Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 571 All Counting on Your Savings


Thinking about it now is very emotional. Ten years ago, Zhu Youxing was just an entrepreneur with a little fame, but in the blink of an eye, he has grown to such a degree in ten years, which also proves Zhu Youxing's The strength is really extraordinary.

After the two chatted for a while, Zhu Youxing casually sat down and looked at Kita Kise and said, "President Kita, what is the reason you came to me this time?"

"It's nothing serious, I just want to deepen our relationship with you, but I also want to ask some trivial matters along the way."

Zhu Youxing's heart moved, the insignificant things this guy wanted to ask were probably what he wanted to know the most, so Zhu Youxing said directly: "Just ask."

Today Zhuyou Xing was originally continuing to supervise the development of the game, but Kitada Kise suddenly contacted him through his assistant channel, hoping to meet him.

For Zhu Youxing, who has a big family background behind him and is also the president of a bank, it is definitely impossible for him to refuse, unless he is really busy, but now that the game development is on the right track, there are a lot fewer things he needs to be busy with. , but also have time to see each other.

Moreover, Kitada Kase once personally instructed a dedicated salesman to stand by 24 hours a day, waiting for any orders from Zhu Youxing.

Zhu Youxing, who has billions of dollars in deposits, is like his own father in the eyes of the bank, so he must treat such a person as his own father.

Later, all aspects of Zhuyouxing's life were covered by Beitian Bank. As long as Zhuyouxing made any request, the bank would immediately send someone to help solve it.

People treat him so warmly all the time, although it is because of money, but Zhuyou Xing must give him face.

Kitada Kase enthusiastically poured tea for Xing Zhuyou himself, and then said, "Mr. Takeyou, do you need a lot of capital investment recently?"

"Why do you ask?"

"It was the salesman I sent to serve you full-time and told me that you have recently been withdrawing funds quickly and have invested more than 100 billion yen, so I am thinking that you may be doing some large-scale industrial development?"

Zhu Youxing nodded: "That's right, in fact, if you read more advertisements related to me, you should know that I am currently producing several games at the same time, and the investment cost of these games is not low. Open and stabilize my market.

"As expected of Mr. Takeyu, your industry has been very large up to now, but you are still trying to expand it." Kita Kase said with admiration.

"President Beitian, you can talk to me directly, we don't have to hide it like this."

Kita Kase paused for a moment, then smiled awkwardly and said, "That's right, there's really no need to hide it. You should also know that the bank is not very good now, right?"

Zhu Youxing nodded: "I know that, but what I'm using now is my own money, so you don't have the right to control how I want to control it?"

Zhu Youxing felt that Kita Kise would not be so stupid.

Kitada Kase quickly waved his hand: "No, no, no, of course you don't have this right. Your deposit must be at your own disposal, but we are also studying the game industry recently and trying to make some investments. I don't know if Mr. Takeyou Interested in accepting our investment? We can give very generous funds."

Zhu Youxing understood immediately.

Is this the bank that wants to get in its own car? But it shouldn't be that simple.

Zhu Youxing replied: "I'm sorry President Beitian, I'm a conservative person, and I'm not short of money, so I don't want some money to make me more restrained."

There are some willful behaviors in the current Zhuyouxing industry.

For example, the continuous manufacturing of red and white machines, this thing has almost no profit now, and some regions even have to pay for it, but Youxing Electronic Entertainment is still continuing to produce. If Youxing Electronic Entertainment has many shareholders, they will definitely find a way Stop this most obvious loss-making business.

In addition to the red and white machines, there are many game developments that are also less profitable.

As players' tastes become more sophisticated, some game categories are not particularly popular, but Zhuyouxing is still insisting on making them. This is some of Zhuyouxing's own persistence.

If there are too many shareholders, he will not be able to do what he wants to do as he pleases.

In Zhu Youxing's heart, there is not only pure interest, but also his love for video games.

"I see." Kita Kise also seemed to have expected it, and didn't really expect Zhu Youxing to directly agree to his investment request.

After so many years, Youxing Electronic Entertainment has always been absolutely controlled by Zhuyouxing, and now it continues to maintain a state of huge profits, because some money will attract some capitalists' pointers, and Zhuyouxing must not be happy.

Kitada Kise said with a smile: "I'm just asking casually, if it doesn't work, forget it."

The main question that Kita Kase wants to ask is actually Zhu Youxing's behavior of withdrawing money crazily before.

If this crazy withdrawal of money is for a serious business, then they have nothing to say.

But if it was Zhu Youxing who planned to spend too much and die like a big dog, they really wanted to dissuade him.

Such a large depositor is rare, and he must not lose such a large depositor because of this guy's own profligacy.

We are still counting on your deposit to increase my performance.

As long as there is this result, the rest is really just a casual chat.

Immediately afterwards, Kita Kase was also very interested in Zhuyouxing's game development, and he was curious about what stage of competition it had reached now.

The game development of Youxing Electronic Entertainment was relatively stable before, and the investment would not be so much all at once, but this time the investment is very scary. Is this the competition that has reached a feverish state?

Regarding this issue, Zhu Youxing seemed a little secretive.

His original purpose was to force Chang Weiyu to follow up, make a large investment in development with himself, and then consume this guy to death.

YOO's plate is too big. If he really succeeds, he will definitely be a top media giant in the future, and may even be no less than an existence like Disney.

It doesn't matter if other people call him such a media giant, Zhu Youxing, but this Chang Weiyu always harasses him lingeringly. If this guy grows stronger in the future, wouldn't it be more annoying for him to harass him?

Zhu Youxing decided to invest a lot of money in the development of a variety of games in order to keep himself clean in the future and let more people know the consequences of not competing with him in a serious way.

If there is no long-tailed rain, he originally planned to let these current games be released slowly, so that he can also catch big fish for a long time.

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