Blake eventually rejected Peter's request.

Even if Peter promised to try his best to lobby for more votes for Black, it was useless.

Blake is very clear about the seriousness.

For Peter, this is actually just some random reasons, and he wants to find a sense of existence.

However, he obviously doesn't understand how tough Youxing Electronic Entertainment is to people like him.

And he didn't seem to be aware of the influence of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Before that, he didn't even know much about video games, but he only knew that there was such a game company as Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Blake finally made an appointment with Peter to find time to play golf, to ensure that the other party would not easily switch to a competitor because of his refusal.

But Peter went to Black's rival anyway.

Since Black is unwilling to do it, he can still use the votes he has as a bargaining chip to increase the popularity of his organization.

At this moment, he also vaguely realized that Youxing Electronic Entertainment did not seem to be a company to be messed with.

So the more such a company is, the more he feels that it should be taken seriously.

If you can knock down such a company, it should greatly increase the popularity of your organization.

At the beginning, I don’t know how many small and medium-sized film and television companies and various cultural companies compromised under my pressure, so that I had a good sense of existence, and at the same time, more people recognized the value of my organization , and is willing to join the group to keep warm.

Now he plans to do it all over again.

Yet Black's rivals were equally enthusiastic at first.

It's just that when he heard that the target was Yuxing Electronic Entertainment, he immediately refused, which was more straightforward than Black.

Black would still consider Peter's mood anyway, but Black's competitor was not so polite.

This made Peter even more angry.

But the angry thing is yet to come.

The article he just published has been locked by Facebook half a day later, prohibiting users from seeing this article.

The reason is that this article is full of controversy and caused unnecessary scolding.

Of course, this is not caused by the influence of Youxing Electronic Entertainment on Facebook, but simply because this article was discovered by a group of players not long after it was published, and then tens of thousands of insulting and disputed messages like swiping the screen were released. , almost demeaning Peter's article for nothing.

"You popped out of nowhere, you don't know anything about video games, do you?"

"It's just playing a video game. We just want to find a relaxing atmosphere, and at the same time, we also want to pursue a little bit of reality. Which eye of yours likes to kill people on the street when you see us playing this game?"

"Coincidentally, I like to kill people on the street in the game, but in real life I'm still a judge, do you think I will do those things in the game in reality?"

"I think you have some kind of paranoid mental illness. I advise you to see a doctor. Oh yes, it's best not to use medical insurance for reimbursement, otherwise it would be too embarrassing to announce it."

By now, the player base has become larger and larger.

Some of them are old players who have been playing games for more than ten years, and some are new players who have just come into contact with video games.

But regardless of old and new players, they all have a common feature, that is, they are very enthusiastic about video games.

If what you say is true, then they won't say much.

But it is absurd to say that a game will lead to crimes and other behaviors because of some violence in the content.

Among these people, there are also some very knowledgeable people. They wrote thousands of words of counterarguments below, linking the crime rate and other vicious events that occurred over the years after the birth of video games, and determined that after the emergence of video games, Crime rates are plummeting.

Because the energy of some restless people is absorbed by the fascinating world of video games.

You can do whatever you want in the game, and you don’t have to worry about being caught in jail for breaking the law, so why do those boring things in real life?

This may not be able to really stop those guys with anti-social personality, but the guys who originally just caused troubles because they were idle and panicked finally didn't have the extra energy to do this kind of thing.

And this kind of thing doesn't just happen in the United States.

In the UK, there is a very popular group of football hooligans.

They used to like to make trouble and fight everywhere, which was an unstable factor in society.

But after video games became popular in Europe and America, at least half of these people went to play video games.

In real football you get angry when your favorite team loses.

But stepping into the game world you can reclaim the honor in your own way.

See, the football team is so good under my leadership, they are in a very good mood and naturally they are not interested in fighting anymore, and the law and order has obviously improved a lot.

These messages can no longer be seen by outsiders, and only Peter can read them.

Looking at the locked article and the thousands of various messages, his good mood dropped to freezing point.

Originally, he just wanted to gain some sense of presence by attacking such a game.

Now there is a sense of presence, but they are all scolding him.

He even saw dozens of users who had been following him among these thousands of people. These people seemed to be members of his own organization.

But when he attacked Youxing Electronic Entertainment, they all immediately turned against him and scolded him severely, and said that they decided to leave this organization now. They felt that this organization was really meaningless, and dared to Attacking our favorite video game, then this organization really has no taste to dislike such a good video game.

Seeing this, Peter almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

And these are just a short episode.

This didn't even reach Zhu Youxing's ears.

There are too many such people, and paying attention to such people every day is tantamount to wasting one's time.

It is enough to slap them in the face with the work.

In the past, he relied on Bayonetta, Nier Automata and other games to make these guys speechless.

It's enough to keep doing this for now, and you can earn prestige while making money.

There are too many honest people in this world.

He said it was for the right thing, but in his heart he still preferred handsome men and beautiful women. If he really listened to these guys to make a group of ugly characters as the protagonists of the game, Zhu Youxing would not be able to pass this level in his heart.

Compared with such trivial matters, Zhu Youxing at this moment has a brand new thing that he cares more about, or a brand new technology.


After years of technology accumulation, it seems that this world has finally produced a VR technology that belongs to this world, and related companies have begun to vigorously promote and develop this product.

Seeing this thing, Zhu Youxing is obviously more interested

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