Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 565 It Doesn't Feel Good to Be Controlled


Compared with Changweiyu's high-profile feedback, Youxing Electronic Entertainment is also not bad.

Zhu Youxing was relatively calm and didn't plan to make any response. Anyway, everything is based on the results. Since you have always used the ability to taunt, then let's take a good look at whose game is more attractive.

Give yourself a good slap in the face with reality.

Don’t steam the steamed buns to fight for your breath. Now that people are already flying dragons and riding their faces, Zhu Youxing will not be too polite. He very decisively listed the development of football games as the first developed game, Resident Evil, Monster Hunter 2 and several other games. The supervision work of the game was temporarily put aside, and he flew back to the United States the next day to contact the team.

He will personally supervise the team to develop the football game.

Because there is no authorization from FIFA, Zhuyouxing simply uses a unified name of its original sports series.

Baseball games have Super Baseball, basketball games have Super Basketball, and soccer is the same.

However, the previous football games were just testing the waters and took up a hole. Let the team familiarize themselves with the development mode of sports games first.

It's different now, now he has to show his real skills with real knives and guns.

As soon as he arrived in the United States, Zhu Youxing joined the development team that developed the Super Soccer Tournament.

Several of them also have experience in developing football games, and they can also be used now.

Originally, the team members planned to welcome Zhu Youxing when they arrived, but as soon as Zhu Youxing arrived at the company and saw the welcoming staff, he simply asked them to go to work directly, so don't waste time here.

The employees looked at each other in blank dismay.

They had never seen Zhu Youxing look so serious.

They realized that the development this time was obviously different.

"Everyone, the game development this time will be slightly different from the previous ones. Next, in addition to game development, we also need to use the power of outsourcing to hand over the single programming work that is as repetitive as possible to the outsourcing team. We will focus on these few a game."

After Zhu Youxing asked them all to go to work, he held a small meeting with a few core developers.

He wants to directly explain the development concept of future games, and he is not going to give these people the opportunity to grow up slowly.

There will be opportunities in the future, but YOO must be defeated now, otherwise there will definitely be more people like Chang Weiyu who will continue to provoke him in the future.

And it wasn't just because of Chang Weiyu's simple provocative behavior that he had such a big reaction. He suddenly found that YOO's recent capital fluctuations seem to be relatively large, and now YOO seems to be trending towards collapse.

Then I don't mind giving the collapsed YOO a kick to speed up their demise.

As long as Chang Weiyu is the CEO, this impulsive guy will definitely take the same countermeasure because of his reaction, that is, spend more money to fight.

But now, I'm afraid Chang Weiyu can no longer spend money without scruples.

In fact it seems to be the case.

Not long after Chang Weiyu made a high-profile publicity that he would use a large amount of money to develop the FIFA football game, he was stopped by several major investment shareholders and had a short meeting.

I don't know what exactly happened during the meeting, the only thing I know is that after the meeting, Chang Weiyu's expression was rather ugly.

Then after he came out, he gritted his teeth and ordered his subordinates to continue to invest in FIFA, but he needed to pay attention to the flow of funds, record the flow of funds at any time, and try to avoid spending too much money in unnecessary places.

Originally, he didn't care about these at all. Obviously, the investment shareholders behind him finally couldn't take it anymore. Chang Weiyu was always spending money without restraint. Up to now, the company's valuation has been rising, but now There are few profitable places, and some investment shareholders have gradually lost their patience, and they need some guarantees.

But this has already begun to affect the development plan of Changweiyu.

He has more ideas about the media group in the future, and plans to integrate multiple channels to expand the influence of YOO.

But now the shareholders are slowly dragging their feet.

Of course, this is not to blame these shareholders, after all, they still want to see a positive return on their investment.

Several large investment companies have injected nearly 20 billion U.S. dollars into YOO so far, which abruptly made YOO's stock price soar to more than 50 billion. This is the current leader of Internet companies.

But this faucet doesn't have much profit point yet, which is very distressing.

They don't want to continue to be a blood transfusion machine. They want to recover blood to at least prove that YOO still has the ability to make money.

All this is similar to Zhu Youxing's rough guess that YOO is getting out of control.

And if Changweiyu doesn't want to do something next, it is very likely that he will completely lose control.

Of course, this is a business matter, and he only needs to influence YOO within his limited operating space.

And this limited operating space is the current football game.

Super Football Tournament is the name currently used by Zhuyouxing.

Thanks to Matsuhashi Minority's subsequent cooperation with many European competitions, Zhuyouxing can easily obtain the right to use games in multiple leagues. The difference between FIFA and the World Cup is really not too big.

It's just that FIFA sounds better, and it will have some benefits for the long-term interests in the future.

But it doesn't matter, the long-term benefits can come slowly in the future, and now just use the football game to conquer the players.

On the blackboard of Zhu Youxing, Zhu Youxing forced the team to instill the basic development rules of the Super Football Competition.

"Our football game doesn't really allow players to play football, so we can't completely copy the way football is played in reality, but to make the football game more radical, shortening the original 90-minute football time to less than 10 minutes , and then try to make each football character stronger than in reality, so that they can kick more fiercely and increase the scoring rate. Also, I also need to prepare every time a special football is ready to shoot Add a close-up slow motion function, just like a real football video, which can greatly increase the sense of substitution.”

"The above are the basic operating rules of football, and in addition to these rules, there are some equally important details. They have to make every football player come alive in the game. They will be annoyed by the referee giving a yellow card and a red card. And anger, and even poor performance on the pitch will lead to a reduction in the efficiency of movement and scoring in the process of playing football."

"Then, there are other details. I need professional dubbing actors. I want to record professional football commentary dubbing, and record as much commentary dubbing audio as possible, and I can't miss it at all."

Zhu Youxing explained to these people one by one, and the eyes of these people were shining.

This is a game development content that they have never had the opportunity to touch before.

Zhu Youxing explained every detail of the football game clearly this time.

There was no such treatment before.

Before, Zhu Youxing wanted to let them figure it out by themselves, but this time, he just told them all the most perfect form of football game development.

As long as the game is made according to this rule, there will be almost no problems with this football game.

This is Zhu Youxing's confidence.

As for Changweiyu, their development team is very amateurish.

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