game of the year, there are also many games of good quality, many of which are comparable to some games of Youxing Electronic Entertainment in terms of game quality. The development is mature and stable, and the industry has really been established.

Among them, the game that was very popular a while ago is naturally indispensable: Stardew Valley.

This is a game completely produced and published by one person, and the sales volume has exceeded 1.5 million so far, and the momentum continues unabated.

This game proves to all game developers that graphics aren't all there is to a game, and that one can be equally successful with a relatively low investment.

The far-reaching influence of the game itself is more meaningful than the game itself.

Therefore, this game won a special award specially set by Kazuo Murakami: the Industry Leading Award, which was awarded to this game together with the best independent game that was just set up.

It's just a pity that this game didn't receive the award, because it was Zhu Yuxing's trumpet, and now he didn't want to expose it directly, so Zhu Yuxing directly rejected Kazuo Murakami's invitation on the Internet, and at the same time It's not that he doesn't want to participate, it's just that he has a problem with his personality and doesn't like this kind of occasion, but he is willing to let his game participate in the selection. As for the selection medals and the like, let Kazuo Murakami save them for himself. Anyway, doesn't your company have an office of mine, so let's put it there.

Kazuo Murakami was a little disappointed about this. He thought he could finally see his benefactor, but the other party was so weird that he didn't want to show up at all.

Obviously doing so will make him a big celebrity immediately, and he will have more opportunities for development in the future, but this is also the freedom of others, there is nothing to do.

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