Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 850: Memories Belonging to Anthony


"Hello, my name is aibo, and I'm a guide here. Why are you here?"

"Did you come here by accident too? Then let's hurry back to the camp, it must be safer there, please be careful!"

"Let me tell you, this is the hunter's outpost camp. We came to this continent to investigate the secrets of dragon migration. I think you should be a member of the fifth investigation team that was arranged to come here. Welcome. Come here!"

"Before you came, the members of the investigation team in the previous four periods encountered some troubles, so the fifth period was needed to come over to help. I hope that the current troubles and crises can be resolved."

"And among the members of the previous batches of investigation teams, there is one person I admire the most. That person's name is Anthony, and he is known as the most powerful hunter in the investigation team."

The Switch version of Monster Hunter World was released at the same time as the Switch was released.

In the switch version of Monster Hunter World, Anthony Jr., the child of Father Anthony, is also assigned a role.

He is one of the members of the first investigation team in Monster Hunter World. He often haunts Miasma Valley, the most dangerous environment, and cooperates with another elderly grandmother to investigate information about Miasma Valley. secret.

That's at least one-third of the reason Anthony Sr. came to buy games.

Add a character belonging to his child to the game.

And when he saw the child he was familiar with in the switch version of Monster Hunter World, his heart began to beat violently.

His child seemed to have really come back to life.

Although the image of this person is very different from that of his own child, this is because Youxing Electronic Entertainment deliberately avoided making the old man emotionally unbearable with a face that is too similar to Little Anthony. The same name is enough.

In the game circle, especially in the circle of Monster Hunter players, almost everyone knows who this person is, there is no need to guess, it is an open secret.

Anthony successfully bought the game console and games he wanted today.

He spent more than a thousand dollars for this, which is not a lot of money to him, and he can still afford to spend this money for the sake of his children.

In Monster Hunter World, Anthony is set to be a member of the first phase of the investigation team. He is powerful and is another mysterious helper for the role of the grandmother in the original plot, and he is considered to have the same status as the protagonist.

And in the future, it can also be used as an artificial intelligence AI character that can be added to fight side by side with the protagonist.

This is also the only human character in Monster Hunter World that can fight side by side with the protagonist, unlike other characters who can only wave flags and shout as a foil.

With such a character, the difficulty of hunting monsters will be greatly reduced.


Grandpa Anthony looked at the little Anthony who appeared in the plot, and his tears could no longer be suppressed.

He who hasn't shed tears for many years can't help it anymore.

He is young, energetic, and positive, but he also has some small shortcomings, that is, he likes to gather with other hunters to play stone chess games.

In the branch plots related to Little Anthony, Little Anthony also has a fuller setting.

He would chat and fart with other hunters, and he would tell others that he dreamed that he lived in a world that was much more peaceful than this world. A father who loved him.

If possible, Little Anthony hopes that he can really go to that world in the next life and live a good life.

This is a memory that belongs exclusively to old Anthony. He has confirmed that his child has indeed come back to life, but he is living in the video game world he once yearned for. Maybe the two parties can no longer communicate, but they can look at the child. Now that he can also appear very happy, he is also satisfied.

And not just in Monster Hunter World.

This is just one of the gifts that Youxing Electronic Entertainment gave to Mr. Anthony.

In the world view of the last work released by Need for Speed, Little Anthony even plays a crucial role in the game.

He will guide the protagonist to defeat the rivals on the street one by one along the way, and at the last moment, Anthony will have a final match with the protagonist.

In this competition, without any restrictions, the protagonist and him almost used all their strengths to win the first place.

For the match between the two, the entire city was even temporarily shut down, and even the people in charge of the city turned a blind eye for the time being, watching the duel between the two quietly.

In the end, the protagonist naturally won, but Anthony was not discouraged.

Like the little Anthony in Monster Hunter World, he is sunny and energetic, even if he fails, he can face it calmly.

"Anthony, I think we might be able to bring prosperity to the city's racing together, let's fight together."

In the plot, the protagonist invites Anthony, hoping that he can join his team and continue racing in this city together.

But little Anthony shook his head: "No, my goal is the stars and the sea. If possible, I would like to take risks all over the world to find the strongest racer. I am very happy to have a race with you here. But there will be a time when we will part, my friend."

"Are you leaving?" the protagonist was taken aback.

"Yes." Little Anthony nodded with a smile, "It's always hard to part, but we can meet again one day."

The protagonist is obviously a little bit reluctant.

Little Anthony then got into his car, and then lowered the window to look at the protagonist.

"Come on, how about we have another straight race? Then we part ways."

The protagonist nodded without hesitation: "Of course, it's also a farewell for you."


The engine roared, and their car was parked on the empty street. At this moment, it seemed that there were only the two of them in the whole city.

And the camera came into the car, and Anthony looked in the direction of the protagonist, or in the direction of the camera.

Anthony Sr. felt as if a child was watching him through a screen.

Anthony, on the other hand, smiled and nodded slightly.

The meaning really seems to be saying please don't mind, or some other meaning.

And old Anthony's tears also stopped.

You shouldn't be sad, you should be happy.

That's right.

Then, the camera came to the protagonist of the game, who also nodded, and then a CG animation that would not be controlled by the player began to play.

The two cars started at the same time in an instant, but at a certain fork in the road, the two cars drove in different directions, which was a kind of difference, an unforgettable difference.

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