Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 636 Realistic Game


"I feel like this game is not as fun as a football game."

Behind Carson, a guy was quite disdainful.

He's never really been too interested in video games.

But soccer games are an exception.

Carson didn't bother to explain to his partner, but concentrated on following the game's prompts to enter the next scene.

The game also officially begins at this moment.

First of all, the game went black for a while, making it unclear what happened.

Immediately afterwards, the screen gradually brightened slightly, and people seemed to vaguely hear the sound of sonar detection in the sea under the background sound of the TV.

Then the picture became brighter and brighter, and Snake, who looked full of vicissitudes on TV, appeared in everyone's sight.

He dressed in full combat gear and went to a launching area of ​​the submarine.

At the same time, someone who seemed to be a tactical liaison came on the other end of the phone.

They gave a pre-battle introduction to Snake, who was preparing to sneak behind enemy lines.

A mysterious organization has occupied an abandoned nuclear base and threatened the government to release their big boss.

The government is going to delay, and ordered the protagonist Snake to go to the abandoned nuclear base to thwart the plan of this mysterious organization.

The whole shot looks like a movie.

Under the water, Snake grabbed a simple diving device like a rocket with both hands, and came to the camp full of enemies in the middle of the night.

The entire cutscene lasts about three minutes.

This is a beginning, but even if it is only the beginning, these people's eyes can't move gradually.

These games look interesting, they thought.

The person who was a little cynical about Metal Gear just now didn't say a word, just stared at the screen.

"Snake, this will be a secret operation, and the government will not admit that this mission is related to them."

"Why is it irrelevant? It's obvious that you guys are making the protagonist work hard."

A person suddenly couldn't help but started complaining.

After the basic introduction is over, the game officially begins.

Now that Carson is the only player playing, the sense of substitution has been greatly improved.

At this moment he is a shining star.

Speaking of which, this man named Snake is quite handsome, especially the scar, which adds to Snake's own serious and cold temperament.

And Carson just paused in thinking for tens of seconds, and some people couldn't help it again.

"Hey Carson, don't be distracted, if you don't want to play, let us try something new first."

"Hehe, no way." Carson is playing to the fullest now, how could he let someone else play instead of him.

"Then hurry up, you have been in a daze for a long time, we still want to see the follow-up plot."

Just now, the cynical person was still staring at the screen, and he seemed to be attracted unconsciously.

Carson then clicked the game continue button, and the game officially entered a new scene.

This time, Carson can also be sure that he can control the character.

He immediately adjusted the handle and began to sneak in before operating Snake.

0 stealth games have a very prominent feature, that is, they are in a relatively depressing environment at the beginning, which is somewhat similar to horror games.

When you successfully eliminate an enemy silently, the sense of accomplishment is also very strong.

Carson carefully followed the instructions and managed to avoid a patrolling soldier. However, because his operation was still a bit jerky, he was spotted immediately after taking a few steps, and the alarm sounded immediately.

'mission failed'

When the character is detected, the game is declared a failure.

Carson was still a little stunned, and hadn't thought about how he was discovered.

"Hey, you idiot, there are surveillance cameras there, but you didn't even notice. Didn't we study that you can't do illegal things in places with cameras? Why don't you guys make any progress now?"

Several people couldn't help complaining for a while, feeling that Carson was really wasting his time.

Carson took a deep breath and clicked to start over.

This time he was a little more proficient than the previous time, and successfully avoided two waves of patrolling soldiers.

It wasn't long before he was discovered again, and the alarm bells went off.

"Let me come, let me come, I can definitely get rid of all these guys."

The guy who watched Carson play the game behind Carson couldn't help it anymore.

Carson is really good, maybe because he didn't have much interest in this kind of game.

The reason why I bought Metal Gear this time was completely attracted by the trailer screen that was advertised at that time.

I don't know how hard this game is.

He couldn't really understand until he bought the game.

Of course, it was impossible for Carson to hand over the handle to others at this time. He replied directly: "Let me try again."

Then he unbelievingly tried to sneak in again.

This time he has more experience.

However, in the face of the difficulty of high patrol frequency and relatively low fault tolerance rate, it will inevitably fail.

Then, half an hour later, Carson barely passed the first level.

The group of guys behind him saw their blood pressure rise.

Carson is really good.

However, among these people, they are all very similar, but the game console belongs to Carson, and the game cassette also belongs to Carson, but there is really no way for others to stop them if they want to play.

But even if Carson Cai's foot-picking made their blood pressure full, they still couldn't help but want to watch this game a few more times.

Because the setting of this game, and this kind of modern stealth combat is very novel, which is a direction that many games have not developed before.

Carson knows that this is a very good game, at least in terms of the performance of the game alone, it is worth the price of the game.

It's just that this gameplay is really a little bit difficult to get started, and you need to get used to it.

At this moment, some curious drinkers also came over.

They are also frequent customers of the bar, and now they know a little about this video game machine.

If there are so many people watching intently, and the people who are playing are still so good, they can watch it patiently, then it is probably really a more interesting game.

With such curiosity, they leaned over to check the situation.

"Huh? Is this a video game? It looks so real." A drinker said in amazement.

He didn't know much about video games before, and it was really novel to see such realistic video game screens.

"Of course, this is a game developed by Youxing Electronic Entertainment. At the same time, it is also supported by the powerful performance of the latest game console. It is natural that the picture quality is good."

The bartender, the young son of the bar owner, came behind Carson at some point, and he couldn't help but feel proud when he heard the exclamation of others, as if he made the game.

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