Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 818: Video Game for All


The two people are joking around here, and the other employees have almost built the platform.

At the entrance of the park, a temporary small platform has been built by the staff, and five game consoles are placed on it.

At the same time, a huge banner was pulled up.

"Video games are free to play and anyone who has never played a video game is welcome to try it!"

While the banner was being pulled up, several huge humanoid dolls were also fully dressed.

Those are the images of Super Mario such as Mario, Cool Overlord, and Tonobio.

What you can experience the most here is the Super Mario series. There will be different themes in each different promotional area. If you are interested, you can also collect local stamps from different regions in the process. All the registered users will be gathered together during the period of time, and one lucky person will be selected from among them, and a whole year of free game play will be presented as a gift.

In the park, the children who were playing wildly were also attracted by the movement here.

So they put down the activities at hand and watched the movement here together. After the game playing platform was built, a few children mustered up the courage to come over.

"Uncles, what are you doing?"

Ota was immediately perked up when he saw a child coming, and quickly said to Yasuo Natsume: "Stop chatting, work is coming! Let's show off our game!"

"My child, you are very welcome to come to our place to play games! The first thing to say is that we are a place where you can experience video games for free. Do you know about video games?"

"Video games? Of course I understand. My brother really likes video games, but I have no interest."

After Da Tianzheng heard it, he asked curiously: "Huh? Why aren't you interested? You don't like the form of video games, do you?"

The child pretended to be thinking seriously and replied, "Well... I'm just not interested, but I can't say why I'm not interested. Maybe it's because I think it's more fun to play in the park?"

Da Tianzheng nodded: "Well, this is indeed a reason, but child, believe me, once you try these video games, you will definitely like this thing as much as your brother, as long as it can bring happiness, then right? Video games don't matter anymore, do they?"

The child nodded: "Yes, but I'm still not interested."

Da Tianzheng saw the other party's lack of interest and knew that he had met someone who really didn't like playing games.

But it doesn't matter, Da Tianzheng has a solution.

"Child, do you have a doll you like? Or do you have something you like? If you have something you like, just try to play the game and get some achievements, you can get your most wanted gift props for free. "

"Ah, it's so good? Is it free?"

Da Tian nodded vigorously; "Of course! Adults will never lie to children."

Children's thoughts are often very simple. Under the recommendation of Ota Masa, this child really started to try to walk on the platform, and then came out of a game that had already opened Super Mario Galaxy.

This game is very different from some other traditional games.

The biggest difference is that you can use a separate handle to play.

In this way, you will inevitably need to increase your range of activities, and you can't do whatever you want like playing other games.

Even in this way, the audience range of Super Mario Galaxy is limited to a certain extent.

But everyone who tries to play has experienced the whole picture of Super Mario Galaxy, and will never miss such a top game.

So far, Super Mario is also one of the games with the most audience reviews on the game review website run by Kazuo Murakami, with nearly a million reviews.

Except for Youxing Electronic Entertainment, most of the games developed by other companies can be completely awakened if they can sell millions of games.

But Yuxing Electronic Entertainment is different. The sales of their games, especially the ones supervised by Zhu Youxing, are just the beginning, and the sales of tens of millions have become a basic operation.

In the eyes of the outside world, this company has the most stringent standards for game quality.

Super Mario Galaxy is one of its most successful works.

"Come on kid, you wave this handle, be careful not to throw it out, and then let the characters in the game fight like you're waving a magic wand!"

At this moment, the kid who just said that he is not interested in video games has been completely absorbed in it. He can't even listen to Da Tian's explanation, but concentrates on playing the game by himself.

Natsume Yasulong also came over at the right time to pull Daejeon away.

"Children play games without purpose, so don't force these children to complete any tasks, as long as they are happy."

"Oh yes, this Zhuyou said it." Da Tianzheng also reacted, and stopped nagging in the child's ear, but looked in other directions.

At this moment, the other game consoles have also been occupied by children and a few adults.

The games experienced on these game consoles will also be more or less different. One of the children is playing a light gun simulator, which is also the housekeeping work of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

In the past, this game caused a wave of panic buying in the United States. Later, every time this game was released, it would get at least one million sales.

Its first-generation light gun plus the game body set sold more than 30 million copies.

After years of polishing and technological improvement, now this light gun simulator can achieve constant feedback, and enough thrilling game screens to make people's adrenaline soar.

Although the person playing at the moment is just a Huanxie, but he has almost forgotten who he is, and now his mind is full of thoughts on how to kill through the entire map.

Playing games next to it is an adult who is also the father of the child.

And this father is also a diehard game player, he likes to play all kinds of console games.

It's a pity that as he has a child and has family responsibilities, he spends more time thinking about how to maintain his family, which also makes his daily game life crazily crowded out.

He hasn't played a game for almost two years, and he hasn't even bought a game in the past two years.

He was really happy to be able to experience it for free today. At first, he was a little upset that his children took him to the park to play during the holidays, which caused him to have insufficient sleep time, but now he has no such dissatisfaction at all.

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