Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 888 I'm willing to do anything


Christmas is a popular time of year for video game sales.

If there is a new game console or a new game is released, Christmas sales can often be better than usual.

People at this time are often not too stingy.

Unless you are a top game company like Youxing Electronic Entertainment, no one will easily miss the time of Christmas.

During this period of time, countless game companies will go crazy and try to get a little exposure.

Advertising fees during this time period are also the most expensive.

At this moment, a game is being played on the big screen in Times Square in New York, USA.

'The latest work of the Sun Knight series is on sale! Welcome to the adventure world of Sun Knight! '

'The game will be available on the PC platform, as well as the first-party console platform of Surui Electronics! '

After more than ten years of operation, the Sun Knight series of games has become the highlight of Su Rui Electronics.

The latest Sun Knight new work launched this year has been placed high expectations by Suri Electronics.

Because of the cooperative relationship with Youxing Electronic Entertainment, Zhuyouxing did not release its popular game works during this time period, which was regarded as an opportunity for partners to make good money and jointly deal with Mi Kefu, a US company.

For this reason, Su Rui Electronics even spent twice as much publicity and distribution funds as before, just to grab more advertising resources for publicity and crowd out Mi Kefu's publicity channels.

On Christmas Eve, the Sun Knights also delivered a pretty good answer.

Sales on the first day exceeded two million.

This can be regarded as the last historic breakthrough for Surui Electronics.

Except for the game works of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, it is very difficult for the game works launched by other game companies to sell more than one million on the first day.

As for the sales volume exceeding two million on the first day, it is an unattainable dream.

And this time Su Rui Electronics finally broke through its own shackles and successfully entered the first-day sales club of two million.

The biggest credit is naturally the result of the festival and the crazy publicity investment.

And when some people are happy, others will be sad.

For the first time, Mickford's MK series of smartphones saw a decline in sales during a popular holiday like Christmas.

In the past, more than one million smartphones were sold around the world during this festival, but this year it did not achieve this achievement.

Moreover, the sales volume of the PC industry, which Myron Case has always insisted on, continues to decline wildly.

Until now, he finally understood how much influence video games can bring.

Mickford's smartphone entertainment content is also relatively rich.

But the most popular games, software, etc. are not part of Mickford.

Facebook, as the largest social platform, also refuses to log in to Mickford's smartphone platform. If you want to use it, you can only access it through the web page, which is a very bad experience.

But facebook's own smartphone can get the best experience.

Moreover, in order to avoid the suspicion of being a monopoly, Facebook also launched corresponding social software for the smartphones and PC operating systems launched by Morgan Group.

Just don't give better support to Mickford, which will virtually make more people unwilling to use Mickford's products.

Even if Mickford's products look cooler.

But this is a bit like the Sony mobile phone in the original world, which is not useful.

No matter how unique the design concept is, no matter how good the performance and functions are, if there is no software or game they want to play, they will still give up without hesitation.

It's not that Mickford doesn't have his own game development team, nor does he have some software development teams of his own.

But how could his company be able to defeat the joint confrontation including Su Rui Electronics, Facebook, and Morgan Group?

Among them, there is another biggest promoter, that is Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Mickford did not live well because of this.

Christmas is over, and Mickford's disaster is not over yet.

Because the popularity of Sun Knight of Su Rui Electronics has just gone down, the number of people who bought game consoles and PCs that support games gradually began to decrease, but then the game of Yuxing Electronics Entertainment was released.

And this game is still the game that players are most looking forward to: Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

Myron Keith especially remembers how players reacted to the trailer for Final Fantasy VII Remake at StarCon last year.

They seemed to be experiencing the happiest thing in the world. Many players were filled with happy smiles and shouted crazily.

This is the power of the series of games. No matter how hard Mickford works, it is impossible to make up this gap in a short time.

Even if the game made by Mickford is called a masterpiece, players will still have preconceptions and prefer Final Fantasy.

2014 has just arrived, and the remake of Final Fantasy 7 is on sale as scheduled.

"Boss, I bought the game you wanted."

At Mickford's company headquarters, an employee came to Myron Case with the recently purchased Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

"Put it in the game console, I want to see what's good about this work that is sought after by countless players."

Myron Keith was very unwilling.

He had already heard of the title of Final Fantasy.

However, he had a certain prejudice against video games in the past, which made him not want to play games other than Tetris.

But this time, he also broke his own exception.

On the day Final Fantasy 7 was released, the sales of his MK mobile phone and his own PC products plummeted again.

If in the past he believed that the decline of his products was due to the quality and performance of the products themselves, now he can be sure that video games are definitely one of the culprits affecting the sales of his products.

He himself has almost forgotten that he relied on the portability and multi-function features of the MK smartphone to directly kill the handheld industry of traditional video games.

But how long has passed now, Youxing Electronic Entertainment led its own joint army, and in turn used video games to regain the market that belonged to him.

He is not reconciled, why can video games do this?

It's not that our products are not good enough, but that our competitors are better than you.

It's just that he really wants to see with his own eyes where video games are full of magic and why they can regain the market.

The employee obediently put the Final Fantasy 7 remake into the game console, then he stared at the screen intently, listening to a familiar melody, he couldn't help humming the tune slowly following the rhythm.

"Did you enjoy the game?" Myron Keith asked, noticing the employee's reaction.

"Uh, sorry boss, I can't help but..."

"It's okay, what I want to know now is do you like this game very much?"

The employee hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded vigorously: "I like it very much, so much that I would do anything if I could play this game."

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