Zhu Youxing seemed a little absent-minded these two days.

He obviously has foreseen that the era of Internet mobile phones will come in the future.

This made him feel a little powerless.

It seems inevitable that the handheld will be put on hold for a while.

It's not really giving up completely, but the focus will not be here, but more complex console games with better graphics.

It's easy to wear yourself down by investing too much in your handheld.

However, absent-mindedness returns to absent-mindedness, and Zhuyouxing still maintains an enthusiastic attitude in game development, and has not relaxed.

This is my main business, and I definitely cannot give up on this.

Even in the future of smartphones, he still wants to make games.

In this world, video games are already an indispensable thing. Even if video games are impacted by smartphones, at least it is impossible for me to go hungry.

But at this time, Zhu Youxing received a special invitation.

It was an invitation from the Millicent Film Selection Committee to attend the annual Millicent Film Selection Festival.

Millicent's annual film selection is similar to Zhu Youxing's Oscar in his previous life, but the name is different.

The reason why I was invited was a movie last year: Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children.

This movie is very epoch-making. The all-CG movie uses digital technology to build an incomparably real world. This not only has a profound impact on the game industry, but also caused a lot of shock to the movie industry.

Although the technology in this world is developing rapidly and the cultural content is quite rich, there seems to be some strange things in this world, that is, the use of new technologies is not as good as his original world.

If calculated according to the year, the world should have top special effects movies like Avatar before the millennium.

But this world does not, or in other words, no one in this world is willing to invest too much money in full special effects.

Even if it is a super blockbuster, people in this world like to shoot with real swords and guns. Only a few sci-fi movies use a lot of special effects.

But when Final Fantasy 7 Advent Son appeared, it seemed to open the eyes of people in this world, and they realized that full special effects movies can be made like this, and it turns out that full special effects movies are so cool.

Only after Final Fantasy 7 Advent Son disc sales exceeded one million, and the box office in Japan quickly exceeded 10 billion yen, many media groups, including Detroit Film Group, quickly followed up and launched new games in a short period of time. full-effects film development projects, and most of the special effects development software they use is Unreal Engine.

From the perspective of the Unreal Engine provider and the pioneer of new film technology, Zhu Youxing deserves to be invited as a guest in the Millicent Film Selection Program.

At the same time, the letter also mentioned the movie Final Fantasy 7 Advent Son, which has been nominated for the best overseas film of the year, the best animated film of the year, the best script of the year, the best action of the year, the best music of the year, etc. A series of nominations.

It can also be seen that Millicent's selection committee recognized the film.

Even though this movie seems to be a bit out of date, the technical prowess in it has to make people look sideways.

It's really powerful, and it's not something that ordinary people can do.

The Millison Film Festival will be held at the end of March, and the venue will be Las Vegas, the United States. Big figures in the film industry will definitely attend. Zhu Youxing is the only one who is not in the film industry and has received an award from the selection committee. special invitations.

This is tantamount to giving Zhu Youxing a lot of face, Zhu Youxing will definitely go.

If you don't go, it will seem a bit too out of gregarious.

Moreover, going here is also an opportunity to increase the popularity of his own IP, and Zhuyouxing will naturally not miss it.

Now Final Fantasy related peripherals are also selling very hot, and the IP value is not much worse than its own Mario series and Pokémon series. It is very likely that it will become a big IP that also attracts worldwide attention in the future. Now it is good to take this opportunity to promote it as soon as possible. of.

After receiving this invitation letter, Zhu Youxing didn't hesitate, and soon booked a ticket to the United States. It just so happened that he planned to discuss with the team there the plans for the development of several games in the future.

There are several game producers who followed Takeyusei to the United States, and there are two people, Hayazawa Airi and Tsukino Aya.

The first-class cabin on the plane has been fully booked by Yuxing Electronic Entertainment, and everyone is resting with their eyes closed, while Tsukino Aya is sitting in the seat next to Zhuyouxing, seriously thinking about how to play the new game.

Zhu Youxing was quietly looking at the information on the computer.

The content of the material is related to Myron Keith.

Most of them are recent activities of Myron Keyes.

The company is intensively preparing for new products, presumably the press conference will also open in the not-too-distant future, and I am afraid that once it is launched, it will be a blockbuster.

Zhu Youxing sighed slightly.

Tsukino Aya noticed Takeyusei's sigh. So she put down the handheld device she was holding and looked at Zhu Youxing.

After a few seconds, Zhu Youxing turned his head to look at Yue Ye Cai, and found that she had been staring at him, and asked suspiciously: "Cai, what's wrong with you?"

"You have something on your mind." Tsukino Aya said.

There was no need for Zhu Youxing to hide it, he simply nodded and said: "Well, I do have something on my mind, but it has nothing to do with work."

"Is it related to Myron Keith? This person is all in your recent computer browsing history."

"It is indeed related, this person is quite powerful."

Tsukino Aya didn't quite understand and said, "Is it great? He seems to have released a few successful music players, so what's the matter? This thing doesn't have any technical content."

"However, this thing is very popular." Zhu Youxing said.

"Hmm... the total sales seem to be in the tens of millions. Our latest game consoles have already sold more than 30 million. How can this be compared? Are you worried that this small thing will threaten our game console sales? "

"That's not true." Zhu Youxing shook his head.

"Then what are you worried about?"

"Probably worried about the future."

"The future?" Tsukino Aya was even more puzzled.

After two seconds of silence, Tsukino Aya looked at Zhu Youxing seriously and said: "Zhu You, this is not like the usual you, usually you are very calm about any coming crisis, but this time you seem to be very powerless .”

"Well, that's true. Maybe it's because I think this time will be much more troublesome than before, so I have some concerns."

Zhu Youxing knows best what will happen when the Internet age comes.

Electronic games will develop rapidly, that's for sure, but the product line of home consoles and handhelds will suffer a huge impact, especially the handheld industry.

But Zhu Youxing just likes this industry, which is really tangled.

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