Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 844: The First Moment


Although Myron Keith is trying his best to catch up with the footsteps of professional game manufacturers, although he does not expect his games to be recognized by everyone, he just hopes to retain at least some users, but the real situation is that players It's been stuffed with better games now.

You can play better video games on facebook phones, and have a smartphone experience that is no worse than Mike Fu, so at least from the perspective of video game players, they have almost no other choice, only facebook phones are Their best bet.

No matter how hard Myron Keyes tried in this regard, it didn't make much sense.

Especially when the switch is about to be released, facebook simply replaced all the advertising pages on the platform for a whole week with the latest game console and the latest game advertisements of Youxing Electronic Entertainment. Of course, Zhuyouxing is not for nothing. There is still enough money for these advertisements, but he does not need to increase the price like other people to get these advertisements. He only needs to pay the normal advertisement fee.

Facebook is still the largest social platform in the world so far. Just relying on this social platform, it is already impossible for Mike Fu to have any comparison with Facebook.

And the most important point is that there is no dedicated facebook software on Mike Fu's smartphone, and some only log in to the webpage through a browser to access facebook, and the experience in this respect is greatly reduced again.

So Myron Keyes is not having a good time now.

The competition is stronger than he imagined.


On July 1st, when the hottest time of the year is about to arrive, many people have already lined up and waited in front of every sales store and department store of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

During this time period, almost all games that are not released on the switch have chosen to stay away.

For the game industry, it is a blessing to have such a giant as Youxing Electronic Entertainment, because such a company allows them to have a clearer goal to pursue.

If you don't know what game to make, then you can take the game production course held by Youxing Electronic Entertainment. If you don't have any goals in game development, then just work towards the direction of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

But sometimes it is a misfortune to have such a giant as Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

That is, once Youxing Electronic Entertainment makes any big news, it will take away all the attention without hesitation.

Prior to this, many business people thought that the sales of Switch produced by Youxing Electronic Entertainment would not be very good, because this kind of game console was neither fish nor fowl, and it didn't look like something that could sell well.

However, in actual situations, the players who lined up to participate in the first purchase still exceeded their imagination.

While wondering how fun the new game console launched by Youxing Electronic Entertainment is, the players would still buy it honestly. This really left those business commentators in the past speechless.

Some of the past business practices seem to no longer apply to Youxing Electronic Entertainment. With so many people supporting it, they can do whatever they want, even if the game console is a bit weird.

Some smart people have already shut their mouths, watched the development of the situation quietly, and decided not to speak wild words easily until the final public opinion of Switch is settled.

Only some business commentators who are slightly more cautious think that the launch strategy of Youxing Electronic Entertainment is not very good. Too many works that look very good together will indirectly affect the sales of Youxing Electronic Entertainment’s own products. The strategy should be to put out the game a little bit.

In front of each store, various bundle purchase strategies are announced.

This time, in order to promote the hot sales of Switch, Zhu Youxing took out all the good things he had at the bottom of the box.

The first is The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, which is considered a milestone game in the entire history of video games.

Zhu Youxing made it with respect at the beginning. He participated in the entire game development process, and it is very rare to stay in the company for a long time to supervise the development process of the first 90% of the entire Legend of Zelda to ensure that the entire The game doesn't have any issues.

This is a product to show the world a top-level open world game. Zhu Youxing hopes that he can at least reach the level of the original Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, otherwise he will be too sorry for this game to be launched in this world.

Then there's Uncharted.

If it was in the original world, no one would have thought that this game would be available on the Switch platform. After all, these two game companies were competing openly and secretly.

But it doesn't matter in this world, it's all made by Zhuyouxing, and it's very reasonable to put it on any platform.

Moreover, the original picture quality of the first generation of Uncharted Sealand can almost be launched on the switch, so there will be no major problems.

After that, there are a series of games such as the latest work of Metroid, the new Mario Odyssey, etc., each launched in a single time period is enough to become the focus of a time period.

This time they were released together, even Zhu Youxing felt that it would be difficult for this to happen again in the future.

On the one hand, the company also needs to pay attention to efficiency.

The appearance of so many top games in one time period is equal to sharing the attention of all games. Players only have so much energy, and it is impossible to pay attention to every game all the time.

But this is also the meaning of the first game. With the support of these top games, a new form of game console will have better sales.

"Aiko, your wish really works."

At the entrance of the largest Yuxing Electronic Entertainment official store in Tokyo, Japan, the three iron triangles, Hemei Yinchan and Aiko, rushed over early in the morning and formed a long queue.

Digital versions of games are popular now, but people are still used to wanting to buy physical versions of games.

Because the physical version of the game will make people feel at ease, and it is a pity if you do not participate in this grand launch event. After all, it takes an average of five or six or even six or seven years for a game console to launch a new game. generation.

So it is still possible to participate in such a queue every five or six years.

Before that, Aiko once made a wish at the Youxing Carnival, hoping that the games of Youxing Electronic Entertainment can do more and better.

And this time the launch of the switch is indeed a wish fulfillment, this time the game is thrown out all at once, it will almost knock the players out.

Aiko is very indifferent at this time: "I just hope, but I believe that Yuxing Electronic Entertainment can always make good games, so it can't be regarded as my wish."

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