Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 677 I want a boyfriend like BT!


"Cooper, after my calculations, I can throw you out so that you can reach the target location."

"BT, are you sure?"

"Believe me!"

In the live broadcast, the Titan Mecha and the protagonist Cooper came to a new level battlefield.

This time, there was no amazing time travel, and he returned to a more regular battle.

But for some reason, this level also impressed them deeply.

This level is a level where BT7274, the Titan mecha, fully demonstrates its personal charm.

Reliable and powerful.

Before, these could only be felt faintly.

But in this level, BT showed these to the fullest.

The Titan Mecha can accurately calculate the parabola that throws Cooper through powerful computer computing power, ensuring that the protagonist can complete the task accurately.

Along the way, the protagonist finally successfully achieved the mission goal, and in the process, the protagonist is also constantly communicating with BT. During this communication process, everyone, including the audience, has a deeper understanding of the Titan Mech BT7274. impression.

At the same time, the emotions of the audience are also fully satisfied in this big chapter.

When the protagonist successfully destroyed the enemy's antenna that was about to launch a conspiracy, but fell uncontrollably from the sky, the protagonist involuntarily called out the name of BT.

Similarly, the audience in the comment area also followed suit and uttered the same shout.

The girl who hardly spoke at first suddenly puffed out her chest and yelled BT involuntarily.

At this time, everyone is looking forward to a miracle.

And the miracle happens again, quite appropriately.

BT successfully rescued the protagonist from high altitude, and the protagonist gave BT a thumbs up as a compliment.

At this time, BT also suddenly showed a human side.

Its one eye kept turning, and then glanced at its empty palm, and then scholar Cooper also made a thumbs-up motion.

"Wow! It's so cool that it explodes! I love this BT!"

"I told you guys, I want a boyfriend like BT!"

"Please tell me where to buy BT."

"Please be sober, even if you can buy it, it probably won't be affordable for you."

"If this thing really exists, at least a few hundred million dollars?"

"How many billion? One of our stealth fighters is worth a few hundred million. It is still a lifeless dead thing. If BT really existed, it would be worth tens of billions. It is comparable to one of our aircraft carriers! "

The audience in the comment area is really starting to seriously think about the feasibility of buying BT at this moment.

Yet the story continues.

This time, the protagonist and BT deepened their tacit cooperation through mutual cooperation, and successfully completed the tasks given by the rebels.

Then followed by a wonderful BOSS fight.

For some reason, everyone here suddenly felt that the current BT battle seemed to be smoother.

It seems that the coordination and spiritual integration between the protagonist and the BT Titan mecha is more perfect, which makes people excited.

The enemy was easily defeated under the tacit cooperation of man and machine. Of course, this may also be related to the difficulty. In short, the battle is finally over.

People also finally saw the commander of the rebel army, a heroic woman.

She looked at Cooper, the protagonist in the hands of BT Titans, and questioned the protagonist.

Commander: "The information shows that the previous pilot has died?"

BT: "Correct, Captain Lastimosa has been killed, and now the agent Pilot: Rifleman Cooper is connected."

Commander: "Rifleman? The captain handed you over to a rifleman?"

BT: "That's right, there was no choice for the captain at the time."

Commander: "I understand, then we will transfer you to a more qualified pilot."

BT: "No, Cooper is my pilot, and now our efficiency score is over 90%, please authorize to maintain this connection."

The commander showed a helpless expression: "BT, you should be glad that we may not have a choice now, so let's grant authorization."

Everyone who watched this conversation was slightly moved.

Suddenly there is a reliable partner, and the other party is willing to firmly stand on his side to defend himself.

Is there a better experience than this?

Emotions have been fully mobilized.

The reverence in the girl's eyes was deeper, but it was a pity that this was just a game, and she felt a little regretful.

The game continues, and what follows is the climax of the entire game.

This is a true titan battle.

In all the previous levels, Titan BT is more like a helper, but there are not many opportunities to play it.

But this time it is really the ultimate showdown between Titans.

The rebel army will have a final decisive battle with the enemy, and the titan mechs of the rebel army will face head-to-head with the enemy's mechs.

The soundtrack at this time is also full of epic sense, which makes people's blood boil involuntarily.

The girls also boiled at this time.

And with the command of the commander, all the titans of the rebel army descended from the sky together, and the ultimate confrontation between the titans officially began!

"The Marauder Legion is ready! Prepare for Titanfall!"

The Titans have fallen, and the question is completed at this moment.

All the viewers and the girls who were broadcasting also understood what the so-called Titanfall meant.

That is countless titans descending from the sky. If it is to be truly described, it should be called Titans descending from heaven!

Boom boom boom!

Countless rebel Titans fell from the sky, and then the rebels sent out powerful fire attacks to destroy the enemy's powerful firepower turrets, and then it was the moment of the Titans' decisive battle.

In this level, the role of human soldiers basically has no role to play. All you can see are various types of Titans fighting.

"Wow wow wow, kill! Kill the world upside down!"

"What's the situation? What happened here? Why are so many people swiping the screen like crazy?"

At this time, the comment area has been flooded with countless messages, and every viewer who put their emotions into it is releasing it.

At the same time, more people with unknown reasons entered the live broadcast room.

At this time, Facebook officials also noticed unusual live broadcast fluctuations.

Originally, they only prepared a small number of servers to open the live broadcast website.

But all of a sudden, the server pressure increased, and all this is due to the game Titanfall.

This really made the technical staff of Facebook panic for a while, but they calmed down immediately, and thanked that they had prepared sufficient backup servers before, and then hurriedly started all the backup servers, just to ensure the stability of the live broadcast.

The girl doesn't even know how many people are watching her live broadcast now. She is completely shocked by the big scene of war, and almost forgets everything around her.

At this time, it is impossible for enthusiastic people to explain, because there are too many messages in the comment area, and it is almost impossible to reply to the viewers who just came in.

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