Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 549 A new era is coming?


Who is Myron Keys?

This was the first question that came to Matsuhashi Minoru's mind.

But she quickly remembered that this was the CEO of a company that once competed with Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

The company seems to have closed down, right?

Matsuhashi has almost forgotten the name of this company.

Speaking of which, this company used to be a bit of a legend. Myron Case and a few partners established this company in a garage, and then grew into a big company in the electronics industry, but the company finally disappeared.

There are too many such companies, and it is normal for Songqiao to be unable to remember them. Only those companies that have a long history and have been strong can people always remember.

Matsuhashi asked in surprise: "President, do you still remember this person? I almost forgot, why do you want to know about this person?"

Zhu Youxing said: "I remember that his new company developed a portable player before, which is very small, so I was quite impressed."

"President, do you think that little portable player will threaten us?"

It's not that little thing that threatens him, it's Myron Keyes's bigger vision that threatens.

But Zhu Youxing couldn't say it directly, and what he said directly would be more or less suspected of being a magic stick.

"It's just a feeling, help me find out about this person... No, no need, I think I can find information about him directly on the Internet, you just need to help me investigate to see if their company has any secrets project will do.”

In business, we also pay attention to military tactics.

At the commercial level, it is definitely difficult for ordinary people to inquire about some secret information, but there are not so many barriers among large enterprises. There are many means and methods among large enterprises to obtain some key information about their competitors.

Otherwise, why in the field of game consoles, in the original world, Microsoft and Sony can always launch products with comparable performance at the same time?

Why do Nvidia and AMD always come on the stage after your side sings and our side, and both sides are equally divided, and the gap between the released products will not be too scary?

For top companies, some company secrets are nothing at all, unless it is some key technical secrets, which will definitely not be inquired about, but it is not a big problem to inquire about the future business plans of competitors.

After all, they are all listed companies, and it is inevitable for them to disclose some data information.

Matsuhashi still doesn't quite understand Zhuyouxing's idea, but since it is Zhuyouxing's request, Matsuhashi has honestly implemented it, which is not a big problem for her now, and it is easy I can find a way to solve it.

Zhu Youxing also immediately turned on the computer and started searching for information related to Myron Case.

This is a key person.

If he is comparable to Jobs in his previous life, then Myron Keith may have already started planning a new round of era changes.

Zhu Youxing deeply remembered the scene when Jobs took out their first mobile phone at the press conference.

The epoch-making touch, minimalist design, and excellence in industrial electronics make IPHONE a super product that has influenced decades.

A smartphone also made Apple the most profitable company in the world for generations to come.

Later, they even made an average of more than 2,000 U.S. dollars per second. Even if they do some criminal things, they can't keep up with Apple's money-making speed.

After turning on the computer, Zhu Youxing searched for news related to Myron Case in the search window.

Soon the relevant information will be presented.

Myron Keith, the former CEO and founder of Hongguo Company, was kicked out of the company by shareholders because of disagreement with the concept. Later, he set up a new company called Mickford, which is engaged in the field of fashion electronic products.

Mickford's current main products are several portable audio devices and a home computer product.

Several portable audio products are very small. The smallest product is only the size of a thumb. It can be clipped on clothes or carried anywhere on the body. It is very convenient, and because of the rapid development of storage technology, it is now such a very small product It can easily store thousands of songs, allowing users to listen to music anytime, anywhere.

According to the latest survey data in the market, the sales of several audio playback devices have exceeded one million units, and they are already veritable popular products.

And Mi Kefu's personal computer product line has just been developed. It is said that all the old developers from Hongguo Company were re-recruited and then formed into a new team. This is a very experienced team. , It took only one month to develop a home computer with independent intellectual property rights, and successfully achieved mass production within one year.

Moreover, multiple core hardware devices, including processors, are also completely independently developed by this team, and the research and development capabilities are very strong.

The more Zhu Youxing watched, the more he felt that Myron Case was really possessed by Jobs.

This guy is really unusual.

Sure enough, although the world is a parallel world, people with different names may have different names, but the trajectory of history will always be very similar.

I can only be regarded as a small butterfly that slightly shakes the trajectory of the world, and the storm I incite can only affect for a while, and the mainstream trajectory of history is difficult to shake.

Look now that Myron Case has re-established a new company, and there is already a rising trend.

Zhuyouxing immediately realized that the era of mobile Internet was coming.

And if you want to say what the mobile Internet affects you, it should be the handheld business.

Because of the birth of the mobile Internet, smartphones have more functions, which is destined to cause the handheld business to shrink rapidly. It was not until more than ten years later that the handheld business showed signs of recovery.

However, there is still very little news that Zhu Youxing can search on the Internet, and it is impossible to search for more in-depth information.

This can only be done by Matsuhashi Minoru or others.

Looking at the introduction about Myron Case on the Internet, Zhu Youxing realized that he should take some countermeasures.

It's time to temporarily abandon the handheld business and quietly wait for the moment when the handheld returns.

And just as Zhu Youxing expected, Matsuhashi Minoru passed on more news from Mickford Company early the next morning.

According to the information obtained through multiple channels from retailers, parts suppliers and foundries, Mike Fu is indeed doing some kind of planning with a lot of money.

The detailed product line cannot be known, but it can be found out that the other party is using communication-related technologies, and these technologies are closely related to mobile phones.

In other words, Mickford is already trying to develop a mobile phone, and with Myron Case's character, he probably won't develop that simple functional phone.

Seeing this information, Zhu Youxing knew that the era of smartphones might really be coming!

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