Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 891 Squeeze


In Zhu Youxing's heart, the remake of Final Fantasy 7 is a love letter to players who once loved this game.

While welcoming the new era, this game also gives old players a chance to make up for their past regrets.

This time, history may be rewritten.

And this game is also the most popular recently.

It is not uncommon for Mickford to appear.

When the day of the release of Final Fantasy 7 Remake arrived, players in many parts of the world chose to ask for leave uniformly.

And their reasons are of course all kinds of strange, in short, few people dare to directly say that they asked for leave for playing games.

Most of them are adults in their twenties and thirties.

They all experienced the charm of Final Fantasy 7 in their youngest and most energetic era, and thus left a deep impression on this game.

And when the game is officially released, when they see a high-definition version of Cloud, Tifa, Alice and many other characters, some people will even be moved to tears.

That was their youth.

That was their childhood.

In a bustling city, an adult in his thirties almost flew away from the company. He drove his car out of the company parking lot quickly.

"Hey, wife, I'm going back later today. I'm a little busy these two days. You can eat first, don't wait for me."

"Yes, yes, working with my colleagues."

"Don't worry, I won't be hungry, love you!"

The man hung up the phone, then turned a corner at the corner of a street, and drove in the opposite direction from his work place to his home.

"Alice, Tifa, here I come!"

The man's eyes are very divine.

This is the second day after he got the Final Fantasy 7 remake game. On the first day, he successfully finished the first five chapters, and has reached the first key point of the story.

The story background setting of Final Fantasy 7 is already familiar to him and he can no longer be familiar with it.

A magical world has a kind of energy called Mako, and a giant company in this world, Shinra Corporation, controls this power, and uses Mako as a kind of energy just like human beings dig oil in the real world.

However, the oil collected by human beings in the real world will not have any impact on the planet, but in the story of Final Fantasy 7, the more energy used by Mako, the more it will push the civilization of this world to the brink of destruction.

The protagonist Claude, as a Shinra warrior who has experienced great storms, finally chooses to launch the Shinra Company and becomes an independent mercenary. He only works for money, and he accepts anything, as long as the money is enough.

In the following story, Claude gradually unlocked the secrets in his body, and at the same time met some good partners.

The main characters are two female characters, one named Alice and the other named Tifa.

The man still remembered that when he played Final Fantasy for the first time, he already regarded Alice and Tifa as the goddesses in his heart.

At that time, he thought that if he could have one of these two as his wife, he should be happy for the rest of his life.

However, the reality is that he can't find such a perfect goddess in the game.

However, he also loves his current wife very much, but perhaps because of the seven-year itch, it is gradually difficult for him to regain his former passion.

It wasn't until the release of the remake of Final Fantasy 7 that he suddenly had a feeling of rediscovering the impulsiveness of his youth.

Therefore, in order to play this game without any scruples, he specially rented a house outside for playing games.

This house is his safe haven in life, which can make him forget all the trivial troubles in life, so that he can only immerse himself in the joy of games.

Of course, you absolutely dare not tell your wife directly about this kind of thing.

So he could only lie to his wife that he was busy at the company, but in fact he went to his rental house to play games.

He is now even thinking about whether to rent this house for a long time in the future, and this place will become his eternal safe haven.

Well, that's it!

He drove excitedly towards the house he rented out.

However, what he didn't know was that his every move had already been watched by his wife.

His wife was a little confused when her husband came back late on the first day, and then called a colleague whom her husband knew well to ask when her husband would come back.

The answer she got was that instead of working overtime these days, her husband often left the company as soon as he got off work.

The wife was stunned that her husband was lying to her.

But...why would you lie to yourself?

Could it be...he had an affair?

She could think of no other reason.

It made her sad and it made her angry.

But she still held back, not wanting to destroy the family.

But the husband got worse and worse.

He'd been lying for days about being late home.

Finally, at the instigation of her friends, she chose to follow her husband, and she wanted to expose his lies herself.

Even if it might ruin their marriage completely.

"Let me tell you, a man will learn to be bad if he has money. Now that he has just become a department head, he must have started to go bad!"

"I have long seen that this guy is abnormal. I'm sorry my good friend. I didn't tell you about it, but don't worry, I will uphold justice for you today!"

Behind the man's car is the shadow of his wife following him.

And when they secretly heard her husband say Alice, Tifa and other very obvious female names in the car, the wife couldn't hold back even more.

She angrily smashed the eavesdropping device.

"I worked so hard to maintain my family, but you actually did it for two women... two women..."

"Wow, this guy is so careless, and he is so rich that he can secretly have a tryst with two women at the same time, and it sounds like this bastard can take care of two women at the same time, it is unforgivable!"

At this moment, the wife and her girlfriends have included the man in the scope of the death penalty.

Waiting for them to catch a reveal now!

"Absolutely want a divorce! And absolutely can't forgive this guy!"

The man had no idea that he was being followed, and a monitoring device was installed in the car. All he could think about now was Alice and Tifa.

In the second chapter of the game, when he saw the high-definition Tifa, he immediately trembled with excitement.

She's so beautiful, I'm afraid there are only such beautiful women in games.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a Japanese game, but it is more eye-catching than those European and American games that often create ugly characters.

He has made up his mind that he will only buy Japanese games in the future, those European and American games? Hehe, it's okay if there is no female main character, if there is, he will definitely not buy it.

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