Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 657 Terrifying forces


Accompanied by the iconic accompaniment music of Monster Hunter, the players and game makers in the audience also cheered slightly.

With the gradual development over the past few years, Monster Hunter already has some stable player groups.

And this group is constantly expanding.

Something challenging always catches the human eye.

The difficulty of Monster Hunter may indeed be relatively high at the beginning.

But when you just have to be patient, through slow accumulation and continuous growth, the equipment and weapons become stronger, and at the same time you can better understand the monsters' routines, then the enjoyment brought by Monster Hunter is very good.

For these people, better Monster Hunter graphics, more weapons, and more monsters are enough.

Even if Youxing Electronic Entertainment doesn't want to be aggressive enough to even bother to upgrade and adjust the game's action values, the game quality of Monster Hunter itself can be worth at least ten years.

Not to mention that Yuxing Electronic Entertainment has been making crazy progress and optimization in the action values ​​​​of game characters and monsters.

Up to now, Yuxing Electronic Entertainment also has many names besides the game creator.

Among them, the god of action was established through the two games of Monster Hunter and Street Fighter.

This time Zhu Youxing also made a bolder attempt.

In the original world, Monster Hunter has evolved from the original Hakoniwa game to a semi-open game.

According to the subsequent sales feedback, this transformation is also very successful.

Because the semi-open world has greatly increased the sense of substitution in the game, the ecology of monsters has also become more complete, and it will not produce too much sense of fragmentation like the Hakoniwa type in the past.

Zhu Youxing also made this attempt this time.

Let the team actively develop a larger Hakoba, and increase the playability of Monster Hunter as much as possible within the acceptable performance range of the handheld.

And Monster Hunter is also the only big handheld production announced by the first party at this conference.

Players are also very excited to see the re-announcement of Monster Hunter, because it means that Yuxing Electronic Entertainment has not forgotten its handheld business.

Although they are also very curious why Youxing Electronic Entertainment doesn't care so much about the handheld industry recently.

Obviously, the handheld business is still very profitable.

As an appetizer, Monster Hunter has motivated everyone in the audience.

Most of the game makers also quickly recorded the current state of Monster Hunter through promotional videos, hoping to learn something.

And after Zhu Youxing told everyone in the audience that the demo of Monster Hunter had been officially announced on the machine outside, he saw dozens of people stand up from their seats and hurried towards the door.

They are obviously a group of players and producers who like Monster Hunter very much. As long as they can see the sequel of Monster Hunter, they are satisfied. As for the content of the game later, anyway, there is a big screen for live broadcast outside, so there is no delay at all.

Then, the large screen switched back to black.

Everyone thought that Zhu Youxing would appear again to say something, but soon the sound of music sounded on the screen again. The sound was full of vicissitudes of time, making people feel like looking back at history involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards, a video performed by a fairly realistic CG animation appeared on the big screen.

In the video, people saw a group of people wearing simple animal skin clothing hunting in the jungle, which seemed to be a group of primitive people.

The producers and players in the audience were a little stunned when they saw this picture, but they immediately realized that this was the second game to be announced, so they became even more excited.

As expected, it is Youxing Electronic Entertainment. Their press conference is full of dry goods. They will directly play the game trailer for you, and they will not give you nonsense at all.

But what type of game is this hominid scene? Is it about the adventures of primitive people?

Just as these people were thinking, the scenes on the big screen switched quickly, and the humans who were originally wearing animal skins suddenly put on ancient costumes woven from coarse cloth.

At this time, human beings can already use a variety of simple tools, and their homes also have relatively regular buildings.

Seeing this, people suddenly became more curious.

What game is this?

Immediately afterwards, the camera turned again, and humans in ancient costumes suddenly came to a large wooden sailing ship. The young navigator wore ancient nautical costumes and looked into the distance with a binoculars. In the distance, a continent appeared faintly. .

Most of the people in the audience felt deja vu at this scene.

Isn't this the scene when the ancient West discovered the New World?

Of course, there is no Columbus in this world, but there is another person with a similar history.

Even though the names are different, the historical trajectory of the parallel world is strikingly similar to Zhu Youxing's original world.

Then the picture changes again, and it seems that human beings have come to the Victorian era.

People at this time can already wear exquisite clothing, and the CG in the video presents a gorgeous picture.

Some people are sketching and painting on the tidy streets, some are grabbing their handmade paper wings and jumping on the top of the mountain, and some people have begun to observe microscopic changes through simple microscopes.

At this point, everyone in the audience, including everyone watching the live broadcast, became a little confused.

At the same time, the music of the video has gradually changed from the vicissitudes of life at the beginning to an increasingly modern style.

Then came the Victorian era, the age of steam, the late 19th century, and then the more familiar decades of the World Wars, with the progress of the last age reaching the modern age.

When time came to modern times, the screen finally stopped abruptly, and the title of the game finally appeared.


This is a very simple and easy-to-understand vocabulary, through which people immediately think of the images presented in the video CG.

This is a game that showcases civilization.

But how to display it is not reflected.

It seems that it is for this reason that the players are scratching their heads and wanting to know the plot behind it.

What kind of game is this!

Especially some players who are interested in the historical development of human beings are eager to know how to play this game.

However, this time there is only broadcast and no other content.

At the same time, the live broadcast of Youxing Electronic Entertainment's press conference is also being carried out simultaneously on the Internet.

Compared with the relatively stable emotions of the live audience, the players on the Internet couldn't help it.

"What kind of game is this! Is there anyone who knows the inside story? I'm willing to pay someone who knows!"

"Damn it! Youxing Electronic Entertainment has also learned badly, and has already begun to know how to whet people's appetite!"

"Please let me know the full details of this game quickly, I will do anything for whoever publishes it!"

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