Video games are fascinating things.

Anyone can think of countless reasons to love video games.

Some are obsessed, some are loved, some are simply fun, and that's enough.

So when Hayazawa Airi said that she loves video games and is grateful for video games, some people who are now in their twenties and thirties feel very empathetic after seeing it.

They have been exposed to video games for the first time since they were young or young, and they have witnessed the rise of video games.

Up to now, video games have become an indispensable thing in this human society.

"Okay, that's about all I'll talk about in my long-winded speech. I don't think you guys want to hear me talk about my past life experience here. You should be looking forward to other things, right?"


Ueto Hayakawa, Kazuo Murakami, Myron Keys, and many, many others who either had a stake or simply loved video games all immediately paid attention, lest they miss the details.

"Next, I will solemnly show you our latest game console. This game console is different from the past. This game console has a relatively unique appearance. At the same time, this game console also has a brand-new form. But the specific For details, please watch the promotional video.”

Hayazawa Airi then walked to a display stand covered with a white cloth, and then she gently tore off the white cloth, finally revealing the appearance of the latest game console inside.


That's right, it's the latest handheld!

Some people are happy and some are sad.

Those who are happy are the players who love the carrier of handhelds very much.

They tend to have a very unique preference for handhelds, so when they see that this game console is indeed a handheld, they are already ready to shell out money for a game console.

However, it was too early for them to be happy.

And when the game console was revealed from the display stand, a promotional video with full special effects began to play.

The game console quickly zoomed in, so that everyone watching the video could clearly see every detail of the game console.

It has a larger screen than ever before, and also has an exclusive custom chip.

In order to meet the cooling requirements of this chip, this handheld also has a completely independent active cooling system.

This cooling system also makes the handheld a bit bulkier.

"This... is it really a handheld device?"

At this time, someone finally made a voice of doubt.

The screen seems a bit too big for some.

Smartphones in this era have just developed into the era of five-inch screens, and there are no mobile phones with super-large screens like later generations.

It may take a few more years for a full-screen mobile phone to be announced and developed.

And such a comparison, this handheld looks a bit bigger indeed.

Many people also have such doubts.

When will you take this game console with you?

They can't imagine that maybe they need to carry a backpack with them?

So what is it called a portable handheld? It seems a bit tasteless to prepare a carry-on backpack for a handheld.

And the handheld enthusiasts who saw the appearance and size of this handheld were also a little silent and confused.

Buying them should still buy this handheld.

But this doesn't actually feel that this is the game console I imagined in my mind.

But soon they will show surprise.

Because in the following promotional video, the handheld began to open a bracket-like movable mechanism from the back of the game console as if it had a transformation function.

With such a bracket in the video, people can put it on the table to play games anytime and anywhere.


put it on the table?

But the handle on the handheld...

Before these people finished thinking about these questions, they watched the handle on the handheld that was laid flat on a flat surface through the bracket separate from the handheld.

It was two small separate handles, one red and one blue.

The players who saw this scene all opened their mouths.

What form is this...?

A miniature version of a home console?

A home console that can be played anywhere, anytime?

This seems to be a bit interesting.

But it still feels weird.

From the perspective of a handheld, the screen of this game console looks a bit big, and the overall look is a bit bulky.

And from the perspective of a home game console, this seems a bit picky.

The screen is that big, if normal people get together to play games, who would watch such a small screen, unless it can be replaced with a big screen...

This time, without waiting for these people to finish their thinking, a new form appeared in the video of the game console.

This time, a base appeared not far from the handheld, and the main body of the game console with only the screen flew directly above the base, and then a huge screen appeared in the video.

This appears to be a method by which a video signal can be transmitted.

In other words, this handheld has an experience similar to that of a home console through this base.

It's really... surprising.

This game console appeared in several forms in one go, which surprised everyone.

Even people like Ueto Hayakawa and Myron Case were confused for a while.

What is the brain circuit of the person who designed this game console in Youxing Electronic Entertainment?

Every time they think that's all there is to this console, the console's video can give you an even more unexpected feature.

Handheld, mobile home console, and complete home console experience, there are a total of three forms.

"This Zhuyouxing intends to directly wipe out all handheld and home console players with this game console." Ueto Hayakawa muttered to himself.

But will it work?

Ueto Hayakawa was a little uncomfortable.

His subconscious intuition made him feel that this form of game console was somewhat different.

This is probably equal to the looseness of everything, which does not seem to be a good thing.

Myron Case, Kazuo Murakami, and many people from the media and companies have similar thinking.

Especially Myron Keith, he was a little amused by this new form of game console.

Such a somewhat nondescript game console was really developed by Youxing Electronic Entertainment?

It seems that I really don't have to worry too much.

The console was doomed to fail.

If he focused on the handheld, he wasn't afraid at all, because he had already determined that the handheld would be eliminated.

It seems that Zhu Youxing didn't have any good ideas and creativity at the beginning, and came up with such a strange game machine that looks like a stitch monster.

Just thinking about it with his brain, he knew that a game console in this form would definitely not be able to achieve the performance of a real home console.

This is not tasteless what is


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