Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 704 This Is Deliberately Finding Faults


"It's like this. Not long ago, a well-known sociologist named Gene expressed some superficial views on video games in a program. He believes that the current video games are things that can't bring any value to society. There is even a tendency to distort the orientation of human values, may I ask the beautiful lady, when you develop the game, have you considered whether the dead cells you developed will give rise to some evils?"

Aiko's expression froze at that moment.

The person who asked the question did not intend to give up, but continued to ask aggressively, as if he wanted to get the answer he wanted from Aiko.

She didn't know how to answer this person's question for a while, and her brain went down for a while.

She thinks that she can take it easy when facing any occasion.

But at this time Aiko realized that she was wrong.

She was very wrong, and she still had some things that she couldn't handle.

Aiko was not prepared for the sudden question before her.

All her previous goals were to succeed, but she never considered these things.

She suddenly thought of many answers in her mind, but she didn't know which one to choose.

"Video games make people happy, can't they?"

Just when Aiko was a little dazed, Kazumi, who hadn't spoken since the beginning, suddenly spoke.

She was suffocated with nervousness and excitement before, and wanted to get off the podium quickly.

But this sudden question made Kazumi less tense.

She was very angry why someone would suddenly ask such a question.

What does sin have to do with video games?

We haven't created anything evil, why do you say that about us?

"However, according to the example given by Jean, a well-known sociologist, some crimes have occurred recently. According to the investigation, it will be found that these people have played video games, and they are all games that tend to be violent. Excuse me. What do you think about that?"

"What does that have to do with us?! We just create games, and we just want to make people happy."

The person who asked the question didn't intend to stop, and continued to ask, every question he asked was very sharp.

And this also attracted the dissatisfaction of many game developers around.

Who are you?

Saying these words here, isn't it tantamount to saying that what we do is meaningless?

Some independent game developers are already angry and want to grab this guy by the collar and teach him a lesson.

But this person is also very smart. He directly took out his press card, saying that he was only performing his duties, and the public has the right to know these things.

"We just want to bring happiness to people, it's as simple as that."

Kazumi also became excited.

This is completely different from her nervous and excited mood just now.

Now Hemei is completely pissed off.

The reporter refused to give in, and continued to press aggressive questions.

It wasn't just him, there seemed to be some reporters in the crowd, and they all followed suit, obviously not afraid of big things.

"Happy, why can't you be more simple? I really enjoy the fun of the game."

Kazumi's eyes had begun to glisten with tears.

The many questions from these people made her a little at a loss.

She doesn't understand why a thing that brings simple happiness to people is so complicated. Isn't happiness enough?

In other words, playing games brings enjoyment to people.

The impact of violence, animal protection... What do these have to do with their game developers?


"As for the assertion made by this man named Gene, I don't want to agree with the fact that video games can't bring any value to society. What he said is just thinking about things with one-sided thinking by himself."

Kazumi was about to cry, but suddenly a person appeared behind them, took the microphone over, and stood between the three of them watching the reporter.

The reporter's eyes lit up, and he immediately climbed up the pole to ask questions.

"You mean this sociologist named Gene is a frog in a well?"

"Yes, that's what I think."

Aiko and Mei turned their heads at the same time, and saw a person they were very familiar with.

Zhu Youxing, the godfather of the game industry, the god of games, and the teacher of the three of them.

The Game Developers Conference is a place where countless people in the video game industry communicate, and Zhu Youxing, a leader in the game industry, will naturally not miss it.

He also gives some simple speeches at this video game developer conference every year, telling some of his game development process this year, as well as some insights and so on.

Usually, Zhuyouxing has already prepared the content of the next speech, and taught the next generation of game developers how to develop games.

And lately, video games are on the cusp, and they've become the stuff of criticism.

Reporters are a group of guys who like to gather following the smell of fighting, and they will naturally not let go of this good opportunity to get big news.

This was something Zhu Youxing didn't expect. This group of reporters was really not afraid of big troubles and came here to find fault when game practitioners gathered.

The reporters are indeed a bunch of crazy guys, and they will not hesitate to get beaten up for their own performance.

Zhu Youxing was preparing a speech here, Tsukino Cai hurried to Zhu Youxing's preparation room and told Zhu Youxing Aiko that the three girls were being made things difficult.

When Zhu Youxing heard this, he found that the people who made things difficult were a group of reporters who were not afraid of death, so he immediately realized that the three girls might not be able to handle it.

And I can be regarded as the teacher of the three girls, even the master, Tsukino Aya also likes these three girls very much, so it is impossible for him to stand idly by, and it just so happens that he has already wanted to say something, so he Without any hesitation, she followed Tsukino Aya to the place where Aiko and the three gave a speech, and went directly to the center of the stage to interrupt these questions regardless of the host's obstruction.

And this is also the first time that Zhu Youxing has expressed his most subjective views.

In the past, most of the younger brothers took the initiative to solve most of the problems. As the godfather of the game industry, or the god of the game, Zhu Youxing has already been deified, so there is no need to pay attention to these things. Comprehension is also relatively low-key.

But this time Zhu Youxing decided to take the initiative to stand up.

He loves video games, and he doesn't want the slander of video games that happened in the original world to appear in this world.

At the end of the day, video games are a young industry.

Because he is young, he is easily bullied.

Violent incidents in society do not go after the initiators of the violence, nor do they go after the companies that produce violent tools, but go after a video game industry that seems to have little to do with it. This is a very simple and straightforward way to suppress a new industry. behavior.

In the past, the film and television industry also encountered the same problem.

Violent movies are thought to cloud children's judgment and make them more violent.

However, in Zhu Youxing's memory, except for the few who almost won the lottery, most people watched so many violent movies and played so many violent games, and no one actually committed crimes.

But this time the video game was slandered, Zhu Youxing didn't want to wait any longer.

"Video games are things that can bring happiness to people. In this complicated world, video games are also a rare haven for people to relax. Human beings are not machines. It is impossible to work unrestrainedly. Doing so-called meaningful things and relaxing at the right time is also a kind of adjustment to life. Of course, I don’t agree with playing around day and night. I like a sentence very much. Talking about the impact regardless of the dose is a hooligan. "

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