Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 708 Sales is King


Things seem to be getting worse, and some smaller countries are also involved, and claim that if the game company does not adjust the rating, they will implement a strategy of banning the game, prohibiting the sale of the game in their country.

This makes many game companies more sensitive.

The verbal criticism of those ghosts and snake gods before only damaged their reputation.

However, the national ban on sales directly damages their interests.

As a result, under the repeated demands of the shareholders of some game companies, they had to cut their own arms, began to adjust the game creation strategy, and began to become constrained.

For a while, the atmosphere in the game industry became a little heavy.

The game developers are not happy with the development, and the players find that the games they want to play are not as attractive as before, and the voices of dissatisfaction gradually begin to increase.

What happened to video games made a lot of industries happy.

Take, for example, the television industry.

Many of them thought that video games took away most of their ratings, especially the few large Japanese commercial TV stations that used to fight against video games.

Seeing the downfall of video games, they want to come up and step on it.

But those who dare to do so are still a minority after all, because the video game industry has now become their main source of advertising revenue.

Television is a skinny camel that is bigger than a horse. Even though it looks a bit down and out now, the status of the television industry is still unshakable.

And broadcasting advertisements on TV is also one of the very cost-effective means.

Relying on sufficient money, video games can always buy advertising space generously.

Now that the TV station is still relying on the video game industry to make money, those who plan to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble are naturally impossible to succeed, and even those who propose this idea will be punished.

Bashing customers, you don't want money?

If you don’t want money, don’t ask for future wages either. We all come to generate electricity for love.

As a company on the cusp of the storm, Youxing Electronic Entertainment naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Many people wanted to see what kind of counterattack Youxing Electronic Entertainment had.

The former president of Youxing Electronic Entertainment personally stood up and confronted those so-called scholars.

In front of all the media, he unreservedly accused these scholars of having nothing to eat. Naturally, many people were not afraid of big troubles and wanted to make this fire more violent.

However, these cannot affect the operation of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

What should the company do or do.

Even though the voices of the people were loud, Youxing Electronic Entertainment remained steadfast.

Even Yuxing Electronic Entertainment took advantage of this opportunity to increase the update frequency of games such as Monster Hunter, actively encouraging more players to play online games.

Since your group of animal protection organizations accuse Monster Hunter of being too cruel, then I will go too far, and will not give these ghosts and snakes any face at all.

There is also the question about the character's beauty, which Yuxing Electronic Entertainment also ignores.

Final Fantasy character models developed by the peripheral development team are also available for purchase.

Especially the models of Alice and Tifa are big sellers.

The surrounding team even planned to launch a life-sized model, but because the cost of this thing is a bit high, it is estimated that it will lose money, so they had to give up.

These ghosts and monsters seemed very dissatisfied with Youxing Electronic Entertainment's behavior of ignoring it at all.

Why are you so special?

Other game companies have already begun to compromise gradually, but you are unmoved. It seems that you have not learned anything.

Well, then we will call out louder, let more people hear our voice, and then reject the game you have developed.

"Reject Youxing Electronic Entertainment. This is a company without the slightest sense of social responsibility. They will not listen to the voice of the public at all, and will only proudly make the games they want. This kind of company has become a proud dragon!"

"Rejecting all products of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, their growth is a kind of ignoring the voice of the people, and Youxing Electronic Entertainment should be aware of the voice of the people!"

"Zhuyou, should we do something?"

The outside voices intensified, Tsukino Aya, who had been paying attention to the outside world, couldn't help it.

As the pillow person, she also wanted Zhu Youxing to listen to some sounds outside.

At this moment, Zhu Youxing was leaning on the bed, holding a notebook in his hand to watch the progress of the game development.

"Zhuyou, I'm talking to you, should we do something about it?"

Zhu Youxing said: "Simple."

"Easy? Do you already have an idea?"

"There are some. In fact, my people have already started to act."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Slap them in the face, of course." Zhu Youxing said with a smile.

In the middle of the night in Japan, a new page quietly appeared on the official website of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

That page is a page called Sales Statistics.

And this sales statistics page counts the sales results of different games under Youxing Electronic Entertainment every week.

Since these guys have been talking about boycotting Youxing Electronic Entertainment, let's see how the sales of Youxing Electronic Entertainment are.


"Haha, our voice is getting louder and louder, Youxing Electronics Entertainment doesn't even dare to respond to us directly, obviously our plan is very successful!"

In a certain conference room, a group of people were discussing very proudly.

They are members of some of these demon groups.

Recently, they took advantage of the momentum of the game industry being criticized and joined in, making a good name for themselves.

"Now our website has more than 100,000 registered users. If you see it, this is the effect of chasing popularity. I think we should make persistent efforts."

"It's better that Yuxing Electronic Entertainment is a little bit tougher, and we can always gain attention in this process!"

"Presumably, Youxing Electronic Entertainment is not doing very well recently. They firmly refuse to make any compromises. Now the sales of the game may be greatly reduced."

"That's right, the public has been influenced by us, and they have also begun to think that video games will bring harm. Just a few neighbors I know, their families stopped buying any game products from Youxing Electronic Entertainment."

"However, who of you knows the real sales performance of Youxing Electronic Entertainment?"

" seems that there has never been a channel to announce it, but what does it matter if you know it or not? Just by looking at the performance of the people around us, you know that Youxing Electronic Entertainment has definitely suffered a heavy loss. Presumably with the current size of Youxing Electronic Entertainment The scale, I'm afraid it won't last long, right?"

"So does this mean that if Yuxing Electronic Entertainment collapses, the video game market will be reshuffled?"

"That's for sure! Maybe we can also take this opportunity to enter the game industry and make a good fortune!"

"Huh? Aren't we boycotting games? Can we still make games?"

"Of course, why not? After all, the video game industry is indeed very profitable."

These people have even begun to plan for the division of interests after the complete collapse of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

But immediately after, the official sales statistics page of Youxing Electronic Entertainment was announced...

It publishes the overall sales of recent games and consoles.

Among them, GSX game consoles can sell more than 500,000 units within a week.

GS1 game consoles still have sales of 20,000 to 30,000.

What's even more outrageous is that the first-generation FC Famicom still sells 100,000 a week.

This is a game console that has a history of fourteen years.

As for games, there doesn't seem to be any drop in sales compared to before.

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