Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 563: Drunkard's Will


The Premier League, Bundesliga, Serie A, La Liga, etc. A series of local competition groups in Europe announced that they would authorize their football team brands to Youxing Electronic Entertainment shortly after FIFA authorized YOO.

The day before, FIFA and YOO made a high-profile announcement that the two sides will have a strong alliance.

From the live broadcast of the event to the game adaptation of the event, multiple cultural product categories have begun to exert their strength, and then achieve a win-win situation.

Then on the second day, these local competitions gave FIFA a hard backstab.

Chang Weiyu, who was very happy the day before, suddenly stopped laughing.

If it is directly authorized by FIFA, the price can be about 500 million US dollars.

But if one team or one small event is found, the money spent may be more than this.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment spent more money on this.

But the result is that the names of the teams in these small events are exclusive to Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Changweiyu can hold FIFA's brand authorization, but it has lost the brand of a well-known team.

This is like the names of teams such as the Lakers, Spurs, and Rockets that cannot be used in NBA games, and can only be named with some homophonic or similar names.

People who know it may not mind too much, but they will definitely feel awkward. This is somewhat like the difference between Li Kui and Li Gui. It is true that it is not fun enough to play.

The back thrust of this hand was so fierce that Chang Weiyu was caught off guard.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment obviously came prepared.

When FIFA just revealed that there might be changes in the cooperation, Zhuyou Xing had already asked Matsuhashi to make second-hand preparations.

And this second-hand preparation for Zhu Youxing actually pays more attention to it.

After all, this game was aimed at the European market from the very beginning, so it doesn't matter if you can't win the FIFA brand at the beginning.

Taking the second best now is actually better than before.

Changweiyu's high-profile development conference is big news.

However, because there had already been an announcement, these reporters came to the scene just to take a photo and ask some questions.

But Youxing Electronic Entertainment's press conference was completely unexpected big news.

Then these reporters will definitely rush to another press conference venue as soon as they find out.

And Youxing Electronic Entertainment seems to have expected it a long time ago, giving these people plenty of time from the beginning so that they can come here quickly.

At this moment, Matsuhashi was chatting and laughing with the management of a group of local competition groups, and among them, the owners of several teams were talking and laughing with Matsuhashi.

The owners of these teams are also big capital tycoons in different industries, and their status is the same as that of chaebols in Japan and chaebols in South Korea. No, maybe they should be higher.

Generally speaking, such people seldom appear in public places, and they always talk about things behind the scenes.

But this time Songqiao really took a lot of face, or it gave him a lot of money.

Originally, Matsuhashi really prepared almost 400 million US dollars to negotiate with FIFA.

But seeing that the talks were about to collapse, Matsuhashi immediately contacted the local competitions according to the alternative plan suggested by Zhu Youxing.

Then there is the matter of money.

The status of a single local event is definitely not comparable to that of FIFA, so the brand authorization of a single event will not be too expensive, and the exclusive authorization for ten years will not exceed 100 million US dollars.

But if the number of local competitions increases, the money will increase accordingly.

Matsuhashi gave different quotations according to the fame of different events. In the end, they would have to pay about 600 million U.S. dollars. However, there is no need to pay all at once. The first year can be paid annually, and the subsequent money can be selected once according to the situation. Sexual payment or continue to pay annually.

Regional competitions seem to be much easier to talk to than FIFA. They didn't have much hesitation about the price proposed by Matsuhashi, and they agreed directly without even discussing it.

Then, it's time to divide the spoils... oh no, it's time to distribute the benefits.

Local competitions recruited major teams and told them about this one by one. Afterwards, many of the team owners were very interested in Youxing Electronic Entertainment itself, and did not refuse to cooperate.

They are not short of the benefits of distribution, but they are very concerned about Youxing Electronic Entertainment's leading position in the game industry.

This is the overlord of an industry, and an existence that is qualified to be on an equal footing with them.

Naturally, Matsuhashi has also become the object of their attention.

This should be the spokesperson of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, and we must establish a good relationship with this lady.

They are also capital giants, and they have long wanted to get in touch with this brand new field of video games.

They have all known it, in Japan and South Korea.

The local local chaebols and financial groups have benefited a lot from the cooperation with Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Originally, the Japanese region was already in a downturn after the bubble burst, but the sudden rise of Youxing Electronic Entertainment just slightly boosted the Japanese economy, which is very remarkable.

In short, what they value is not empowerment.

What they value is the future relationship with Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

They also want to get on the video game bandwagon.

This cooperation with Youxing Electronic Entertainment is like a stepping stone.

Matsuhashi really understood this kind of thinking in seconds.

This can be regarded as what both parties need.

At the press conference, the atmosphere among several big names was very harmonious, and their eyes revealed the desire to cooperate with Yuxing Electronic Entertainment in a deeper way.

If it can lead us to make more money, a mere team license is nothing at all.

These capital giants can also be regarded as local snakes in Europe, and being able to build a good relationship with these people is of course beneficial to Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

At this moment, the press conference here is not like a serious press conference, but rather like a small party that has just been formed. These people are talking and laughing like they have been friends for many years.

Then, the reporters finally arrived.

After seeing the arrival of the protagonists this time, the people who were talking and laughing, Matsuhashi also smiled.

"Everyone, it seems that the press conference is about to start, let's take our seats."

"Of course, of course, Ms. Songqiao, you have the final say here."

These people also nodded with smiles on their faces, and then sat behind the tables on the press conference stage.

The reporters also quickly entered the venue one by one during this process.

It didn't take long for the venue to be crowded with people.

Many of them are video game media who came to join in the fun.

The video game media has just emerged, but it has gradually become the mainstream, and the number of clicks related to video games is also increasing. No one dares to underestimate the influence of video games.

Then, the press conference was officially held, and Minoru Matsuhashi and a group of people publicly announced the details of the cooperation between Youxing Electronic Entertainment and local competitions.

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