Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 852 The Influence of Fame


Uncharted, this is another game that pays attention to plot.

And almost all the main lines of this game are serving the protagonist Nathan Drake. Playing this game is like watching a real movie, and this is more immersive.

To be honest, Job really wanted to play such a role, but unfortunately his appearance was not suitable, and now he has been completely bound by the role of Snake in Metal Gear.

However, he is quite satisfied with the status quo now. As an actor who has fallen into a trough, it is not easy to have a role that impresses everyone.

Now Job is somewhat well-known in the game circle, and various endorsements have followed one after another.

This also allowed him to fully integrate into the world of video games.

At the beginning, he didn't quite understand video games, and he was still a little at a loss when he played the role of Snake.

He didn't know if this brand new field of video games was suitable for him, and he didn't know if it really had a future.

Now he can be sure of one thing, the future of video games is very large, and it will continue to expand with time.

The game Uncharted is a case in point.

Video games can be made almost like movies, or they can be made into a special genre that is unique to video games.

Now he decided that he must hug Yuxing Electronic Entertainment's thigh tightly in the future.

By the way, recently I don't know if the plan for the second part of Metal Gear that Mr. Takeyuho said has been completed, he can't wait to start the production of the second round of Metal Gear.

However, it is said that Yuxing Electronic Entertainment has always disliked the number two, and it seems that it should skip the so-called second part directly.

Beep, beep.

A burst of phone ringing interrupted Job's thoughts at this moment, he came back to his senses, and picked up the phone casually.

"Hi, hello, who is it?"

"Job! My friend!"

"Friend?" Job wondered, the voice was strange, he had never heard it before, "Who are you?"

"Ah, let me introduce myself. I'm Ben Carter. I'm an actor. I don't know if you recognize me."

Actors... I get it.

When Job heard the other party's self-introduction, he knew the other party's intention almost immediately.

This is not because of his foresight, but because more and more actors have contacted him recently.

And these actors all have one thing in common.

Either they used to have some fame, but their fame has gradually weakened over time, or they are actors who have been stuck in a certain bottleneck, or they are old actors who have not had the opportunity to act for a long time.

Zhu Youxing, of course, had never heard of the name Ben Carter.

Since he had never heard of it, his guess was basically close to ten.

There is only one reason why these people can find themselves at this time.

That's when they saw an ordinary little actor who became famous again because of Uncharted.

Nathan Drake, the protagonist of Uncharted, does not have a real-life face model, because Zhuyou Xing did not find exactly the same appearance as Nathan Drake in this world.

And he didn't want to easily change the character image of the game in the original world.

So he simply made a model that was exactly the same as Nathan Drake in the original world.

However, for dubbing and motion capture, it is still necessary to find a good enough actor.

Later, Zhu Youxing took the initiative to find Tukarev.

The other party patted their chests and promised to find a suitable role for Zhu Youxing, but after a while, they couldn't find it. Finally, Job and Tukarev accidentally mentioned this matter at a drinking party. Bian's selection of roles is quite strict.

There must be a certain voice, and the acting skills must be online. Simply put, Zhu Youxing wants to completely reproduce the original world of the mysterious sea, and he does not want to compromise on the plot, image and dubbing.

The gameplay of the game can be adjusted, but the above are things that Zhu Youxing is unwilling to modify.

So Zhu Youxing could only eliminate voice actors one by one.

Until Tukarev told Job about this, Job suddenly had a flash of inspiration at that time, and he thought of a friend of his.

That friend is also a little-known actor. He once worked with me on a set, and the other party didn't look down on him because of his status that seemed to have no future at that time. The other party's character and I were very compatible.

And after listening to Tukarev's description of the voice requirements for the role of Nathan Drake, he felt that his friend might really be suitable.

So he took the initiative to recommend this person.

Later, everything became logical, and Zhu Youxing successfully found a voice actor that fit his heart, and he also gave a special compliment to Job, who was a little flattered at the time.

And now, with Uncharted as the first work of switch, Nathan Drake's adventure story has become a topic that players often discuss recently.

Although other games that were launched simultaneously have slightly affected the popularity of Uncharted Sea, players are still impressed by this game that is close to the movie experience.

And Nathan Drake's voice actor has also risen in status.

Only one month after the release of Uncharted, his friend has already started to accept some voice work for other characters, as well as some acting jobs for small supporting roles, and also has some endorsement contracts for commercials.

The speed of the opponent's rise may not be as fast as his own, but it is enough to make many people jealous.

And ever since this friend of mine succeeded in obtaining a promotion in status through himself, more and more young actors came after hearing the news.

Job seems to have become a bridge to communicate with the game industry, and many actors have begun to look forward to improving their reputation through video games.

As a result, more and more people contacted him, and he really wanted to help more people who were in the same situation as himself, but he would not make random recommendations, in case he left a bad impression in front of Zhu Youxing It's not good, at least he has to go through a round of strict screening before he can recommend it to Zhu Youxing.

"Ben, what do you want from me?"

"Job, my friend, we have worked in the same crew before."

Job didn't have much impression, but apparently this was one of the methods used by the other party, so he didn't expose it.

"Well, I heard that you recommended the interpretation of Uncharted Sea to **, Job, can you also recommend me? Of course I will give you enough benefits."

"This requires your own efforts. Even if I recommend you, you have to meet Mr. Zhuyou's requirements. Compared with getting recommendations from me, I suggest that you take the initiative to find relevant game companies to recommend yourself."

PS: Sorry readers and bosses, the book has gradually come to an end recently, and it has gradually come to the final stage of Kawen. I have never written so many words. Everything is so strange. It is also a challenge for me. As a result, there have been no updates for two or three days in a row. Recently, I am trying to adjust my rhythm and try to make the whole story have a good ending. Today I will make up for what I owe.

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