Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 863 Unexpected Harvest


This is not a difficult multiple choice question.

Helping the government is often the best beneficiary.

Ordinary companies do not have this opportunity yet.

So Zhu Youxing has already made a plan, what the other party wants is merit, so he can give it to the other party, and what he wants will be some benefits other than politics.

For example, a large enough piece of land.

Before going to Shizuoka Jiro's home, Takeyuho prepared a brand new game development plan alone in his office.

This project will be a new type of game developed specifically for Shizuoka Jiro's request. In fact, it is a bit reluctant to say that it is a new type, but it should be relatively new to this world.

It just so happened that Zhu Youxing felt that this world had also come to a time period suitable for the debut of this game.

The time during the day is enough for Zhu Youxing to finalize the general plan, and the rest is to present this game to Shizuoka Jiro at that time.

Shizuoka Jiro's home is a single-family house with a large area.

It is not easy to have such a house in Tokyo.

This also proves that Shizuoka Jiro is at least a person with a little background, not a minister of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology who started from scratch.

"Welcome, welcome, Mr. Zhuyou, I have admired your name for a long time."

Take Yusei just got out of the car with Aya Tsukino and stood at the door of Shizuoka Jiro's house. Shizuoka Jiro went out to greet him wearing a kimono that looked like he was specially designed to receive distinguished guests, looking very sincere.

He quickly walked up to Zhu Youxing, showed a very bright smile and held Zhu Youxing's hand: "Welcome Mr. Zhuyou to my home, please come in."

At the same time, there was a very gentle woman who came out with Shizuoka Jiro. She also began to entertain Tsukino Aya very enthusiastically, and even started to call Tsukino Aya directly as a sister.

Tsukino Aya is somewhat uncomfortable with this, but perhaps it is because Shizuoka Jiro has already investigated Tsukino Aya who is next to Takeyusei in advance, knowing some of Tsukino Aya's habits, Shizuoka Jiro's wife is not too close Get closer, but keep a certain distance to make Aya Tsukino a little more comfortable.

Up to now, Aya Tsukino's physical contact phobia has basically disappeared, but she still has some reservations about her habits.

Under the warm welcome, Zhu Yuxing followed Shizuoka Jiro into the courtyard of Shizuoka Jiro's home.

This is a fairly standard Japanese-style courtyard. There is a pool in the center, and there are a few ornamental fish swimming in it. Behind the pool is an independent tea room, which is usually met by Jiro Shizuoka. place for guests.

However, Shizuoka Jiro did not directly invite Zhu Youxing to the tea room this time, but directly led Zhu Youxing to the living area behind.

Zhu Youxing, who has decades of experience, already understands that the other party intends to seriously discuss some matters with him, which also shows that the other party is also very eager to improve his political performance.

Shizuoka Jiro finally brought Zhu Yuxing to the living room of the living area, and the attendants quickly brought some simple refreshments and the best tea.

"Mr. Takeyou, please don't be restrained, just treat this place as your own home and relax."

Shizuoka Jiro spoke enthusiastically, and then poured tea for Zhu Youxing himself, with a full demeanor of big ears, and didn't care at all whether his doing so would affect his status and majesty.

"Mr. Shizuoka, you don't have to be too polite, just treat us as friends."

"Ah, this is the best, this is the best, so that the relationship between us can be drawn closer."

Shizuoka Jiro was also very happy, if Takeyuho was polite to him, it would not be easy for him to say something.

So Shizuoka Jiro stopped being polite, but just directly and enthusiastically invited Zhu Youxing to taste tea, and to taste some refreshments carefully prepared by his wife.

To be honest, there is still no big difference between the good and the bad for Zhu Youxing, who drinks tea or something. He usually drinks less of this kind of thing. If he drinks the most, it may be a certain functional drink, which is probably similar to A drink like the Red Bull in the previous life.

The two chatted a little bit about work and life, which means they have some understanding of each other, and at the same time, it can be regarded as Takeyusei and Shizuoka Jiro testing each other's personality and other aspects.

In the end, after getting a good understanding, Shizuoka Jiro also expressed his expectations very directly.

"Mr. Zhuyou, let me tell you directly. Before meeting you, I have already met with several well-known cultural product companies, including your opponent Su Rui Electronics, and I will also invite you after you. Some other cultural enterprises have come to help me, I actually have a big plan, but what I can assure you is that you are the first distinguished guest I personally invite to the living room of my living area."

In the past, Shizuoka Jiro has a deep memory of Zhu Yuxing's shining performance again and again.

When he was the head of a small department in a region, he heard that Youxing Electronic Entertainment has driven the economy of Tokyo, Osaka and other regions. Japan.

Shizuoka Jiro admires people like Zhu Yuxing from the bottom of his heart, so his standard of treating Zhu Yuxing is also very different from other people.

Other companies will at least have some ups and downs, but Youxing Electronic Entertainment is making great strides and is very strong.

Zhu Yuxing heard the key point in Shizuoka Jiro's words: "Large plan?"

"That's right, Mr. Takeyou, you must have heard of the Kuri Japan plan, right?"

Zhu Youxing's heart skipped a beat: "Of course I have."

"This is the last cultural communication plan proposed by my predecessor, Mr. Asakusa, before he retired from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. It intends to let people in the world have a good impression of us by promoting Japanese culture, food, tourism and other projects. More interest, while this cool Japan project also…”

Shizuoka Jiro talked about a lot of related concepts to Zhu Yuxing, but Zhu Yuxing did not interrupt, but listened patiently, and occasionally nodded in agreement.

In the end, Shizuoka Jiro seemed a little thirsty after talking for more than ten minutes, then stopped to drink tea and sighed: "I have to say that the plan left by Senior Asakusa before retirement is really very visionary. , In the past few years, the Cool Japan Project has been promoted in an orderly manner, but it has not been fully disclosed to the public before, and now Mr. Takeyou, will you be surprised to hear this plan?"

Zhu Youxing shrugged lightly and said, "It's actually okay."

"Okay?" Shizuoka Jiro was slightly taken aback.

At this time, Zhu Youxing said with a smile: "If I said that the plan for the word "Cool Japan" was proposed to your senior Asakusa, how would you feel?"


Shizuoka Jiro opened his eyes wide.

Shizuoka Jiro originally planned to see Takeyusei's very surprised expression, but now it's the other way around.

Cool Japan...was Mr. Takeyou who proposed it?

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